At easter, let us remember what Jesus did to save us



Shalom! to all of you my beloved blog followers. I hope you are feeling great, and that you will have a blessed easter this weekend. When I walk around in different shopping malls, buying stuff for easter celebration, it looks like there are no thoughts about Jesus anywhere in public places, with excemption of churches of course. I see eggs, bunnies, witches and different flowers. But nowhere do I see a cross, Christian books, movies or anything at all that reminds of Jesus. Yet Easter is called a Christian Holiday, where Christians allover the world, including in Sweden, fast, pray and think a little extra about what Jesus did for us on the cross.
I know I am not the only one in Sweden who is Christian, and it makes me sad when media people and different organizations willingly exclude everything Christian out, while at the same time, they impose HBTQ propaganda everywhere they can, even at Grocery Shop commercials like this one: As a Christian, this is for me and all of us
who are spiritually awake Christians, a sign of moral downfall. And when I have kids, I will probably put them in private schools, so they can be spared from this discusting junk. I have forgiven the people behind this, and I will keep on praying for their souls, because Jesus wants to save them too and HBTQ people have a special place in my prayer list.

With this blog post, I will write a little about the one that really deserves our attention, this easter as well as all easters and rest of the years, this world and in eternity, and his name is Jesus.
Before Jesus was crucified, he carried on the cross all of our sins, all of our curses, all of our pains, emotional as physical.

In many paintings, they have tried to hide the brutality of what Jesus endured to save us. You can only see small marks of blood on his hands and feet, and perhaps few lashes on his back. But in reality he was kicked, spat on, flogged, mocked, hit, they put a Crown of thornes on his head and in the end he was crucified. On the cross, he carried everything. All cancer, all broken hearts, all rapes, all autoimmune diseases, heart problems, tootaches, rejections, starvation and all other kinds of poverty. All because he loved us.  And wanted us to have our relationship with the heavenly father restored so we can forever live with our savior, our creator, the one who sent us here in the first place. He thought of me, he thought of you, he thought of our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren. He wanted to save us from eternal hell. There are only two places you can spend eternity, with God, in eternal paradiese or with Satan, in eternal hell. Jesus is all we got! the only one who can save us! no amount of chocolate eggs, or easter bunnies can ever match that, despite the fact they get much of the attention in public places.

It is written in the word of God( Bible)

John 3:16:  For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Matthew 20:17-19: Now Jesus was going up to Jerusalem. On the way, he took the Twelwe aside and said to them: " We are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and the teachers of the law . They will condemn him to death and will hand him over to the gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified. On the third day he will be raised to life!

If you want to se a more realistic picture of what Jesus endured to save you, I suggest you take time to look at a movie called Passion of The Christ. It was made 2004 and has never ceased to move my heart to tears. Mel Gibson made a great job. But the real price to save us, was payed only by Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamaschiach. And we ought never forget that. He is the Son of God, the only way truth and the life, and he thought of you on the cross. Have a blessed easter! / Tanja



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