Prophetic dream - dont delay commitment to Jesus!!

          3/11 2022- Prophetic dream

  I saw a soul go lost forever 💔
  This morning I had one of what I call prophetic dream. I felt Jesus want me to share with you. I am often an optimist in my Christian faith and want to believe that as many as possible can and will be saved. I dont think about hell far too often, I rather just pray for different people so they wont go there, that God somehow will reach out to them even in the last minute , and I still believe that to a point that happens.

But this morning here in Stockholm I had a serious dream about an obese american man with black hair and glasses, who I bumped in to in a big gathering place, not sure if it was a big shopping mall , surf central or an airport. There where shops around the large masses of people who all seem to be there and wait for something, or like in Ukraine many do, hide for something. 
I was in a hurry to the large gathering and
 felt like I barely made it on time. I also had bags with me and apologized to the man
 when I bumped into him and his big belly.
 He and his obese son about 12 years old just
 stared at me like I was crazy. They both had
 black hair and glasses.

I said something about always being late in these kind of situations and seemed remorsefull. And reminded the man to remember to take vitamin D pills since we with extra kilos need more of it pointing at my own belly. I usually dont speak about those things with strangers but in my dreams I seem more bold.

Suddenly some sort of guards came to the obese man, right in front of my face, and attacked him with some sort of a weapon that for me looked like a teaser or one of those things that doctors use to start a persons heart after heartattack. They totally unprovoked attacked him with those things and killed the man I just bumped in too.
Like they had planned to kill just him for a reason unknown to me.
When I questioned the guards behaviour and ask why they did that, they lied and said he died by himself without them doing anything. I was like no way I saw you !

But then I was interupted by a conversation between God the father and the sad soul of the deceased man, his soul was not obese though it was only his mortal body.

The man spoke to God the father and asked why did I have to die? I felt he was thinking about his son.
God the father revealed a scene that both he, the deceased mans soul and I saw together where Jesus his son was carrying the cross to crucifiction and God the father said: My son had to die too!
I believe he meant that nobody can escape death and his son Jesus/Yeshua had to die to save us humans, created in to Gods image.
God the father also reminded the man about how he had abused his body for years. It was obvious that he meant by overeating. The man was closer to 200 kg in his earthly body
He was around 45-50 years of age.

The man then became afraid almost panicked and asked God the father : but what If I repent now? 

God the father then said: Its too late!
Then the man cried: NO! I cant go to hell! God I cant go to hell !!

Then the dream ended. It made me very sad so I asked why that person lost his soul, he seemed to regret his decisions made on earth and it should say the heart is not hardened beyond salvation.

God answered : Most people in america own a bible or knows someone who owns a bible.
You dont know how many times I tried to reach him. He said most people in Europe can get a Bible too.

I think there are people out there, not just in america but also in the rest of the world, including Europe, that take their lives for granted. Like it was a certainty they had several years left to live and that all people in authority have good intentions.
Like they had several years left to think about Jesus and choosing him as Lord and Savior. Like he didnt care about what we do to our earthly bodies.
But that isnt True! Some in authority do have wicked intentions like the people involved in the occult who are behind covid 19 vaccines that keeps on killing and injuring people. And others in authority who oppose Jesus, his word in the Bible and Christianity in faith and practise. Who persecute pro life people and try to stop them from getting support. Who ignore the cries of persecuted Christians and say they can blame themselves for being persecuted
And even people in authority who dont carw about the lives or souls of individuals and behind secret rooms plan one thing: to reduce the population! How to succeed? To lie to the people and say it will help them!.and pay the right people to lie with them or threat them with job loss if they dont do it.

This was I believe a warning for someone or several someones who take their lives granted,  and need very soon to accept Jess/Yeshua as Lord and Savior and repent from their sins. Before its too late.
To know how many years you have left on earth is rare. But our souls are eternal.
Dont delay a choice that determes where you spend eternity!
Accept Jesus/Yeshua as Lord now!



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