Christmas begins with Christ for a reason

WITH CHRIST- CHRISTMAS HAS A DEEPER MEANING Shalom! to all of you, who have decided to check my blog post, this cold and snowy friday night, December the 1th 2023. I believe you are here for a reason. And that is because Jesus/Yeshua loves you and wants to reach you somehow. He reminded me, that he wanted me to write a Christmas special blog post, and here it is. I will combine it with some Bible teachings, I think others should take heed to, this day and age, where even Christianity itself seems to have many different forms. And some who claim to be Christians, but are only that by name, even go so far they say that their Jesus is this way and that way, and accepts a lifestyle completely aligned to this world, so people wont see the difference between them and the unbelievers. I suggest all those...