Movie review of the movie " Sound of Freedom"


                                                             SOUND OF FREEDOM MOVIE REVIEW - HOW GOD CAN USE FEW PEOPLE TO SAVE MANY FROM THE DEVILS HANDS

Shalom! to all of you who have decided to visit my blog, this weekend. I hope you are doing all right, despite the dark times of this hour, in a world where a war goes on between good and evil, and between darkness and light. Between Yeshua/Jesus and Satan. Israel and Hamas. God and the devil.
Know that Yeshua/Jesus loves you, and can give you the strenght you need, if you let him come in to your hearts, and guide you to his will. You see, he created your hearts, he gave you your consciences, and he is the one who can fill it the way nobody else can. So I hope one day, before its too late, you will join his family,his Kingdom, his will, the reason why he sen you to this world in the first place. And that you who already are a Christian/Messianic jew, will keep spending time with our Lord, on a daily basis, seeking his will. In prayer and bible studies and personal discussions. He wants a personal relationship with you.  He is not watching us from a distance, like in the beautiful Bette Midler song. He wants to be with us, all the time, and use us to fill heaven. Now you know. 
I have recently with my two sisters, my biological little sister, and my big sister in Christ, seen a wonderful movie, where the battle between good and evil is strongly visible.

Its the movie "Sound of Freedom" with Jim Caviezel, Mira Sorvino and Bill Camp as some of the brilliant actors. The man acting the father of the two kids, where brilliant actor too, and the children too.
I have seen many movies, that moved me deeply, by my nature already as a child I have been drawn to drama movies and documentaries, where I could follow the lives of people/beings going through pain and suffering in different levels. Some based on real stories, and some made up.
Dancing with wolves, Titanic,  Pocahontas, The Lion King, Lord of The Rings, Schindlers List, Lilja Forever, The Moment after series and Revelation Road series etc.
But if you exclude the ones with visible Christian message, like Narnia and the Lord of The Rings and the revelation Road and other Pureflix pictures movies, they rarely used the name of God, or bible verses in it. They did it in this movie. And it is based on a true story. And in this movie, it was strongly visible, that with their love and with all their fights to help children, they served Jesus. Sound of freedom is a powerful movie, that keeps you up at night, and reminds you of the importance to stand for what is right, even when it might cost you your life. It inspires me, to keep on being a voice for the unborn children as well as to keep praying for the ones who are being abused everyday in allover the world. Once I have more money, I will support more anti trafficking organisations too financially. And God willing and under his guidance, protection and timing, I can even join these people who I pray for that are the hands and feet of Jesus in a dark world, spreading his light.

I have a shepherds calling, a prophecy coming from God through one of Gods prophets, visting my church, several years ago. I have always loved children, I have a big family, and I used to even work with them as a job as a preschool teacher. And I know since I have been a Christian for over 20 years, that they are all precious in his eyes. 
He has written in his word, that heaven belongs to them, and that people leading children astray should be drowned. And that we should never despise them.
In Matthew 18:10, Jesus said:  See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of My Father in heaven.

And he also said in Luke 17:2: It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble",
Speaking clearly about wicked people who hurt children, and making them loose hope in him.

Yes he loves all people, regardless of age, and he has a special plan for all of us, and he wants to save everybody.
But children are innocent, they are the ones who automatically come to heaven, when something happens to them.  All you need to do as a normally functioning human being, is to look in the eyes of a newborn baby, when they just opened, and looking straight at you like they could see right through you, with the wisdoms of university in them. And the smile of a child running towards you and hugging you, when they see you and you had a real bad day, hear their laughter, see them play with almost everything they can find with imagination that seems limitless, see their compassion when they see a hurt or dead animal, and hear their prayers when they are on ther knees, to see how special children are.
I cannot imagine, why anyone, would want to take that innocence away? to steal the laughter of an innocent child? break their souls and break their bodies? break their innocent little hearts? force them in to a dark world, with pain, nightmares and bleeding bodies? Just because of their own selfish needs.

