
Visar inlägg från augusti, 2018

Some of us who are Christians have been called to be watchmen

Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, I hope you are all well and have been having a blessed week, and that your weekend will be blessed too. If you haven't already done it, I hope you have decided to take Jesus already reached hand and accepted him as your Lord and savior, you see the entire humanity( of adults) will someday face Jesus as either savior or a judge. Its up to you which one you will meet. Heaven is a holy place, and nobody who haven't said yes to Jesus( or havemnt submitted to walk in obedience to his word at earth and therefore still being in the dark) no matter it is before or after death( sometimes people can be given a second chance) can take the light and glory heaven is filled with, when millions of people sing worship songs about the love and mercy of Jesus. If you want a taste of it, listen to the song Holy holy holy are you Lord, that Terry MacAlmon sings, its on youtube. Or the song you deserve the glory, or holy spirit thou are welcome to this plac

Why I support freedom of conscience

Shalom to all my blog followers! I hope your week has been blessed and your weekend will be happy to, with good memories to take with you to the rest of your own journey of life. If you haven't received Jesus in your heart as a savior and Lord, and with that your best friend, who is never tired of listening to you, and who loves you and cares of you and even answers you so you can have a personal relationship with him. If you haven' accepted him in your heart yet, I hope you will soon. He wants you in his kingdom, and you need him, we where never meant to be separated here or in eternity forever, after all we are created in God's image to live in a relationship with him. Now to the blog topic of today, the freedom of conscience. Conscience is something that is within all human beings, deep in their hearts, the one reminder of God all humans have in the beginning. What is it that makes us feel bad when we do something wrong? like lashing out on our family members or frien