Cursing Israel is spiritually dangerous!

                               YESHUA/JESUS IS THE LION OF JUDAH, AND LOVES ISRAEL

    Shalom! once again to all my beloved blog followers, men and women, girls and boys, jews, gentiles and samarites. Its been two months since my last blog post, and I hope you are all well and healthy, physically and emotionally. Those of you who already are in the Kingdom of Jesus/Yeshua and his family, I hope you have grown, and will keep on growing in faith, and in closer relationship with our Lord, and that you let Yeshua/Jesus lead you, fill you with the holy spirit, and give you the strenght you need to face what is happening and is going to come, as we come closer to the return of Yeshua/Jesus. Keep seeking his face in prayer, and forgive all who offend you, no matter what happens. And remember that this earth is only temporary, and what we do here, we will be held accountable for when we stand face to face with God the father, Yeshua/Jesus God the Son, and the holy spirit.  Have your eternity with you, before you decide what to do and what not to do, what to say and not to say, and where you are going to go and where you shouldnt go. Nothing, no likes on social media, no money, no fame, no amount of fans, nor human relationships, should be more important than the will of Jesus/Yeshua, and nothing from this world is worth in the end to loose your soul for.

Imagine you live your life for 60-80 years, and gain a lot of fame. Always saying what is politically correct, never question abortions, nor never question same sex marriages that are against the will of God, you blame Israel for everything that goes bad in the middle east, you refuse to have anything to do with Jesus and no matter how hard he tries to reach you, even through your conscience, you ignore his voice. You might have many fans, write many books , or be in many movies, and always have thousands of people cheering at you, and admiring you wherever you go. You play with the occult, because that is the way you get even more money and fame, using witchcraft. You have a big house, personal trainer, pool, the most expensive cars, and a perfect look. Everything you can wish for from this earth, everything many others could ever dream of. Proudly you brag about your wealth to others through social media. And you never face any discomfort at all, exept from the nutty Christian fanatics who try to warn you, and share the gospel with you, how dare they? you dont need no God! you only need yourself. You wish they would just leave you alone. When your heart cries for relationship with God, and you enter in blue times, you use drugs and alcohol to take away the pain. The newest pills should do the trick.

Then you die and loose your soul, meeting Jesus/Yeshua as your judge. You will hear all of the ways he tried to reach you, and when you said no. 

 Then you will enter a eternity of sadness, pain and darkness, knowing it was your own choice. A place with no God, no goodness, no water and no peace. Is it worth it? eternity is much longer than 60-80 or even 100 of years. I believe its not worth it . But you do have a free will, and the choice is yours.

Now I will continue, with the topic of this blog, that is about Israel. And its about the Lion of Judah, Yeshua aka Jesus that most gentiles use when they talk about him.

I have been heartbroken, for what happened October 7th, and Hamas terrorists with Iranian terrorists butchered , raped, burned alive, and tormented over 1000 innocent Israelis, and about 100 of them are still held as their hostage somewhere in Gaza. I have heard about a woman being raped by 25 men, having her baby put in to an oven and the terrorists put the oven on and the baby burned to death, the mother hearing her babys  screams before she was stabbed. I have heard about a lot of horrible stuff, innocent Israelis have gone through, why Israel decided to get rid of Hamas once and for all. Stuff that has kept me awake at night.  Make no mistake, Hamas and the iranian terrorists, are to blame! and the people in leading positions, who have given ours or their  money to them, so they could buy missiles, and other weapons against Israel. 

Yet, when Israel attacks Hamas, and civilians die(  one of the reasons is that Hamas terrorists hide in hospitals and amongs civilians) many here in Sweden, Europe and rest of the world, blame Israel.

And start persecuting jews, that have lived in Europe and other gentile countries, for years. Only because they are jews. The same people who persecute ordinary jews, go to Free Palestine demonstrations, send death threaths to Jews and places where Jews gather, and scream boycott Israel. 

I will never understand this at all. How the same thousands of people, who blame Israel for what happens now in Gaza, ignored the horrors innocent jews have gone through, shortly before.

