I will never celebrate death or fear again

DEATH AND FEAR IS NOT WORTHY OF BEING CELEBRATED Shalom! to all of you, my beloved blog followers. I hope you are fine and healthy, physically and emotionally, and that you will have a blessed weekend, celebrating life instead of death. I know it is hard to stick out from the crowd, and refuse to have any part in Halloween celebrations, but for our and our childrens protections sake, it should still be a battle people should be willing to take. I wasn't always anti Halloween, as a child, I went to Halloween disco, dressed in a scary mask and later on as a young teenager and young adult, I found it fun to have halloween related sounds in my cellphone and watch halloween movies. It was all just for fun. After all "it was only a movie". My friends did it, I did it, with my friends and siblings, and many others did it. I even walked with my school, a ghost walk ...