I saw the face of an unborn child asking for help ❤️💔

    We need to pray more for the unborn ❤️

Shalom! To all of you who follow my blog  this  late Friday night . Its three minutes past 9PM here in Sweden when I start to write this. I do hope you are well, and that God has blessed you with many good memories this week to take with you to eternity.

I also hope all of you who havent done it so far, will someday soon( while you have time) choose to follow Jesus and enter his kingdom and our spiritual family so we can serve him together here and on earth, with him as our Lord,Savior friend and Shepherd and in the new kingdom to come when everything changes to a world with no war, fear, pain or diseases or murder and cruelty.  When Jesus takes over all the darkness will flee. The choice is ours to make. And I pray for you all!  So you will meet Jesus/Yeshua powerfully one day and realize how much he loves you. Like I have.

Now to todays blog topic. Its about the unborn children. In our world, how we look at unborn children is pretty different from people group to people group, even amongs individuals. Some see them as clump of cells, with no human rights at all, and think we should be allowed to kill them at any time when they are still in their mothers bodies, up to ninth month of pregnancy, if the Mother wants it, that is the case in Israel, I still dont know how they can think that way. 

Some others draw the line to the time when they can survive outside their mothers wombs, normally with the right support it can happen around week 22-24 as earliest,  even though I just read about this brave little fighter called Curtis, who survived despite being born in week 21. A cute african american fellow who God has big plans for.

And some like me, believe they are humans from the start. And that God has a special plan for each one. As a Christian after almost 20 years with Jesus in my heart, I know that is how God thinks about them. He doesnt see a fetus, a clump of cells or an invador. He sees a little boy or a girl he has big plans for. 

I have had many prophetic Dreams during the years, and God has spoken to me through them. This early morning, before I woke up. God sent me a dream I have never had before. I have had many dreams, about my future husband, children and nieces and nephews to be born. I have seen friends with kids in my Dreams, and people in trafficking in different ages God has reminded me to pray for. I have even seen my childhood in my Dreams and memories from my own past.

 But never with a clear Prolife message. But this morning that changed.

I saw the face of a little blond blue eyed boy in a short movie clip, who looked to be around two years old. He clearly said: Help me! So I can become a boyfriend, a husband, and a father ! He in english. Sounded american.

And it looked like he was still in his mothers womb, because shortly after I saw his Mother, a blond teenage girl with hair to her shoulders and a summer dress to her knees, she looked like she was a bit upset.

Then the dream ended, and I felt God tell me afterwards that he needs more people to pray for the unborn children. Its like the spirits and souls of all children already know that they are important and some of what God has planned for their lives. Even before they have human looking bodies.

That boy, like his Mother and many others need the prayers of Christians/ Messianic jews so they can survive. So their parents will choose to let them live. So their parents will find help that they need to be able to keep them. Prayers against fear, pride, unforgiveness,  selfishness and the negative form of feminism that opposes motherhood and mature decision making and celebrates the rights to kill unborn children in the name of womens choice. 

Women and Girls have been told that they cant keep a child concieved by rape, because its a rapist child. And told they have to kill it or they would be reminded of the rape forever. But they dont tell about the physical and emotional pain that follows the abortion. Or that the child is an unique human being, innocent of what happened, and that the child can make this world a better place if given a chance.

I know an elderly woman who was conceived by rape,and though her childhood was tough, she as an adult turned to Jesus,  got help to forgive and became a kind hearted sweet person who has helped broken people who have like her,gone through abuse in different forms,  and nobody else have been able to reach.

She also have a prophetic gift and has by Gods guidance given me two books, written by Frank E Peretti,called  the defeat of evil and the prophet, and they have been a blesssing to me and opened my eyes to the spiritual battle between Good and evil, Jesus and Satan, the battle is all about our souls.

What I am trying to say, is that all children are precious in Gods eyes, and its important that we let the love of God lead us to pray for them, so they can live, regardless of how and when they where conceived.

I heard a Sid Roth episode yesterday, where the guest shared a story about something that happened in the past, connected to the revival in Azuza Street.

A pregnant prostitute came to the group of Christians and said her baby probably was dead, and because she heard about the miracles that happened among that group of Christians , she wanted them to pray for her baby.. one Christian in that group said maybe its for the best for the baby to be with angels in heaven, because the Mother was prostitute. But the Mother said she no longer wanted to be a prostitute and she wanted to follow Jesus. Then a Christian woman agreed to pray for the unborn child and a miracle happened, the baby came back to life. Started to kick again after being still for a couple of days. And the baby was born healthy and won as an adult thousands of people to Jesus.

If God has chosen a son to a prostitute to be one of his children, used to many peoples salvation, how can we ever disagree with God and let the circumstances surrounding the childs conception and who his or her parents are, determ their value?

Jesus have said that the Angels of the children alway see the face of his father in heaven and they should not be despised. He never separated the unborn from the born in that bible verse.

We ought to remember that..

So if you are a Christian / Messianic jew like me, please join me in prayer for the unborn, as an act of obedience to Jesus who clearly said after I had the dream, that he needs more prayer warriors for the unborn..

It will save many lives,and as future servants of Jesus they can and will reach many souls with the love of Jesus/Yeshua. If fought for and given a chance to live. Pray also for the prolife groups and organisations that fight to save lives, when women need support to be able to keep their babies. They are under attack. From politicians who want to reduce the population, greedy money driven pro choice people with followers, and brainwashes teenage Girls who think by vandalizing prolife clinics they somehow make their fight more trustable or even acceptable.

I felt God remind me to include them in the prayer for the unborn. They after all, prolife groups, are serving Jesus and dealing with a lot of tough stuff.

With this I wish you a blessed weekend in the glory and peace of Jesus/Yeshua.




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