Before you pray for revival, please think of this!

                                         ARE YOU READY TO RECEIVE REVIVAL?                    

Shalom! and welcome to another blog post, written by me, Tanja Caroline, under the divine guidance of my Lord Yeshua/Jesus and the holy spirit he has sent us who are born again, in to the Kingdom of our heavenly father.

I hope you are doing well, and that you will have a blessed weekend. Most of all, I hope you will spend eternity with me, and the God who sent you here to this earth in the first place. And to have a personal relationship with Yeshua/Jesus, is the only way we can fully be in his will. Why even as a Christian/Messianic jew its important that we seek the face of our Lord on a daily basis, in prayer, worship and Bible reading. And in personal chats and times when we practice our spiritual hearing, so we learn to hear his voice.

He really loves you all, and wants to be in your lives! there is a place in all humans hearts, where only Jesus/Yeshua is meant to fit in, and no humans, no drugs, no foods, no money or fame can ever fill that, only Jesus/Yeshua. So please come to him and let him!

Last week, I wrote a blog post with practically if not totally the same message I will write tonight, and its things that we need to think about before we pray for revival. I hear the desperate prayers of revivals in many church meetings, but I have also heard the testimonies of people who used to belong to another religion and where shunned by their families when they became Christians, and how few people really helped them with what they needed. Its more than welcome to Jesus, happy you are in our family, God bless and take care. They will need practical help. And here I will go through 5 points we all need to take heed to, before revival comes. Otherwise it will be like asking for a baby( or many babies) and not read anything about what they will need when they arrive. Imagine being a mother or a father and not know a baby needs to be fed, have diapers changed, or new clothes they grow out from, simply not being prepared at all. The chock they would feel, when a new baby comes and they would know nothing of their needs. So in this blog post, I will try my best to share what I have heard, and learned about, even in my personal journey, being Christian for 20 plus years now. I by the way saw the new Jesus Revolution movie yesterday, and it was great! I hope you will all watch it during this weekend. And get equally inspired as I was. It really was a prayer answer! a Christian movie revealed in Swedish cinemas? haven't seen that since 2012 and Les Miserables came.

Now to the points. What to think about before you pray for revival.


We should not put all the burdens on the pastors. All church/congration members must cooperate and be willing to take part in helping the new believers. Including you! including me!! yes, all of us. People will come, who have turned Islam, buddhism, atheism, hinduism, new age, Jehovas Witnesses, mormonism etc their backs, after a powerful meeting with Jesus/Yeshua. And their families and friends wont like it, and will kick them out from their homes. They will need new homes, perhaps help getting more clothes, passports, food etc. One from my own church told me that when he became a Christian and his family abandoned him, very few Christians revealed interest in practical help that he needed. Only one person told him he could live with him. Thats not how we must do it in the future! be willing to open your homes to the broken people, who have nowhere to go, and whos families might even threathen to kill them. Not just a pat on the head and God bless you. Real practical help!  If not offer a place in your homes, try to find homes for them through the people you know who might be willing to help. We all have connections! Love in action people!

2.We must be willing to engage in spiritual warfare!

People who have lived lives outside the will of Jesus/Yeshua, before coming to him, will need deliverance from evil spirits, who will do everything they can to hinder them to stay as productive Christians/Messianic jews. They will try to keep them from having a good night sleep, attack with anxiety, keep them from going to church, yes every trick they can find. Using especially fear! to keep them from growing in their faith. And they need to be driven out.  In Sweden evil spirits of Pride, fear, pornography, atheism, humanism, fornication, and prejudices, plus the occult, have many people in bondage. And evil spirits of addictions like smoking, drinking and other drugs. And here in suburbs, I know the spirit of gluttony has a party, with many obese people living around. I fight weight problems myself, but right now, thank God, I do have control over my appetite. But some people are in bondage and need help to be set free in Jesus name. Even from sugar and food addictions!No more playing church and pretending the evil spirits leave when a person becomes Christian, no its not true. They are vicious and will do what they can so they can stay. Let us fight and pray with the new believers so they can renounce and get rid of everything that had to to with false idols,  unforgiveness, or anything from their past that was outside Jesus will. And be set free!

People who gossip, need to stop gossipping, even amongs Christians. And be willing to help instead of complaining and judging the prayer warriors who pray for others deliverance and deal with spiritual warfare. But even if that doesnt happen, we are called to act out of love, and not out of fear. The last thing we need to hear about, is another born again Christian who suffers in silence and chooses to chock the church he or she belongs to by killing himself/herself. There are spirits of depression and suicide tormenting people too. Even within the church. I was one of them for many years. I have learned a lot from Derek Princes book, They shall expel demons. You can find it here: and here:

3. We need more Bible teachers ! the new sheep need to be fed!

When new believers come, they need more Bible teachers. People who learn to them what Christianity means in word and action. What the Bible says. What God wants, and doesnt want. The sheep need teachers who know the Bible and are willing to feed them with the word of God. Many people will come from homes, where thay barely know anything about Jesus/Yeshua and/or have never looked in to a Bible or even had one. They need more people, that teach them. What can you do? are you willing to help? I surely hope so!because millions will come to Jesus/Yeshua and want to know more.

