It is finished! Yeshua died to save your soul!

Shalom! To all of you, who choose to check out my blog tonight. Its been a long month and a challenging march with a lot of spiritual battles, at least for me. But Jesus is still with me using me and that I am greatful for. The devil will not get rid of me before time!

This is the wery last day of march 2023.  Exactly 30 years ago one of my precious cousins was born and the actor Brandon Lee died in a supposed and claimed accident in the shooting of the last mistake he ever made, choosing to act in a dark movie weeks before his wedding. As a teenager I loved his other movies and used to have a poster in my room with his face and for over 20 years my heart has grieved over his tragic death. It was not Gods will for him to act in that movie, and it wasnt Gods will for him to die that young, but somehow I still feel Brandon is in heaven waiting for his other family members, why I will keep on praying for them. 

The truth will come out of what happened and God allmighty does not fear the people behind all the dark stuff going around in the world. One day facing Jesus /Yeshua even the most dangerous and mighty men while on earth are just small as mice shivering facing his supreme holiness.

That is why Jesus was sent here to save your soul, so when you will face his supreme holiness, pure love and supernatural Light, on judgement day,you will know you are saved, because you said yes to his precious son, who is the only one who can restore our relationship with the heavenly father that sin through our ancestors Adam and Eve broke. With the falling in sin through Adam and Eve, darkness came over humanity, our relationship with God was broken and diseases, curses, pains ( often connected) death and sorrow came to earth.

Through Jesus/Yeshua our relationship with the heavenly father, is restored. He connects us to the heavenly father and the holy spirit he sent us as a gift when we say yes to him. So our body, spirit and soul can be connected to our creator and savior.

No matter how hard we try, we can never earn our salvation. No human can ever be good enough. We can do good stuff that are Wonderful with the gifts of love and kindness God has given us, together with the conscience that all human own from the beginning regardless how its treated.

We can use the gifts of compassion and love for others, that we all ought to do, especially if we want others to know Jesus loves them. But they dont save us.

Only the love and compassion and mercy of Jesus can save us. The glory belongs only to God. God the father is the one who chose to send his son , his innocent sinfree precious son, to carry our sins on the cross, and all the pains and diseases and the curses.  He is the Messiah Israel is looking for. The sacrifice lamb. The one who fullfilled the prophecies written about him among other places in King Davids psalms and the book of Isaiah.

And God is the one who created you, gave you your soul, your heart and your ability to love and care for others. As fingerprints of his existence. You are not an accident and what you have is all because God chose to give it to you. And if you havent accepted him as your Lord and Savior yet, the offer still stands, he wants to give you eternal life too you see, because he really loves you. He wants you in his family.

Jesus blood is needed though and it works like soap and water to our sin stained hearts. If you dont want to attend a party filthy physically, you shouldnt want to be filthy spiritually when facing God on the judgement day.

Therefore you need to turn to Jesus/Yeshua.

Show him gratittude for his sacrifice. Say yes to a life where you dont have to be alone no more. Where someone stronger and more loving than anyone else you ever will meet will forever be with you. You are, just like me and the rest of humanity created in Gods image, called and meant to be in his family.

This easter, even though you dont see much traces of Jesus in most shopping malls and grocery shops,( especially here in Sweden,  where it seems like easter bunny is the most important figure of the easter), since God sent you to my blog, and I believe he wanted you to see this, please think about what Jesus endured on the cross to save you!  

He doesnt want people to stay in their sins but to be set free. He wants his children to walk in obedience to his word, united with him, in trust and love. Why its Important to read his word or listen to his word and act upon it. 

Just say yes! While you still can! He is waiting for you. But only he knows when your time is up. 

Have a blessed easter!  I love you and Jesus loves you even more.




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