The Catholic church is not in the will of Jesus


                                                 WARNING ABOUT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH

Shalom! to all of my beloved blog followers. I hope you are in fine health, physically, spiritually and emotionally this day and hour. I really wish the best for you all, whoever you are. Since you are created in the image of God, and Yeshua/Jesus has a special plan just for you. All of you have been sent to this earth because God wanted you to be here. To enter his will, you need to be willing to repent from your sins, and accept Yeshua/Jesus in your heart as Lord and Savior, then he can cleanse you from all of your sins and you can enter into relationship with your creator, then also savior and Lord, and you don't need to be slave to fear, since you have always him by your side. God wants a relationship wit you, and throught God the son, Jesus/Yeshua you can enter into that relationship and he can guide you to his will and form you more and more to the person you would have been without the fallen nature inside you, that came to existence when Adam and Eve fell.

I hope and pray that whoever you are, you have your hearts right with God, if not now, then before it is too late. Jesus/Yeshua is the only way, truth and the life, the only way you can get to God the father. And he loves you very much and he can heal you from all your wounds, you just need to hand them over to him, and be willing to forgive the ones who hurt you. 

He wants his children to walk in obedience, why its important we read his word and let it bear fruit in our hearts and lives. So many christians live in disobedience, and think that because God loves them, its okay to do what you want and live as you want. But that is not true. That would not be real love, real love has submissions, sacrifices and commitment. As a married woman/man or even unmarried with a partner that you love, would you want your partner have sex with other people? in the name of love? the answer is no.

The same goes when you enter Gods kingdom and family, he wants you to stick to him and not play with other religions or have idols( that includes the popular yoga and/or anything that steals away all your time so you don't have time to seek Gods face in prayer, personal relationship and reading his word, like TV or even facebook)

Today I felt like God wanted me to warn about something, that I know might upset some people( probably will) but since I don't like hypocrisy , and neither does Jesus, and I will once again practice what  I preach. He told me to write about it, and one way or another he will use it to reach someone.

Its about the Catholic church. First I must tell you all, I know some very God fearing good hearted Catholics, who take part in pro life manifestations and take stand against killing unborn children, and even are helpful with other different charity groups allover world serving the poor and needy. Which is totally biblical. Catholics that love Jesus. I don't have anything personal against catholics. I have only met one mean one in my entire life, and that was on twitter. I also know there are born again Catholics who speak in tongues and God uses in many different ways.

But in my spirit, already for several of years ago, I started to feel warnings about the church itself.

I was born in a pentecostal family, was a member to a pentecostal church, and went to different pentecostal churches several times as a child and teenager, and young adult. Therefore I didn't use to know that much about the Catholic church. Not more than I have seen in TV, hollywood movies, where children prayed Hail Mary, kneeling in front of a cross or Mary statue. And I asked mommy why are they praying like this? she said: its because they are catholics. All I knew about catholics, is what I saw in TV. They prayed to Mary.  My family prayed to Jesus. Directly. 

Later on I have visited catholic churches, and admired the beauty of them, the paintings where and still are amazing in them.

And I have read about the Catholic church too. Both books and visited website where people wrote they prayers.

Now I know more. I know they call the pope a holy father, and he is supposed to replace Jesus/Yeshua before his return, some sort of a substitute. I know they pray to Jesus mother Mary, and have several different saints, they even call Jesus apostle Peter Saint Peter, and the angel Michael they call Saint Michael. And what I read in the website, I saw people ask Saint Peter to intepret their prayers to Jesus/Yeshua. Like Jesus/Yeshua would need someone else to tell him what people where praying. They also believe children need to be baptized and cleansed because the sinful nature in them.

And they believe in the purgatory.( A hell after life all people even christians must go through before being purged and then they can go to heaven) And when I watched movies where I saw catholics, and had a deeper discussion with one wery young catholic, I saw some of them seem to worry about being good enough catholics. Like their salvation was dependent on their goodness, Not Gods. When I pointed out that if you trust in Jesus as a savior, you don't have to worry about going to hell, this young catholic clearly pointed out, that I can see you are not a catholic. He seemed to be afraid of not being good enough too and struggled with insecurity about his eternity.

