Sweden misses over 1.4 million people


                           The cost of free abortion - The loss over 1.4 millions of lives                

Shalom! to all of my beloved blog followers. Its been almost 4 months since my last blog post, and I hope you are happy and healthy. I hope that all of you, have made the choice to follow Jesus/Yeshua and accepted him as Lord and Savior, or one day soon will. He has a special plan for your life, why you are here on this earth for the first place. And I really want you to experience his love and transforming power the way I have. Having the creator of the universe in your heart, and be able to communicate with him, is a special and unique and often wonderful experience. Despite the will battles that arises sometimes, and all the times I need to go to the cross to have my sins cleansed. I am happy Yeshua is there,and will never leave me.
Even thought I always have loved children, it has grown even more during my life as a Christian. Including the knowledge, how much Yeshua really loves us and values us. And how God can use just one specific person, to help many many others, to realize that God has not forgotten them, and that he exists.

Even movies that I watched during my upbrining and youth, have kept that knowledge alive and well. Like the terminator movies ( the first 3) where
John Connor was the one person who was destined to save the entire humanity from destruction of the robots. Even the history books, remind me of that fact, how someone can change lives of many,  like the stories of Franklin Graham, Raoul Wallenberg, Corrie Ten Boom, Princess Diana, , Marthin Luther King, and well known authors  like Astrid Lindgren and C.S Lewis.

And the fact is also clearly in the book of life, the Bible. Like The story of Moses, who could have been killed with many other boys, because of Faraos order to kill all baby boys that where Israelites, but by some miracle and Gods protection survived. And became the one God used to set his people free from the slavery.
Its in Exodus 2/ Andra Mosebok 2
And of course, we ought not forget the importance of Jesus Christ/ Yeshua Hamaschiach. The only way, truth, and the life. The only salvation there is.
Even his life could have ended before his birth, because his mother was meant to marry another man, when she was chosen to be Yeshuas mother, and became the human mother of Gods own son. At her time, women where often stoned when they became pregnant out of wedlock. But God had it all under control, and intervened and convinced Joseph to marry Miriam/Mary and that he did.
Even after the birth of Yeshua/Jesus, the dark forces throught King Herod and his soldiers, tried to get him killed while he was a defenseless baby. But God the father intervened and he survived. So he could later on come forth as the Messiah Israel was waiting for, as the Savior of the entire human race.
Matthew 1:18-25 and Matthew 2:1-14

Throught all times, Satan, who has always been a murderer, has tried to get people killed who had a special calling over their lives. And he has succeeded with his evil spirits, influence humans to want to kill and succed killing innocent children. At old testament time, children to Idol worshippers where killed and sacrificed to Baal.

And because fear and selfishness is a part of our fallen nature, the idea of abortions, have been one of his greatest weapons to destroy lives. That many humans have accepted. Because he knows it has not only killed innocent children, who could have been a threat to him. It has also broken hearts of women, who have nightmares after their abortions suffering with the  feeling of guilt years afterwards. It has even and still keep on killing women together with their unborn children, when complications arise.  Like with 18 year old Holly Patterson:


And it deprives millions of people best friends, coworkers, bosses, doctors, nurses, brothers, sisters, cousins, even spouses. And at our time, brave soldiers.

It really is a brilliant way not just to destroy one human life, but also millions of others. 

And to think, these lives are not missed, and where not needed, is to swallow a big lie that wont be worth a filthy sock when facing God one day.
I do believe in a loving God, who can with his mercy forgive all sins, even the sin of abortions, and he can heal the broken hearts of the women who have suffered after abortions, and knew in their God given conscience, that it was a wrong choice, despite everyone around them trying to tell them othewise.

But to have your sins forgiven, you have to humble yourself and turn to Jesus/Yeshua and with his help forgive yourself and the others who have hurt you.
Many women who have gone through abortions, have had boyfriends who did not understand their pain, parents who have droven them to abortion clinics or threaten to kill them if they kept the baby. Or if survived after trafficking, been forced to go through abortions by their pimps. But Jesus/Yeshua can heal you, if you by chance are one of those women. Just turn to him and let go of the offenders offence and let him  take it.