4. People will need pastoral care/ministering.

Broken people will come, whos families, friends and perhaps even bosses have turned their backs on them because their new faith in Jesus/Yeshua. We need to take care of them, pray with them and even share their pains by listening. And guide them through prayer of forgiveness so Jesus/Yeshua can heal them. Pray for their broken hearts and broken souls. Tell them how precious they are, and that in the family of Jesus/Yeshua we are united by the blood of Jesus, despite age, skin color or background. Be the hands, ears, love of Jesus people will need, in millions!

Jesus said in his word. John 10:11 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. Just like with all of us who came to Christ/Yeshua before them, we ought to remember he payed a big price for our sins on the cross, because he loves us very much! and equally much he loves the rest of humanity. Even the former drug addicts, prostitutes, witches, Yoga teachers, Imams and hindu gurus who found Jesus/Yeshua.  Even jews who meet Yeshua and accept him as Lord face persecutions in Israel, and will most certainly face persecutions when they accept him as their messiah here in Sweden and rest of gentile nations. I have sensed a certain fear for Yeshua when speaking to some judaism jews here in Stockholm, I happen to know one, a Wonderful social and even famous man, a levite. Once I asked a jewish woman in a synagogue that if she knew him, and first she said yes, but when I said he had visited my church, she said then that is not the man I know. Then I of course told her that he was there to speak about Israel, then she said yes then its the man I know.  I believe and know the importance of blessing Israel why I have visited Holocaust memorial services several Times and joined Israels birtday celebrations in Stockholms Synagogue.

Afterall , my Lord Yeshua is a jew forever. The Lion of Judah. But the past persecutions of jews by the hands of Christians only by name, has scarred many jews and kept them away from their own messiah. Why I suppose messianic jews are being persecuted in Israel today. Either way all Christians must get rid of all antisemitism , that includes Greeks, Russians and Arabic Christians when revival comes and jews meet their messiah and realize thats the one they have longed for all these years. That he is not only a God for gentiles. One of the best ways to become under a curse as a Christian is to be antisemitic and have negative attitude against Israel. I wouldnt dare and neither should anyone of my fellow Christians. We worship the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, the Lion of Judah. And he will return to Israel when his people cry out Baruch Haba Beschem Adonai, just as it is written. I quote Derek Prince when I say heaven must be embarrasing to antisemites because its filled with jews ! King David, prophet Elijah, all disciples but one of Jesus own followers, jews ! And who where the ones who wrote our bible ? 

Think about it and repent from all antisemitism if you want to be blessed.

We must share what ge have us, so it will bear fruit. And never forget that we are all humans, and humans do mistakes and fall in to sin time to time, and we are all dependent on the grace of Jesus/Yeshua.  Of  course the only way we can do this, is to make sure we are filled with the holy spirit on a daily basis. God can give us everything we need, no matter the challenges or trials we might and will face.

5. Be ready for persecutions.

Persecutions go hand in hand with revival. Because the devil wont just sit still with hands crossed over his chest and say yey a revival, how great! No he will make sure, we will face persecutions. We must not only ourselves be ready to have our faiths tried, but also prepare new believers to be the same. We must teach others to be and be personal examples, of people who loves Jesus/Yeshua even when being put to jail, abused, raped or killed. Leaning on him and his grace, which is sufficient when we are going through sufferings. Instead of blaming God for the persecutions and get bitter, we must lean on his grace and be filled daily with his holy spirit, and simply know there is no easy way, the narrow way we must choose if wanting to spend eternity with our Lord. And by his grace we can do it! We must be willing to carry the cross, no matter what happens, and remember that Jesus has overcome the death. And no matter what happens, this life on earth, is nothing compared to the eternal glory we will face if we hold on and stay with him. This is all temporary, this world, these shopping malls, religions, schools, politicians etc. In the end only the ones who turn to Jesus, and stay with him, will reign with him.

Jesus said in his word Matthew 10:22:  You will be hated by everyone, because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.

This is written in the Bible, about the words of Jesus/Yeshua.  Matthew 16:24-26: Then Jesus told his disciplies, " If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life, will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake, will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits (looses)his soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange of his soul?¨

He clearly reminds us, about what is in stake, when we are persecuted. We should never love anyone or anything in this world,  more than Jesus/Yeshua. If we do everything we can to avoid being killed, and we are facing for example a situation where the only way to escape earthly death is to take the mark of the beast, then by taking it, our souls will be lost. But if we hold on to Jesus, knowing he will receive us on the other side even if we are killed, our souls are forever saved. Don't let anyone take your focus away from the face of Jesus and the eternal consequences of your earthly actions. Remember, we are eternal!!!  all our earthly sufferings are temporary, and the people who persecute us and kill us will also stand face to face with Yeshua/Jesus one day being held accountable, just like us.

Thats all for tonight. I hope you know what you are praying for, when you pray for revival. Or at least have a hunch. This blog post was my way of sharing what I have learned, during my upbrining in Christian home and being a Christian myself for 20 years. And its all because of the grace of God. 

So thank you Jesus for your mercy, your gifts and your guidance. And I pray for all of you who read this blog, that you will make the right choices, and that 100 and 1000 years etc from now we will be in the same eternity together, in Yeshuas/Jesus light.

Take care, God bless/ Tanja


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