Christmas begins with Christ

Shalom! To all of my precious blog followers.  I hope you are fine and healthy, and that you look forward to Christmas as much as I do.

For me as a Christian/Messianic believer, perhaps you even might call me Messianic jewess, because of I have Ashkenazi and Sephardic dna in my blood from my fathers side.

I am still not sure if to call my self a jew or a gentile since I am a mix of both.

But I am a child of God, redeemed by the blood of Yeshua, the Messiah, among most gentiles called Jesus Christ. And for me, it is his birthday we celebrate at Christmas.

It grieves me that so many jews associate the word Christ with antisemitic persecution to that degree that some Messianic jews rather call themselves Messianic jews instead because of the negative associations connected to word Christ.

And I try my best, to change this, by praying for and blessing Israel every morning and spread kindness and love to Yeshuas precious relatives. I also pray they will meet Yeshua one day like I have. Because despite the unbiblical antisemitic persecutions some namely Christians have driven against jews, like the Tsar of Russia, Catholic church in the past and sadly even Marthin Luther his last years before passing away,  I feel it at the dept of my Christian heart that Jesus/Yeshua still dearly loves Israel and the jews and he longs to have more of them in his family.

Corrie Ten Boom, will always be one of my inspirations. She and people like her, where and are what I call real Christians.  And the prophecies that where written about Yeshuas entire life, from conception and onward where fullfilled in him.

Like in Isaiah 9:6

And he will be called Wonderful Counselor,Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace 

And in Isaiah 7:14 : Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign. Behold the virgin skall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Emmanuel .

All you have to do is listen to famous old Christmas songs, like Noelle Noelle, born is the King of Israel .. and Oh holy night, to realize and hear about the obvious connection between the Messiah Israel is waiting for and Jesus/Yeshua.

Or watch a movie, about Jesus/ Yeshuas life like the Nativity Story or the one with Robert Powell made in the 70thies. Jesus of Nazareth.

He was circumcised at age of 8 days, was a smart child when he visited the synagogue and talked with the adults, and quotes the prophecies about him in the Old testament /Torah.  And celebrated the jewish festivals with his family.

As a Christian one of the biggest mistake you can make, is to turn against Israel and the jewish people, that Jesus/Yeshua so desperately want to save. The jews have been hearing their entire lives talks about Hitler being Christian, mass murder of jews by the hands of Catholic crucaders and about the fake Christians who where at the time of WW2 friendly in the beginning but when pressure came they turned their backs against them and practically where involved in them being sent to the gas Chambers.

Jesus personally has told me that being a antisemitic Christian makes him unreckognizable to his own people and that makes him angry, sad and ashamed of the antisemitic people who call themselves Christians.

Spending hours in prayer every week, has only brought me closer to Israel. When I Sing Hatikva or any other jewish song, and or Light Hannukah candles, I feel the presence of Yeshua/Jesus strongly .

Jesus my Lord was sent to this world to save our souls, and he also came from Israel.

My God is even called The Mighty One of Israel.

I dont see any problems celebrating both Hannukah and Christmas. They dont have to exclude eachother.

I believe and sence in my spirit that my future husband is also of jewish ancestry and we will some day celebrate with our kids, both the jewish celebrations and the ones we have that remind us of how much Yeshua loves us.

Like Christmas, Easter etc.

Now Christmas is almost here, and Jesus deserves to be the center of the party. He is the greatest gift there is for the entire humanity.  Sent by his heavenly father, conceived by the holy spirit to redeem us from our sins and restore the broken relational bridge between us and our heavenly father.

We need Jesus/Yeshua much more than new video games, latest fashion in clothes, fancy new cellphones, toys and Santa Claus.

He really is the heart of Christmas. Let us not forget that !!

Blessings, Happy Channukah and Merry Christmas everyone / Tanja 


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