Not everyone who tells the truth is from God, learn to discern!

                                              WATCH OUT FOR FALSE PROPHETS                                                

Shalom! to all of you my beloved blog followers. I hope you are all great and in good health, this rainy friday night. And that God will bless you with a happy weekend with many good memories to take with you to the rest of your journey of life. I hope those of you who not already have done so, will choose this weekend to accept Jesus/Yeshua in your hearts as Lord and savior, so your journey can begin with the only way, truth and the life, who sent you on this earth in the first place, and has a special plan for you. He loves you more than anyone else ever will! and wants you as an addition to his family, there is room for more children in God's kingdom. He can forgive you for whatever you have done and set you free from whatever bondage you have, if you put your faith and trust in him, and choose to walk in obedience to his word, he can help you, just go to him, while you still have time. 

Tonight i felt God want me to write about, the danger of false prophets, which is a problem that will arise to a bigger and bigger mountain the closer we come to Yeshuas return( Jesus return ). Satan, the enemy of our souls is a great deceiver, and will use every person he can to deceive you away from the salvation, love, mercy and peace only found in Yeshua(Jesus). In Yeshuas kingdom, and in his family, there are good hearted born again christians/messianic jews, who have the gift of prophecy, and also have the gifts of "words of wisdom" and" words of knowlegde" and God uses them to help other people, to save souls and to build up and guide also the ones who already are saved. 

When you enter a spiritually anointed church/gathering among christians/Messianic jews, it should not surprise you, that some of them might come to you and speak prophetically in to your life.

You might hear what your gifts are, where God has called to send you to reach souls for his kingdoms, what kind of bondage you are in and Jesus/Yeshua wants to help you, or what kind of wounds Yeshua/Jesus wants to heal from your past. Or who your future spouse is, how many children you will have and where God wants to place you to serve him. Or what kind of sin God wants you to repent of, and that makes him very sad. He might be given knowledge from God, about something you never have talked about with anybody, only thought about, or some traumatic happening in your past that you never shared with anyone, but God wants to heal.  It has happened to me, in several different churches, and now I get happy whenever I see and hear it, because for me it is a lovely sign that the spiritual gifts are at work in that church or/and in that fellow believers life.

But I know, just like God has told in the Bible, that not all people who claim to be prophets, or even all people who can speak about your future, gets the information from God. There are witches, fortune tellers and false prophets, who are sent even to churches, as wolfes clothed in cheep clothing, and they are under the influence and guidance of Satan, who sents them to other people so he can take a grip over their lives. Involvement in the occult, both for the one who practices it and who visit the one who practice it, gives Satan a claw in to their lives, and causes curses to come upon the people involved in it. And if the prophet( even if he says he is a christian) is involved in any occult practice, even unknowingly practicing it by himself, by trying to manipulate or dominate the people he speaks to or prays for, then the evil spirits influencing him easily can jump in to the lives of people in need.

John 4:1. Matthew 24:24. Matthew 7:15 speaks about this issue.

There are of course good people, even among practicing witches/fortune tellers etc, who have families, love them and care for them and their friends just like we do.  Who don't neccesary do what they do to harm themselves or other people. For them fortune telling is just a way to earn an income. They might even think they are helping others, and at the same time, they earn a living. And they have big names and celebrities visit them, because they say stuff that is true, and that will happen in their future.

But the fact is still, that the information this witches/fortune tellers/mediums etc get, comes from Satan and his evil spirits. And they are in spiritual darkness and in danger of loosing their souls forever, unless they repent, turn back to Yeshua/Jesus ask him to forgive them and let go of every connection they have to their past life. They do need people who know about spritual warfare, born again christians/messianic jews, to pray for their deliverance from evil spirits too, that is the same situation for all who have been involved in it. I was at age 16 to curious for my best, and went to a witch house despite God warning me, during a school trip. And it opened a gate of God knows how many evil sprits who used to torment me at night. I had to renounce it all, before I could be completely free from all negative influences it has given me in the spirit world. Its taken me 24 years, to get free from everything that I and my ancestors let in, with the choices they had taken  while they where here, and the unkowingly bad choices I took before I knew better and grew in spiritual discernment.

It is written in the Bible after all. In Galatians 5:20-21: Idolatry,sorcery,enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger,rivalries,dissensions,divisions,envy, drunkeness, orgies and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

You might wonder, how do you know who is a false prophet and who is not?

Here I have some ways, I have myself heard of and will share with you.

