Movie review of the movie " Sound of Freedom"

SOUND OF FREEDOM MOVIE REVIEW - HOW GOD CAN USE FEW PEOPLE TO SAVE MANY FROM THE DEVILS HANDS Shalom! to all of you who have decided to visit my blog, this weekend. I hope you are doing all right, despite the dark times of this hour, in a world where a war goes on between good and evil, and between darkness and light. Between Yeshua/Jesus and Satan. Israel and Hamas. God and the devil. Know that Yeshua/Jesus loves you, and can give you the strenght you need, if you let him come in to your hearts, and guide you to his will. You see, he created your hearts, he gave you your consciences, and he is the one who can fill it the way nobody else can. So I hope one day, before its too late, you will join his family,his Kingdom, his will, the reason why he sen you to this...