Yet, this movie like many other anti trafficking movies based on true stories, reveals that there are predators out there. Even wealthy men in suits, certainly even in courtrooms, armies, city Halls, Hollywood and other entertainment bussinesess, Police stations, and yes I have a feeling that some are even in our governments, that pay big bucks so they can rape other people , children as well as adults. Even women who work with them, and they make a lot of money!
Some are actors not only on the screens, but also in real lives. They give an image to the outside world, that they are good and honest people, deserving of the trust of people under their rule. They have families of their own, after kissing their 5 year old daughters goodnight, they go and pay money so they can rape others daughters and sons. And because they have so much money, and perhaps even soldiers that follow their commands, they think they can do what they want and get away with it.
But the truth is, they DONT FOOL GOD.  And one day, all the people they managed to fool on earth, will know who they really are. With their evilness, they also bring curses upon themselves and their families. Not always affecting finances, sometimes just health, or fertility problems etc. Derek Prince has written good books about it, one of my favorites is this:

 And one day, their earthly time is up, and even they will face Jesus, and encounter his holiness. Like Charlie Daniels sings in his song "Payback time", They will stand in front fhe Supreme Court of Universe where justice is not Blind. And where you cant pay God to escape Hell.
here is the link:

No matter how much power and money you had on earth, you will not be able to take it with you to the throne room when facing God.
If these men and women wont repent, just like all other commoners, who rejected Jesus/Yeshua and his mercy, they will burn in hell forever. Even if on earth they where presidents, mayors, judges, bank owners, or other politicians.
Only their hell will be worse than others, because they have hurt innocent children. I strongly belive that. Jesus said his kingdom belongs to the children.  And on a regular basis when I think about real wicked people, now deceased, he says they are forever regretting their decisions, and that he/she is in Gehenna for a reason. And he reminds me to leave the judgement to him. But a big but:

They can still repent, if they still have consciences left, there was one man in the movie, who repented after meeting Jesus, and he became a totally different person helping children instead of hurting them. But they will not escape the agony of their sin, when facing Jesus holiness, they will need to feel the pain they caused others, before its removed by Gods grace. And they will never be able to change the past. But if they turn to Jesus, and ask for his forgiveness, they can be forgiven and transformed, even delivered from evil spirits. But there where others, who used drugs and alcohol to still their God given consciences, instead of taking heed to them. Until they died. It was their choice. You can harden your heart, by not listening to your conscience. The conscience is there to point you to God. Its a gift. But it can die if you ignore it.

I value honesty, I value truth, I value children, and I value Justice, and I value love and all of it has its main source in Jesus who has given us our every heartbeat and every breath, in hope we will say yes when he tries to reach out to us. I know there are sensitive people out there, who dare not watch movies like the sound of freedom. I suggest if they dont want or cant stand to see the brutality that wicked people stand behind, they should at least join me and other Christians praying for the victims and if possible support organisations financially who help them. Just do something! 

Please!! we can all do something!!  And don't say no when Jesus tries to reach out to you, he can give you everything you need to fight the evil in this world.
He is the only way, the truth and the life. And in his heart there is a special place for children. Please pray for Jim Caviezel, Mina Sorvino, Mel Gibson and several other Hollywood stars, who are voices against trafficking. And pray for Tim Ballard, Lisa and David Mitts, Elise Lindqvist and other people who also fight against trafficking. They need all the support they can get. The ones that are Catholic, need to be spiritually baptised, and get rid of all extra saints and prayers for the Virgin Mary and bowing to the Pope. And only focus on Jesus/Yeshua. I believe that David Wilkerson was a true prohpet of God, and in his book the Vision, in the end times, it is the love of Jesus that binds true Christians together, not denominations, countries, skin colors of nationalities. And I just know there are many chosen beautiful Catholics out there. 

With this, I wish you a blessed weekend, coming Channukah and blessed Christmas. Hoping you will spend eternity with me, Jesus/Yeshua and billions of others 100 years from now. The choice is yours. I have made mine.



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