1. Know your Bible! and compare what they say with what is written in the Bible. If they say anything at all, that goes against what is written in the word of God, then they are false prophets. Some famous examples of our days is lies like this: " don't worry, you are saved by grace, live as your wish marry who you wish even the same gender if that is what makes you happy, you won't loose your salvation!! As long as you love Jesus/Yeshua, you can live exactly how you want.  Or "There is no such thing as sin, the ones who say there is a sin are judgemental, extremist , right wing cult members, God doesnt judge, hell doesn't exist its just a way to scare people, all people who are good will go to heaven!

What is written in:  Matthew 19:4-6 Genesis2:24 1th Corinthians 6:18-19 1th Thessalonians 4:3-4

Revelation 21:8. Daniel 12:2-3 Revelation 20:14-15 1 Samuel 2:2. Leviticus 20:26. 1th Corinthians 3:16-17.

Is already clearly against those kind of teachings. 

2. Take care of your relationship with Jesus/Yeshua, by seeking his face in prayer , worship and personal heart to heart, soul to soul, spirit to spirit talks. Read his word, and spend time speaking to him and obeying him. You more you spend time with God, you more your spirit will grow in sensitivity. Don't be proud when he says you have done something he dislikes, and automatically think that is not from God because he would not "judge" me! just apologize. And let him guide you to his will. 

Be sure you feed your mind the right stuff, not tv programs or movies that scare you, and make you doubt Gods protection. What you see on a daily basis, what you feed your mind with, affects your thoughts and actions. And it absolutely affects your faith! so feed your faith, everyday. With Gods word, with worship music, with everything that helps you grow, bible teachings, with personal speaking time with God etc.

3. If the holy spirit gives you a bad feeling, about a specific prophet, teacher, spiritual leader or "man/woman of God" dont dismiss it and think its just your own feelings. Ask God instead why you feel this way. It is easy even amongs us christians, that we even doubt our spiritual sensitivity sometimes, when we feel something the rest of the crowd don't feel. Or that we will be judged as bad judgemental people when we share that this dude/lady doesnt feel right. Especially if it is about a famous person who has a good name, a big name and everyone else seem to think they are soo anointed and soo great, they could not possible be involved in something dark??!

 But don't dismiss it because "the others dont feel anything" it could still be a warning from God. It could simply mean you have the gift or spiritual discernment or the gift of prophecy, and the others don't or wont listen to the warning they might feel even if they do.

 Seek Jesus/Yeshuas face and ask.

4. Does he/she uplift himself/herself or Jesus/Yeshua? when you go to that church, and listen to that preacher/prophet etc, does he speak mostly about his or hers achievments or big name, or does he let Jesus/Yeshua be the center of attention. What God has done, what God wants to do and will do. And what he says in his word, that should be the main topic. Not 2 hours bragging about how great he/she is.  And he or she should not either demand money if they are to pray for sick people.

This is clear in the Bible. Acts 8:18-22.

All the spiritual gifts we have, Jesus/Yeshua gave us for free, and we should be willing to pray for people for free.

That doesnt mean its wrong for example to sell books that the christian writers have spent hours to write, and the money they get they use as a salary or means to help some poor people to get Bibles. 

But to make the church of God a bussiness center, that only the one who have most money get to be blessed with prayers and sit at the best places etc, and where everything costs, that is wrong.  Jesus got angry when bussiness replaced prayer too, and not just ordinary bussiness, they where doing unlegal things there too. Its clearly written in Matthew 21:12-13

If the center of attention and applaudes and glory, the entire sermon, is focused on the prophet/preacher/pastor / spiritual leader, who mostly speak about himself or money, then that  is a warning flag. And the fact that he has said several prohpecies that didnt happen. Its easy to because of your own curiosity, believe the so called prophets who say the know about the exact year and month of Yeshuas/Jesus return. Its not Biblical either. Read Matthew 24:36

5. Does he say that there are other way to eternal life than through Yeshua/Jesus? its easy to fall in to teachings that sound so friendly and inclusive, when they say that all people go to heaven, no matter what religion they have. And that Jesus/Yeshua sits in a spiritual table in heaven, sharing glory and communion with prophet Muhammed, Buddha etc. And together they take us to eternal paradise.

But it is a lie and a deception. Jesus says in John 14:6: I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the father, except through me.

And it is written also in 1 John 2:22-23:  Who is the liar, if its not the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the Antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father, but whoever confesses the Son has the Father as well.

That is all for tonight. I wish you a blessed weekend, and I hope whoever you are, you will one day choose Yeshua/Jesus as your savior, or hold on to your faith despite future trials of fire, so we can spend eternity together with our Lord, in a new world after his return. I a place with no tears, sicknesses or poverties. Only pure holiness and happiness. In unity with eachother and our Lord.

Blessings/ Tanja


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