I'll see you again! a tribute for my precious friend Sandra

Shalom to all my beloved blog followers, I hope you have been having a great week, and that you will have a wonderful weekend, preparing for the coming Christmas. If you haven't yet received Jesus as your savior,Lord,comforter and friend, I hope you will some day soon, he does have a special plan for your life!Today I am going to do something different, I am going to write a tribute to my friend Sandra, or no, she was much more than just a friend! she was like a sister, a person I could tell my deepest secrets and we talked about everything from heaven to earth,and had many wonderful memories together I will cherish the rest of my earthly life, until I finally are taken back to heaven myself, so I can spend eternity with both Jesus, Sandra and other friends and family members waiting for me up there. I know eternity is longer than the few years I still have left on this earth, they are few compared to eternity, even thought it might feel forever when you are in the midst of the process of grief and all you wish is that you had one more week, month or year with your loved one. Or in our case, several years! we where supposed to celebrate our 35th birthdays, then our 40th, 50th, even 60th and be able to go to church and light candles, attend movies,laugh and talk about our first years together as friends at high scool only 16 years old and remember back the fun times, at the same time looking forward to new memorys. She was suppose to find a soulmate, and have kids about the same time as I was, so our kids would grow up together. She really wanted become a mum! one of the saddest things I remember my friend saying while she was lying in the hospital bed dying of cancer, was that she wanted to become a mum!
You might of course ask, how can I still be a christian after this? how can anybody believe in God after seeing someone they love get sick and die in something as horrible as cancer? The answer is not simple, because it has so many pieces of puzzles many might not have the patiente to put them together. Or even look at them when finished.
One answer I can give you, or one piece of a puzzle, is the fact that I don't believe it is Gods work, all the horrors and deaths on the earth, including diseases like cancer. Death came to earth because of Adam & Eve's disobedience when they chose to listen to the devil and not to God. So our human ancestors, where the ones who opened the door to the devil to come to earth with all darkness.Yes a person can by being involved in devils bussiness,like playing with the occult, open doors to the devil so he can make him or her sick. But there is also another side of the story, the love and mercy of Jesus! While you still are on this earth,you can turn to Jesus and ask him to become your savior and lord, and ask him to help you and heal you. And if you meet the conditions, which are written in his word, you can get healed. But there are times God might say no, and that can make you frustraded and heartbroken, believe me I know how it feels! But if and when he says no, and he decides to take you or someone you love that you have been praying for, home to heaven, you can still trust him and believe it happens for a reason! You don't know what choices your loved one would have taken in the future, that could have endangered his or her eternal soul. You don't know if being sick, was the only time the sick person dared or felt the need to even become a christian. Or that if the sick person didn't die, she or he could have a family member or a friend who would not have been saved if the sick one lived.When you loose a a loved one you see, the only way you can see him or her again, is to think about a possible life after this life. Eternity is so deeply in us all, no matter whe like it or not. Somewhere deep in all humans, is the will to keep living, and that will reminds us of the fact that our souls are eternal. The same eternal longing for Jesus, that is the only way truth and the life, the road to eternal salvation also makes us wish that we will someday see our loved ones again. There is a place in our hearts that is waiting for Jesus to come in and stay. My friend was a seeker, she visited church with me several times and we lighted candles together and enjoyed the peace,but it wasn't until she was dying she actually asked for a Bible and started to read it.Before that I prayed years for her salvation, but she was afraid of God and didn't dare to come to close until the end. I am happy that before she died when I asked if she believed in Jesus after hesitation she said yes a little maybe. It only takes a mustard see Jesus said!
And I heard Jesus say to me many times, that he was going to take good care of her, he also asked me to write down the prayer of Salvation on the first page of the Bible I was to give to Sandra. She actually wanted a Bible, it was wonderful! and she got two. One way or another, Jesus found a way to reach to her and he knew he was going to be able to do that, why hes words of comfort weeks before she died, has helped me stand these dark days.Yes, I still feel sad about Sandras death, I will go on entire lifetime on earth missing her smile and our movie nights and long talks even text messages. But If I didn't have Jesus, if I didn't believe I will see my friend again ever, there would be no reason for me to keep on living. God chose, for several reasons to take home my friend a x number of years before me,but it was his choice. I am still thankful for the years I had with her in my life, and look forward spending eternity with her some day. And I thank Jesus for the friends and family members I still have, hoping I will have as many years as possible with them, some might even live longer than me. God's will be done. But most of all I thank Jesus for my salvation, for saving my eternal soul, hearing all my prayers and saving souls that I have prayed for. He is the heart of everything and the only reason why I am writing this, alive and kicking, is because of his love, his promises and supernatural prophetic dreams, so whoever you are, you can thank Jesus for me too! That means if you really love me or care about me at all.Which I of course believe all of you who know me do. Jesus is the one who has spoken to me words like: Eternity is longer than the years you have on earth, she is very happy where she is right now, you will spend eternity together. Jesus and only Jesus. Nobody else! words can't express how important his comfort has been this dark area of my lfe. And he loves you equally much!just go to him! I end with Jesus own words to Martha in John 11:25: " I AM the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live, and whoever lives and believes in Me,shall never die. Do you believe this?
My answer to that question is yes and Amen, because your words Jesus are true!
Thats all for tonight,take care & God bless
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