What is something like this happened in Sweden? or England? or USA? A mob of hundreds of terrorists from a country or city near us, would go haywire, and kill, rape, torment and traumatize thousands of civilans. In a for example Hultsfred Festival, in Gröna Lund, Pride week, or in Disney Land, or during Black friday week? What if it was our family members, our loved ones, our innocent children, our siblings and our friends? and our coworkers? Only killed for living in a country allowing Quran burnings or religious freedoms. And 100 of our loved ones held as hostages and treated as infidels, being tormented to laughing crowd, raped and drugged.

I dont think our governments would be nice and stay back, and say, hey now let us not do anything so people wont be mad at us and make us look bad in television.

Yes it is sad that civilians die, there are civilians even Christians in Gaza, who are not on Hamas side and hate their wickedness. But it is not Israels fault. I pray for both arabs and jews. I pray they wont hate, that they find Jesus/Yeshua and let go of unforgiveness and enter in to Gods will. 

What bothers me even more, is that there are anti Israel Christians out there, who also yell boycott Israel. Who also blame Israel for what happens now in Gaza. Who refuse to forgive, and refuse to care about what Israel has gone through and even choose to believe in the replacement theology, thinking they are the new Israel.

They are not In Gods will! they are putting themselves in spiritually dangerous situation.

For it is written in the Bible:

GENESIS 12:2-3( Gods promise to Abraham, the forefather of Israel, a important person for both jews and christians, the father of our faith)

God sais this to Abraham: Genesis 12:2-3

I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you, I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you. And all the peoples on the earth, will be blessed though you.

You might ask, what did Jesus say? When speaking to a Samaritan woman he said in John 4:22: You samaritans worship what you do not know. We worship what we do know. Because Salvation is from the jews.

Here he associated himself with the Jewish nation, when the Samaritan woman in one of the previous verses pointed out that he was a jew, wondering why he asked her for water. Jesus took the chance to reveal himself to a Samaritan woman as the only way to Salvation, in the same chapter.

When we think about how much Israel has blessed us, through for example science, in the medical field, through music and litterature, we know it was an accurate prophecy. And we who are Christians out to remember that we would not have a Bible, or a Messiah if it wasnt for Israel. I find psalms 23, 91, and 27 from the old testament, as huge blessings for my soul and my loved ones protection when I sing and pray for them. I feel the presence of Yeshua strongly when I read them out loud. Because Yeshua, our Jesus, our Lord, is the Messiah Israel is looking for. You just need to open the new testament and read. He was circumcised at 8 days, attended jewish festivals, and even preached in synagogues. He quoted King Davids psalms, and fulfilled all the prophecies written about the Messiah in old testament.

And make no mistake, he still loves Israel! the Messianic movement, is still growing in Israel and has many jews with them in USA. Jews that have met Jesus/Yeshua in dreams and visions, or attended churches and heard prophetic words and felt the presence of God powerfully. Like this man.

And like musicians, like Paul Wilbur, Joshua Aaron, plus Barry and Batya Segal.

Jews that know Jesus/Yeshua is the Messiah, even thought they where brought up believing he was only for the Gentiles. And some even heard the lie that Hitler was a Christian. No he wasnt, Corrie Ten Boom was and her family, and people Oscar Schindler. As a Christian, its an act of mockery against Jesus and our heavenly father, if we go against Israel, and like Jesus said to me, make sure his own people wont reckognize him. I speak to Jesus on a regular basis, and he has told me that all anti Israel Christians, bring shame to his name and embarass him. That doesnt mean we have to agree to everything Israel does, but to curse them, be mean to them and hate them with the leftist mobbs, that is spiritually dangerous. And those Christians need to repent. We need to bring Israel to Jesus/Yeshua, not further away from him.

I simply wish more people would understand this. I feel it so strongly in my spirit.  I now have to end this blog post, hoping you have learned something from it.

After seeing this blog post, you can never say you didnt know. Now you do know!

I wish you a blessed weekend. And those of you who havent chosen Yeshua in to your lives as Lord and Savior, I hope you will do that soon. He really loves you, and his presence makes a big difference in your life, as long as you keep on spending time with him and let him lead you and bless you.

I wouldnt be here, if he had not saved my soul and life many times.

Blessings/ Tanja


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