As long as we keep on finding excuses to let a certain behavior go on, the sin is still there, the blood of innocent children are still on the hands of all working with abortions, who have gone throught them or pushed their girlfriends/spouses/daughters/friends to go through abortions.

And the sin continues, more people are deprived of their lives God intended for them to have. And God cannot reach with his mercy, people he wants to save.
And souls will go lost, forever! If they harden their hearts when God tries to reach them. Our consciences are gifts, given by God, for me it is one of the most strongest evidences of Gods existence, for those who havent gone throught supernatural stuff yet. And who might ask what the proof of Gods existence is.
 It was strong when I was a child and did stupid stuff like hitting my brother, when I was a teen and tasted cigarettes,  and it became even stronger when I chose Yeshua/Jesus as Lord.

Heaven is a holy place, made by a holy God, all who enter heaven has one way or another met Jesus/Yeshua and said yes to him. And had their sins forgiven.
 If you harden your heart, because of pride, hatred, unforgiveness or believing in lies, heaven would be torture for you. If you cant be in a church for 30 minutes listening 20 people singing a Christian song about the mercy of Jesus, how can you stand hearing billions of people sing about the blood of Jesus for eternity? Think about it. Where do you want to spend eternity? if you accept Yeshua/Jesus the music becomes medicine for your soul, and ways for God to give you strenght to face even hard days here on earth. But if you proudly say no to him, and keep on saying no to him, its torture, and you will automatically be drawn to the dark world where Satan  rules. And share his eternity in the end.

Repentence is very important! There are false prophets, even in churches, who takes sin lightly, and mostly for selfish reasons, practically teach that you don't have to repent, you can live as  you wish, and still go to heaven when you die, as long as you have been a god person! and some go even further, saying there is no hell. But they are false teachings. If you don't believe me, read Luke 16:19-31 and  Revelation 21:6

Sweden today, misses 1.4 millions of people, at least!! and with those numbers are not included the secret abortions, the children who where flushed in the toilets and seen by people working wih water treatment.

People we would have needed in hospitals, in schools, in churches, as scientists in science facilities, as soldiers in  the army. People our society miss. People that wanted to live, but their rights where not taken heed to. They are in heaven with Yeshua/Jesus, praying for their families on earth, but they can never do what God called them to do on earth. Like God told me personally one day, when I myself struggled with those thoughts, I said but they go to heaven anyway! he said: I don't need doctors in heaven!

You see, heaven is a place with no sickness. No hardships, no pain and no sin. Some gifts God planted in the unborn children , like skills used in hospitals, will never be used in heaven.
As far as I know, they can't ever get married or have own children either.  Some women, that Swedish media channels often ignore, now regret their abortions because they never had another chance to get pregnant again. You don't know how many chances you get.
You can  read many testimonies right here:

And sins like abortions, bring God's judgement on countries where many support those sins. And then hardships come, like wars, and pandemics, and people proudly often look up to God and blame him. Asking him, why did you let this happen? I suggest those people should look themselves in the mirror and ask: what kind of stuff do I let happen? without caring? When was the last time I asked God for mercy, for myself and other people? When was the last time I humbled myself? asked God to protect me and my family? and tell people he exist? Have I even cared for his existence this far? Have I told my children, Jesus exists and he loves them? and thanked God for sending me them?

Sometimes God must let bad stuff happens to nations, because that is the only way he can get them to seek him. If they see that actions have consequences, like turning backs on God removes part of his protection that so few thanked him for anyway, some will start thinking about the possibility for Gods existence. When politicians and doctors no longer can solve problems.

God not only sees what happens here and now, when he lets stuff happen, they happen for a higher purpose. He thinks: what will save most souls?
But we as humans have responsibility too, to choose who we want as Lord in words and actions. We cannot escape our part in the stories of earth. We cannot blame a God we claim not to believe in, to be the reason for all bad stuff, that we ourselves took part in by rejecting him. If all humans would turn to Jesus in word and actions, the world would not be like it is now. Jesus would return and whats rest of this earth would live forever in happiness with him. But sorry to say, it is not that way. Some people will loose their souls, and some wont.

Its up to you and me thought, who will be our Lord in the end. Yeshua/Jesus or Satan

I have chosen Yeshua/Jesus, who will you choose?



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