Dividing Israel & October 7th Massacre


                                              ELOHIM NEVER APPROVED OF DIVIDING ISRAEL                       

Shalom! to all of you my precious blog followers. I hope you are happy and healthy, and I wish you a blessed weekend under the grace of God and his mighty protection. Yeshua, who's greek name is Jesus, loves you all very much, and he longs to have you in his Kingdom and family for all eternity. Which is its important you accept him and grab his hand while you still can. He has already reached it towards you. If you already have accepted him as Lord and Savior, like I have, I hope you will keep on seeking his face everyday, and read his word on regular basis, so you will keep on growing spiritually. And that you also meet other Christians/Messianic jews so you can together walk in the light. We all need a spiritual home. You never know when your time is up. The victims of 7th October massacre in Israel, had no Idea what was going to happen, before the terrorists attacked them suddenly and killed them in the most horrific ways, raped and kidnapped several. And I am happy my church on regular basis prays for Israel and the middle east, for both sides, since they are all so precious. All souls are precious to God. And he is not to blame for what happened.

I am Pro Israel, and have been a part of a pro Israel Facebook group for several years, and one person especially was very offended, when a Christian said something about may Jesus bring the captives home. And he said that Jesus stood by and watched over 1000 Israelis getting killed. Like he was to be blamed for it.

And its been the same debate always involving Yeshua as scapegoat, for all kinds of evils, several years even in Sweden.  Wars, sick children, poverty, abused women and children, hurricanes etc. 

But they forget these things: 1. What men and women do to offend God and 2. What his word says.

and 3. That God never will bless disobedience to his word 4. The devil exists and he wants to kill and destroy, and people can open doors to his curses and followers doing his will, by disobeying God. And he hates Israel and he hates Yeshua. and 5.When people repent, he is willing to forgive them . This world he could have let be destroyed by mass destruction weapens made by men years ago. But he didnt allow it. When millions of Christians prayed for Sweden in 50ies when Stalin planned to take over the world, even Sweden, Stalin died. Our lives are in his hands. He saves and judges.

 This is one of the easiest way for me as a Christian, to know who really is on Gods side, which other Christians I can trust, it is what they think about Israel. If they get angry, start verbally attacking Israel with bitter hearts, and run in Pro Palestine demonstrations, I can never trust them. Because they are disobeying God. Yeshua loves Israel, wants to save Israel, and I have heard about a revival that has broke out after the massacre in Israel, when more and more jews come to Yeshua. More even after October 7th. He saw the souls, that would come to him, before, during and after the massacre and he told me that even though he didnt protect them completely physically he has used and still uses my and other christians/messianic brethrens prayes for saving the victims souls.

He is not behind Hamas, Hizbollah, Iran or other countries where leaders and many followers want Israel to be wiped out. And he will never let Israel to be destroyed, he will return to Israel, when all jews have returned and say Baruch haba beschem Adonai, like it is written. In Matthew 23:39.

I have been a Christian for 21 years now, and I have felt the love Yeshua has for Israel, strongly. He does not want Israel to suffer, but if they disobey his word, he cannot completely protect them. Because he is one with his word. Just like in the past, in his word, he can let judgement fall upon nations where people are disobedient. He can remove part of his protection. And the question people should ask is not why did God let this happen? instead they should look in the mirror and ask: How have we disobeyed God? and What should we have done or not done to prevent this? and what can we do for God to bless us again?

Doing bad stuff and blaming God for the negative consequences, is unfair and immature and has no logic in it. I dont know about you, but thats how I feel about the issue. Its like setting a house on fire with people in it and say why did God let these people die? it takes the responsibility from men away and God gets the blame.

God his holy, and he is one to his word, and it is written in the Bible. The Bible we all Christians and Messianic jews believe is truth, and partly millons of non Messianic jews believe is truth. The Old testament at least.

We can ask ourselves, has he ever blessed people who disobey him?  and if he would have blessed disobedience in the past, would there still be a humanity left today? not just Israel, the whole earth. The answer sadly is no. But he has met people, through the centuries, before, under and after his judgements. And people have realized they are on a wrong path, and to blame for what happened, and repented and turned to Yeshua again. Yeshua always was, he has said he was before Abraham, and that he was and is. He was God, long before he came to earth to be born as a human to die for our sins. It was him King David bowed down to in psalm 110:1. He is both savior and judge. But if people anger him, he is not to blame for what will come. And he still waits and longs for them to repent and turn back to him.

We must not forget, that many of the young people in the festival, even though my heart breaks when I think about the horrors they went through, did dance around a Buddha statue. And that is spiritual adultery, like in the old testament when Aaron and many others danced around Golden calf when waiting for Moses to come down from the mountain.

