Christmas begins with Christ for a reason

                           WITH CHRIST- CHRISTMAS HAS A DEEPER MEANING                         

Shalom! to all of you, who have decided to check my blog post, this cold and snowy friday night, December the 1th 2023. I believe you are here for a reason.  And that is because Jesus/Yeshua loves you and wants to reach you somehow. He reminded me, that he wanted me to write a Christmas special blog post, and here it is. I will combine it with some Bible teachings, I think others should take heed to, this day and age, where even Christianity itself seems to have many different forms. And some who claim to be Christians, but are only that by name, even go so far they say that their Jesus is this way and that way, and accepts a lifestyle completely aligned to this world, so people wont see the difference between them and the unbelievers. I suggest all those people, should rent or buy or get a Bible for free from example the second hand shop called Skopan here in Upplands Väsby, and read what is it what God says. What is it what Jesus taught. Who is he really? Why would he carry our sins on the cross together with all pains and other sufferings if he accepted us to live in, the same sins,  it and still claim to be his? think about it.

My Jesus, the real Christ( The Jesus in the Bible, the true Jesus) has said in Matthew 16:24:

Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me"

That means they need to put Gods will, in front of their own. And be ready to give their entire lives to him, let him be the Lord, not just the Savior. Walk in obedience, not in fake piety. To give an image of yourself to be a Christian, but deny Jesus with your words and your actions. One way to do that, is to make sure you avoid conflicts at any costs, you say all the right things, go to the right places, and have the right opinions, as long as you gain and or keep other peoples adoration. As long as you dont have to face any discomfort at all. Jesus didnt do that, he said what was right, despite what he knew what would be the consequences. He chose to suffer and die for us, but with his life on earth, he revealed what Gods will was. And it is to never compromise with the world! Obey God, no matter what happens, then you will win eternal life and amazing eternity in heaven with him. With his guidance, with his presence, by living in a personal relationship with him, you will grow in faith and spiritual maturity, and knowledge. You will become more sensitive in your spirit and will learn to discern Gods voice and will from your own.

 Read, learn and look yourself in the mirror. Its spiritually dangerous to think that Jesus makes exceptions when he looks at his children, and says its okay for some to live in sin and choose for example to carry unforgiveness, and live in sexual immorality, but not for the others. He is loving, he is caring, yes, he is a Savior but he is also a Holy Judge. And we will all stand in front of him one day, and be held accountable for how we lived our lives. He will use his word and compare it to what we said and what we did. And what our actions said.

I have been a Christian for 20 years now, and I know he never has and never will raise us as a "permissive" parent, who think whatever we want to do its okay. It his his divine will that is suppose to be our nr 1 priority in life. Because he is our Lord. 

He is not an antisemite either, who would have hatred against Israel.  Jesus said in John 4:22: You Samaritans ( he was speaking to Samaritans) worship what you do not know. We worship what we do know, because Salvation is from the Jews.

So all name Christians who make Jesus/Yeshua unrecognizable to the jews, by cursing Israel, casting rocks at jewish peoples windows, yell free Palestine, and spitting on jewish people and calling them murderers( Roman soldiers who crucified and hit Jesus where not jews, you ought to remember that too) you ought to be ashamed of yourself! And have some repenting to do! I have felt the love Jesus/Yeshua has for Israel strongly as a Christian, and know he is still the mighty one of Israel. And it grieves him a lot when people called by his name, act wickedly against Israel, when we are suppose to be his vessles to bring them back to their Messiah. If you curse Israel, you will be cursed.

In Isaiah 1:24. It is written, that he is the might one of Israel. And in Genesis 12:3. He said to Abraham that who curse him will be cursed. And who bless him will be blessed.

Yes Gods judgement came over them, the jews where scattered over the world and the temple destroyed, but we all are sinful people , who are need of Jesus mercy, he died for all of our sins, and gentile nations where often even in the old testament Bible, the ones who lead Israel astray to Baal worship for example. You dont believe me? read the Bible! The Old testament, as well as The new testament, what the gentiles worshipped, that the Apostles visited after being baptised in the holy spirit. They had Zeus, they Diana and many other Idols that grieved Apostle Paul when he saw them.

Samaritans, where people who where a genetic mix between jews and gentiles. They where looked down on by many jewish people. But Jesus wanted to reach them too, so he came to them and told them who he was. Jesus was still clear, on that jews had a special place in his plan. He himself was and always will be Lion of Judah, Yeshua( means salvation in hebrew) and King of the jews.  Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the cross, it read: Jesus of Nazareth, The King of the Jews" It is written in John 19:19.

