God wants us also to remember to take care of our health



Shalom! to all of you my beloved blog followers. I hope you are doing great this time and hour. I have been fighting a virus a couple of days, but its leaving in Jesus name. I will not give in to the corona scare, since I know there are several dussins if not hundreds of different bugs out there, and what I have seems to be no different than what I have gone throught in the past.  Just some cough and yellow slime, no biggie. The fever left quickly too. It was a short visit.

I hope you will have a blessed weekend, by God's grace. And I hope you all will someday choose Jesus/Yeshua as your Lord, as I have, so you can enter in Gods will totally and eventually spend eternity with us in a world with no fears, diseases, sadness, pain or death. Totally surrounded by Gods holyness and glory. You who already have chosen to follow Yeshua/Jesus, I hope you will keep growing in your spiritual maturity, as you spend time with him and his word, and seeking his face on a daily basis. I wish you all the best. Because I know you are precious, and God has a special plan for all of you.

Just a couple of hours ago, I was asking God, if there was something I have forgot to write and teach about in my blog, and what it was that God wanted me to write about tonight.

And I sensed the holy spirit tell me three times, that he wanted me to write about overeating.

Many of us christians are careful to not drink to much alcohol, we avoid smoking because we know it is bad fur us,  and dealing with other drugs. We make sure we wait with sex until marriage, or get married when we or our partners get pregnant so the child will not be born out o wedlock. We care so much about what we have been taught since childhood.

But there is one area, where I have probably never heard any preacher or pastor speak against, and that is overeating. Often after church meetings, christian people spend time together drinking coffee, talking with eachother, and eat after being served one unhealthy alternative after another. At least here in Sweden and I have noticed in Finland that is a part of our after church traditions.

Sometimes there are "healthier" alternatives, like sandwiches, but everything else is basically buns, cookies, muffins, cupcakes, chocolate cake and sugar filled soft drinks, especially to the kids who dont drink coffee usually.

That is how I grew up. And that is often the enviroment that is served for all people today, not only christians in churches. It can be the same at other celebrations. When you meet other people and get to know them in town. At easter, christmas and halloween.  

And I have myself fought against overweight and obesity for several years now. I am not perfect. I am still fat and I still struggle with it. But I am trying to improve myself. Had I not been sick, I would have kept my daily walk step goal of at least 7000 steps and kept walking. I hardly ever drink soft drinks and try to keep sweets to the weekends.

But I see everywhere I go, that it is a very common problem. Even in church. And with obesity and overweight, comes diabetes, gluten sensitivity/intolerance, vitamin D defiency, pain in muscles and joints, high blood pressure, heart problems,headaches and breathing problems. It even increases the risk for some cancer forms. Here is some medical links about this issue:



We don't think or even talk about this issues too often, not even as christians. And I have hardly ever during my upbringing, heard that many sermons about it, only a few come to my mind, and one is from pastor Vlad, and one is from pastor Derek Prince. I can't find them on youtube right now, or else I would have shared them. 

But I did find something similar, where you can learn about how to be set free from demonic influence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vnG7x16IRk 

And here is a brother from Christ who speaks about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQDNiA_kRyE

It is though, important that we take care of the bodies God gave us. We christians, our bodies are even called the temples of of the holy spirit. God lives in us. And he doesn't want us to not take well care of the temples that he chose to live in.

God loves us, all of us, our spirits, souls AND our bodies. And he doesn't want us to live shorter lives or sicker lives, only because we chose the wrong diet. 

We will be accountable for  that too, what we chose to eat and drink while we where on earth. Just like with everything else.

If the struggles can't be overcome with discipline, then Jesus/Yeshua can help us to full freedom, if we turn to him so he can help us, it can be related to a spiritual wound from childhood not dealt with, or even demonic influence, there really is such a thing called spirit of gluttony. 

If you want to stop eating sweets and unhealthy stuff, but simply can't, it most certainly is an evil spirit of gluttony or sugar addiction you are dealing with, and that you need people to pray for and minister to you about, in Jesus name, people who know about spritual warfare. Born again christians who have dealt with evil spirits before. Jesus can set you free from everything, as long as you are willing to obey him. Sometimes the addiction is connected to unforgiveness, and to get free you need to forgive who offended you and leave the judgement to God. Sometimes it is connected to a life of sin, that causes emotional distress and depression, and to get free you need to repent from that sin.

And sometimes you simply are born with it(  because of what your mother  grandmother or greatgrandmother/father have done and that opened the door to evil spirit of gluttony), or while still in your mothers womb, experienced a lot of stress, that caused you to crave unhealthy stuff later on. I have read about those connections too.


I suspect that was the case with my mother, and paternal grandfather, who where both born in to poor conditions and most certainly experienced stress in the womb. My grandfather died at age 71 I think it was stroke or heart attack, still not sure what it was, but he was obese. And he just fell down on the ground like hit by a lightning. And my grandmother worried a lot when she found out about being pregnant carrying my mum. 

And even I experienced stress in my mothers womb, since my older sister was sick all the time and that stressed my mother while she was carrying me, and she worked in a place where she accidently was exposed to some chemicals she didn't know could be harmful for her or me. It makes sense to me.

Either way, God can help you. And he wants you to deal with it. He wants you to eat healthy food, get enough exercise and glorify him with your bodies. He would not have sent me to write about this issue if it didnt bother him.

Its written in his word too.

Proverbs 25:28: A man without self -control is like a city broken into and left withour walls.

1th Corinthians 10:31: So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, to all to the glory of God.

I don't think anything that harms us, glorifies God at all. I am not saying its not okay to eat sweets and unhealthy food sometimes, many women crave chocolate during PMS and periods, I included. I am talking about making it a lifestyle, to eat and drink whats harmful for you. Eating and drinking too much, and live a life where you hardly exercise, is not good for anyone.

It should never be a lifestyle. Because it harms us, and since God loves us, he wants us to repent about this issue even in his body, in his churches.

Too much white sugar, gluten and even dairy products, have been shown causing health problems in people. Together with too much red meat like pork, and other unhealthy choices like smoking.





God is by the way, working with me about this issue. So I am walking forward under his guidance and have lost a couple of kilos already. Like I said, it is something I struggle with too. But God is with me and I am moving forward. And I believe he can help you too. Just be willing to repent and turn to him with this issue.

This is all from me tonight. And now, I wish you a blessed weekend. You are worth a happy and healthy life. And Jesus/Yeshua loves you!

Shalom/ Tanja


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