And we must not forget about the abortions either. Yeshua loves children, and has a special plan for each one. Abortions brings Gods judgements on nations. Which is why I believe Sweden will face war one day, I had dreams about it and long talks with God about it, its a matter of time, a when not if. I suggest you all should prep as much as you can, and seek the face of Yeshua so you can have what you need for future troubles and trials. God can make something good about something bad. he has before and will in the future. He thinks what will save eternal souls?, not what makes people of this world, like me more? or how he can please people by letting them do what they want and never face consequences. 

That is not love. Its neglect and ignorance. He has in his word, and he has in our world, even in Sweden sent prophets that are his voices, to warn people of what will happen if they dont repent from evil ways. I know about three prophets he has sent to Sweden, one is a Bible teacher called Lars Enarsson, and one is a friend of family, a blessed brother called Birger Skoglund and a third is american evangelist and prophet Neil Sundblaad. I dont know that many messianic jews personally, since I have never visited Israel, so I don't know the names of prophets God has sent to Israel in these new days where I was sent to. I suppose you can ask a messianic brother or sister about it. But knowing God the way I do, I believe he has sent them there too.

But we must not either forget, the fact that giving Gaza to Palestinians, WAS NOT THE WILL OF GOD.

God knew that giving Gaza to the Palestinians would not bring peace to Israel

Peace cannot be, not even among cousins like Jews and arabs, when many of the other part belong to a religion where they are taught that jews ar pigs and apes, that Israel should not be alloved to exist. Where children hear lies about Israel being their enemy before they can walk.

And God has said in his Word, that HE is the one who gave the country to Israel. To the offspring of Jakob. And he will put the nations on trial, who have divided his land. Regardless of motives. Israel is Gods land. He never approved of dividing it.

So all the terrors that Israel has faced after 2005 deal with Palestinians/arabs is because of disobedience to Gods word. The leaders in Israel with other political leaders, decided to divide Israel in hope of peace. And of course, it didnt lead to peace. More than the Oslo agreement. 

This is written in the Bible. Both the part we Christians/Messianic jews believe in and as far as I know religous jews believe in

Joel 3: 1-3:

In those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem. I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat .

There I will put them on trial for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel, because they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land. They cast lots for my people and traded boys for prostitutes, they sold girls for wine to drink.

Here you can read more about this Bible verse and what it means.


Sweden has not been innocent in this. I remember people having demonstrations here in Sweden with signs where they had written: Israel out of Gaza!

And 2014 Sweden was the first EU member in western Europe recognising the State of Palestine.


Not caring at all of years of blood bath Hamas and other terrorists had launched on Israel and its civilians for years. From Gaza. My tax money and others tax money went to the pockets of terrorists that killed innocent jews.

That is not only taking part in dividing Israel, but also brining money to people who want to kill all jews and wipe out Israel from the map.

That is bad. So the country, where I am right now, has some repenting to do.

And I am sorry to say, it might not happen until Gods judgements come first. God needs to wake up the sleeping church and humble the proud. Or more souls will go lost. More souls and or more lives that are lost already,  of people longing for a higher purpose, but brought to believe this world is all there is and you are here because of an accident. I believe God can meet people in the last minute, and I pray for people fighting dark thoughts too. I still have my days. But God keeps reminding me of people who need me to stay and his future promises. Why I will stay as long as God wants me to. 

We Christians/messianic jews must stop being ashamed of our faith, and be willing to share it. Pray for our neighbors, classmates, friends, spouses, and tell them who our Lord is. Yeshua wants more people to come to him and he has said if we deny him in front of unbelievers, he will deny us. You dont want to be one of those people, that stand in front of God one day, hearing people God sent to your lives, saying: I didnt know she/he was a Christian!! she/he didnt say anything! that means not only by words but also actions. People see what we do, not only hear what we say. 

But some people who kill themselves, are lost. Not because Yeshua wanted them to, but because they said no to him even when given another chance or when having several chances on earth to say yes. Unforgiveness is one reason. Bevare of it! no matter what you do, dont let unforgiveness take over your heart. Its spiritually dangerous. Unforgiveness is connected to pride. Why nobody ever should celebrate anything connected to that word. Pride is keeping people from saying Yes to Yeshua and forgiving others.

I wish so bad Swedish christians had not fallen asleep, had not started to live like this world and not laughed at, gossiped about or refused to listen to Gods prophets. But sorry to say its not the case. I know there are other countries with bad leaders too and rebels at heart christians. And I will keep us al in my prayers. I pray as many as possible, jews and gentiles, will meet Yeshua one way or another one time or another, and accept him in their hearts as Lord and Savior. He has defeated fear and he has defeated death. He is our only hope. 

I know this blog post was serious, and it might have chocked the ones who are used to read blog post about where to find cool shoes, celebrity visits in town, how to bake perfect pie or raise toddlers to be independent people. Or how wonderful it was to give birth to a child or meet the right partner.

But already when I woke up this morning, God reminded me of his will to write this blog post. One way or another, it will bear fruit to his Kingdom.

With this, I wish you a blessed weekend.  Yeshua loves you!

/ Tanja Caroline


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