I have even bought crosses and even been given a cross as a present, and a picture of the church or previous popes and saints where hidden in the necklaces. All which Jesus personally told me to get rid of. Here you can read more about this.

I have a personal relationship with Jesus/Yeshua, and that I can have because he redeemed me by his precious blood. He has told me that his mother Mary( or hebrew name Miriam) never wanted to be worshipped. And I have heard the angel Michael tell me that he never asked to become a saint.

I am a spiritually sensitive person, I can hear God speak, and I can hear angels speak, and I have been noticing that even angels take part in your thought life.  It might sound strange to you. But it is my life and the life of others who also know Jesus as a person. 

I also have sensed in my spirit that Jesus/Yeshua does not approve of the pope. There is no fully perfect man on earth, who have not sinned, that includes the pope. We all need Jesus/Yeshua and his grace to be saved.

I have also had prophetic dreams about catholic church members, like tha vatican, persecuting protestants like they have also done in the past, like already at the time of Luther. The movie of Luther is amazing and should be watched, for all who don't know about the past of the Catholic church and how the reformation came to pass.

I am 100% sure that one day when Catholic church has grown big enough, they will like before, start persecuting protestants.  This is one reason I find faults in what the pope does:

Even though I also think we should love eachother, and respect eachother, regardless of what you believe or don't believe, I don't believe we can spiritually call muslims our brothers and sisters, only because we have Abraham as a common link. Because It is written in the Bible, that who denies Jesus also denies the father. And muslims don't believe Jesus/Yeshua is the son of God. He is only a prophet, a honoured one of course, but not God's son.  And we christians, know that Jesus/Yeshua is the son of God, he has said it himself. I will share some biblical verses that support what I say, these are the words of Jesus/Yeshua:

John 14:1-10: Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. My fathers house has many rooms : if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?

And If i go and prepare a place for you , I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be, where I am. You know the way to the place I am going.

Thomas said to him: Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?

Jesus answered: I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on , you do know him and have seen him.

Philip said: Lord, Show us the father and that will be enough for us.

Jesus answered:  Don't you know me ,Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? How can you say: show us the Father?  Don't you believe that I am in the Father , and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather it is the Father , living in me, who is doing his work.

These are the real words of Jesus, if you don't believe me, buy or borrow a bible and read for yourself.

Even thought Abraham was a true man of God, he still never was God. And he cannot replace Jesus/Yeshua. Not even in the name of brotherhood or unity. 

Jesus/Yeshua is also the truth, and the truth has no joy in lies, even if it looks better for the people of this world. Trust me when I say, Jesus/Yeshua is not behind any kind of mixing of faiths. If you mix the truth with false doctrins, like to believe in a lie that says everyone can go to heaven with no faith in Jesus/Yeshua at all, and that you don't need to repent from sin, or have Jesus/Yeshua as your Lord or that there are other ways to heaven, then its no longer the truth. Jesus/Yeshua loves you far to much to want you to go to hell believing in one or several lies.

God has told me personally he wants a clean bride, and that his mother never asked to be worshipped. And I am not the only one. Here you can read more about it.

You can also read for yourself what is written in 1th John 2:22-23. Whoever denies the son does not have the  father. It is clear.

As for the unbaptized children, I know all children who die go to heaven.  Because Jesus said in his words, In Matthew 19:14: Jesus said: Let the little children come to me , and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these".

If the kingdom of God already belongs to the children, why do they need to be baptised as  children to be cleansed? Children are innocent and pure, therefore they belong to God.

So, this was all for me. Once again, I know there are good catholics in the world, who love Jesus/Yeshua, but in the end it is who we love and trust that will determ our eternity. Do we trust Jesus/Yeshua and love him? or do we love a church, political leader or spiritual leader with power? do we trust in his mercy, and that his mercy is what saves us, or do we believe we can earn our salvation?

We can't earn our salvation, its written in the Bible too. Read: Ephesians 2:8.

Take care and God bless, and Shalom/ Tanja


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