I will never celebrate death or fear again

                                   DEATH AND FEAR IS NOT WORTHY OF BEING CELEBRATED

Shalom! to all of you, my beloved blog followers. I hope you are fine and healthy, physically and emotionally, and that you will have a blessed weekend, celebrating life instead of death.

I know it is hard to stick out from the crowd, and refuse to have any part in Halloween celebrations, but for our and our childrens protections sake, it should still be a battle people should be willing to take.

I wasn't always anti Halloween, as a child, I went to Halloween disco, dressed in a scary mask and later on as a young teenager and young adult, I found it fun to have halloween related sounds in my cellphone and watch halloween movies. It was all just for fun. After all "it was only a movie". My friends did it, I did it, with my friends and siblings,  and many others did it. I even walked with my school, a ghost walk with classmates looking for "ghosts" with my teachers and schoolmates, having a sleepover in school with Halloween theme. Some of my teachers dressed as ghosts and scared the heck out of us when we where out walking with the other teachers, laughing, and exited for the ghost walk. Before I was even in my teenage years, I had watched both of the ghostbusters movies.Plus with my aunt visited the "ghost house"in the amusement park Gröna Lund in Stockholm.

 And that was before the Harry Potter era began when I was 17. Later on came Pet Cemetery, Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm street. I thank God I never watched the evil doll movies, about Chucky. But as fun as it could be, there where still scenes in there, that traumatized my young mind and made it harder for me to sleep.

Ladies and gentlemen, sorry to say this, but all of that crap was open gates to different layers of fear that it has taken years to get rid of.

My parents didn't know any better than let us do what the others did, especially when I was already bullied for being different. But the reason why I warn you about letting fear in to your and your childrens lives is not because I want to be a party blooper who wants children not to have fun.

It is because I dont want them be tormented by spirits of darkness, with memories of the scenes in movies and masks etc connected to Halloween, when they  grow up.

Because Halloween celebrations, are seen from Satans point of view, as invitations. Invitations to him and his evil spirits to sabotage in our lives. And he wants the children!

I want all people to turn to Jesus, and ask him to be the Lord of their house. And be willing to trust him. I have been a Christian since age 19 when I chose to accept Jesus as Lord, and he has personally told me he doesn't want me or anyone else for that matter, to take part in Halloween celebrations. I did have faith in Jesus before 19, and called myself Christian. But I had not yet been baptised and taken him personally to my life as Lord. Not until 19.

I want people to be happy and safe, especially children who are sensitive and need of protection.

My friend Sandra, got cancer when she was in her early 30:ies. It began as skin cancer and it started to spread to the rest of her body. Until she lost the fight against cancer shortly after her 34th birthday. At what in English is called "All Saints day" but in Swedish "Allhelgonahelgen". Night between 3 and 4th November 2018.

From her apartment, me and two other friends she knew, her mother alloved us to take stuff with us home, in Sandras memory. After her passing.

I brought home stuff she had hung to her walls, made of glass or wood with different texts, that she must have bought . I am too  tired of trying to find out what they are called in English, but they can be bought in stores where you can find pillows, shells, laundry baskets, soaps and decorations to hang on walls.

In one of the texts, that I have hung on my bedroom wall, you can read this "Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away"

I believe Sandra, my precious sweet friend, that I had known since the age of 16, bought that glass painting with the text on, when she found out she was sick. She really fought death to the end, until she had to let go and leave this world, and be handed over to the hands of Jesus. She did start seeking Jesus in her last moments of life, and even borrowed my Bible. And Jesus told me himself she is with him. So her soul is forever at peace.

But she lived until the end, like she was going to live another 30 years. Until she couldnt do it no longer, she kept on walking outside, shopping stuff, searching for jobs etc. Her brother told me that when they finally got access to her internet mail account, it was obvious she wasnt planning to die.

If it had been Gods will for her to stay longer here on earth, I don't believe she would have wanted to celebrate Halloween either after surviving cancer, which was scary enough.

Death and fear is not worthy to celebrate! I don't mind going to graveyards and light candles at our loved ones graves. But I cannot and will not have nothing to do with celebrating death and fear. Because the evil spirits death and fear are servants of Satan, and will start to attack you and reveal to you all of the doors you opened to them, one beautiful day. The day you become a treath to them. I certainly am, and I believe all Christians out to be if they really want to serve God. We cannot both choose this world where Satan has his agents, and serve Jesus who has called us to have life and to be transformed by his love, life and spirit. We must choose. And not play with the Devil! its only fun to a certain point.

I end with what Jesus said about life and death.

Jesus said in John 10:10: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life , and have it to the full.

John 14:6 : I am the way, the truth and the life, noone comes to the father, except through me"

John 11:25: ( Speaking to Lazarus sister)  Jesus said to her: I am the resurrection and the life. The ones who believe in me will live, even thought they die"

John 10:27-28:

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. And I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish,neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand".

Thats all for me for tonight, I hope someone out there will take heed to this warning. I felt God want me to write this blog about this issue.

If you dont take heed to this warning, and give the darkness invitations to your homes, remember that you where warned. You can still later on be freed in Jesus name, in different areas, even if you ignore the warnings God sends at your path, (I used to ignore them too) but it might take you several years. I am still not free completely after 25 years of nightmares. But almost there. It brings tears to my soul when I see Halloween being celebrated "just for fun" even in Christian homes. Because I know the consequences. So please don't ignore this. I want you to be happy, protected and free in Jesus name!

Blessings/ Tanja


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