Now in December, at Christmas, we who love Jesus Christ/Yeshua Hamaschiach and want to celebrate his birth, (even thought it is not correctly his birthday, I have heard his real birthday was in October), we ought to know who Christ really is. 

He is the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.

When he came to this world, he came to our world as a innocent baby boy, equally defenseless and little as any newborn you see in the hospitals. But with a higher calling. To be the Savior of the entire universe, the Messiah Israel had been waiting for.

The Devil, through differents people that served him, like King Herod, tried to get rid of Jesus, and hinder him to live long enough to save us. But he failed since God the father warned Jesus stephfather about it beforehand.Herod didnt want anyone else become king but him, so he ordered the massacre of thousands of baby boys from age 2 and under, in Israel. After the wise men, also revealed they had spiritual wisdom and fear of God, by not telling Herod where they have found Jesus.

It is written in Matthew 2:16-18

 And through history, like in the book of Esther, evil people who served Satan, have tried to get rid of the jews, so there would never be a savior, because if all jews where killed, Gods words would not be fullfilled. The Messiah had to come from Israel. One of the devils most famous servants was Adolf Hitler, who clearly where used to make sure Israel would never be born. But like with every other attempt, the devil has and will fail to destroy Israel. And we as Christians, must be sure, we are obeying God, in how we look at Israel and interact with Jewish people.

 It is really important, that when they look at us, they dont see the cowards who refused to help them or even persecuted them at the time of Holocaust, Free Palestine demonstrations amongs the ones who want to kill all jews, or amongs people who say with crosses around their necks, they as gentiles have replaced Israel and that there is no hope for the jews anymore. Its important they see, how much Jesus loves them, and it is he who is their Messiah. If they look at us, and we carry our crosses and give them the false image of who Jesus/Yeshua is, it will lead them longer away from him, and God will be on their side on the judgement day when they say we didnt know you where our Messiah because the people who said the belonged to you cursed us. And seriously, gentiles who claim to be Christians, might go lost forever because of it. It is bad to bear false witness of who Jesus/Yeshua is, and drive people aways from Salvation. Its very bad. 

Jesus fullfilled the prophecies fom the old testament.

Isaiah 7:14

Isaiah 8:8

Isaiah 9:6

Psalm 45:7

Psalm 110:1.

Here you can read about the rest of them.

So the Christ, the Yeshua I serve, and celebrate, has come to this world to save us. And he has not turned his back against Israel. 

After Jesus had been born, a first one Angel appeared to them announcing Jesus birth. The he was accompanied by many more.

In Luke 2:8-14, it is Written: And there where shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An Angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they where terrified.

But the Angel said to them: Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you :  he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you, you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the Angel, praising God saying: Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those whom his favor rests".'

I will end this blog post now, hoping as many of you as possible, have found it to be a blessing to you. As a Christian, I have prayed of the issue about if we are suppose to celebrate Jesus birth in december, because it has been mixed with pagan stuff through the years. And I have clearly felt Jesus say that to celebrate his birth is okay. He agrees to Christmas celebrations, as long as he is alloved to be in the centre, and not pushed away by Santa Worship , materialism,or different form of greediness and gluttony. As long as we remember that the best gift we can ever have, is the Salvation of our Souls, and he is the one. And though my childhood, I will always remember with peace and spiritual presence of God, the songs that we used to listen too at home, that gave all the glory to Jesus. Christmas for me, is beautiful, warm and with many colors and lights in otherwise dark world and time of the year. It is a time when we can share the Gospel, with words and actions. And sing songs about the birth of Jesus. And spend time with eachother and loving eachother with the love God has given us.

Christmas makes me happy, it brings a smile on my face, and my heart is greatful that Jesus came to save us. So I will always celebrate it. But if you choose not too, its up to you, and I will respect that.

But our Christmas traditions, like my father reading about the birth of Jesus, and listening too and singing the beautiful songs that praise Jesus, I will bring to my future children.

They will know who Christ is. Hopefully, you who read my blog post, also know a little bit more.

I wish you a blessed weekend, and later on a blessed Christmas. Jesus/Yeshua loves you and I hope that 100 years from now, we will spend eternity with Jesus together, knowing we are forever his.

In here you can read about the Sinners prayer, you can read out loud, when you choose Jesus as your Lord and Savior one day. If that is what you want, which I hope one day while you still have time left, will be the case:

Blessings/ Tanja Caroline


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