Jesus revolution- Movie Review

                                             -JESUS REVOLUTION MOVIE REVIEW-                                          

Shalom everyone! I hope you are doing well, and that your week has been blessed, and will keep on being blessed, while you live yet another week by the grace of God. It is only because of his grace, you are still here. As an unbeliever/ non Christian, he has given you this time so you can use it to seek his face, and his plan for your life, if you already are a believer/Christian he has given you this time, so he can use you as tool/channel to save souls. And so you can grow in your relationship with him and mature spiritually. A part of spiritual maturation, means you will meet trials and challenges, but with Jesus/Yeshua as your captain and friend, he can bring his light in whatever darkness you are in, and he can use it so others will know the depth of his mercy. I have gone through my share of trials and challenges, but without Jesus/Yeshua I would not have survived them. So I will always be grateful for the people he used as tools/shepherds to reach me, from my early teens to my now late 30:ies. With that, I want to strongly reckomend you all to find a way to see the new Jesus Revolution movie. It was an amazing movie, where you could see that despite our own flaws and disagreements with others, he could use it to spread the Gospel, and start a revival. I don't know if you know this, but the fact that this kind of movie is shown in Swedish cinemas, is new to us. Sometimes with a small laughter and a short lasting envy, I think Americans have been a little spoiled, when they got to see the most amazing Christian movies in their Cinemas, and we havent seen anything in the movies, at least I havent, with a positive message of the Love of Jesus since 2012 and Les Miserables came to Swedish cinemas. So the fact that this movie, was shown in Swedish cinemas, was a long awaited prayer answer for my part. So thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus!

From 2012 an onward, many movies have come and went, but I have not heard of or seen any movies where Jesus has been portraid 100% correctly. Why I dont so often go to the movies anymore. But this one, was worth the 160 crowns it costed! it is one of the best Christian movies I have ever seen in my entire life.

Why I loved it so much? it is because the Love of Jesus was so visible! and the people in the movie, have experienced stuff that I also have, during my years as a born again Christian. I also have met prophets and evangelists from God, that have known my inner thoughts that only God could know about, and told me that Jesus wants me to pray for you. No atheist can ever explain that and it would be foolish for me to try to find an natural explanation for something that is 100% supernatural.  I am not even interested in doing it.
And it that movie, that is based on true events, the characters weaknesses, battles and trials where evident also, which portraits the life of all servants of Jesus. There are days when everything is up and amazing, when Jesus uses us powerfully and amazingly, and people give you positive feedback and say they are greateful for God you where there. And there are times when we have down days, and we feel attacked, rejected and unloved by others. But regardless of how we feel, and despite how the devil tries to hinder Gods will with our lives, God still keeps on using us despite our feelings and circumstances. The grace of Jesus, and the humanity and weakness of men was accurately portrayed in this movie. And it shows that Gods power really can be used in our weaknesses like it is written in the bible.  In the 2th Corinthians 12:9-10, Paul wrote: Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in neccesities, in persecutions, for when I am weak, I am strong.

Why did he say that? how can you possible find any joy when your faith is tested? the answer is I believe, that it is only when we in ourselves are the weakest, God can reveal his supernatural power the strongest. And we are most reachable to his grace. In my best friend Sandras life, it was evident, because she had always had battles with pride and fear, and prejudices about Jesus and Christianity, becuase she grew up in a typical atheistic home, until she got sick in cancer and she received Jesus in hear death bed. Her sickness made it possible for Jesus to reach her. He did not send the sickness, I believe in her case it was a curse, since her dad, grandfather and dog died all in cancer. But God used the situation to save her eternal soul, which is why she is in heaven right now. Which is I really know I will see her again. And I am greatful to Jesus, for using me as tool to reach her. When we come to the end of ourselves, and our own abilities, Jesus can start revealing his power and his mercy, so we can glorify him for it.

 Even when Christians disagree and split to different towns and even countries God can and will use them to spread the Gospel wherever they go. As long as they forgive and are willing to be used to glorify his name. I am so happy the gifts of prophecy, and the words of knowledge was seen in the movie, not just songs and beautiful worship, but also some of the gifts of the holy spirit, together with the gifts of shepherdship, creativity and the gift of evangelizing.

It was wonderful to see how Jesus transformed the lives of former drug addicts, broken young people and ever eldery people, who had been looking for him in the wrong places. Even from dysfunctional homes. And it revealed the dos and donts we should think about in the future as followers and children of Christ/Yeshua. We should never close the doors to people who are seeking for Jesus, only because they dress differently, or have too much make up, or even if they are not wearing shoes. The church must be open to people who long to feel the love of Christ, and need to be prayed for. But also they must hear the true gospel in word and action. That Jesus wants us to live in his will, and he wants to transform our lives so people really can see the difference between us and the rest of the world. They must be alloved to be prayed for so Jesus can fill them with his spirit, and deliver them from bondage.And we must remember how much Jesus loves the lost souls!! that he values souls more than clean carpets and fancy churches.

Well that was all from me this time. I wish you a blessed thursday and a blessed friday. Tomorrow I will write a blog post about revival, I last week wrote in Swedish, but this time in English.

Take care & God bless/ Tanja


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