The importance of forgiveness

Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers! I hope your week has been blessed with many good memories, and that the rest of your weekend will be blessed with even more. If you haven't received Jesus as your Lord and saviour yet, I hope you will do that soon, he really loves you and has a special plan for you! Now to todays topic, and it is the importance of forgiveness. For 2 weeks ago, I visited a church in Solna, Stockholm, where I heard a woman with prophetic gift speak about her life and how God has used her in different situations because of his abundant grace.
One of the thing she spoke about, was something God even has reminded me to write down in this blog. And it is partly about the importance of unity and forgiveness. I know there are Christian brothers and sisters out there, who have been infected by the worlds way of thinking, and carry grudges toward one another. And it often even ends in gossip rounds that would make gossip tabloids green with envy. " Oh did you hear what that woman *****said? she said shit in front of the pastor when she dropped her purse, should a real Christian really speak that way?? Or did you hear about Mr and Mrs ******s son, he is 25 and still lives with his parents, I call that bad parenting!! Or even more classical: That person, that woman out there, Miss **** she is pregnant outside wedlock! with the youth pastor and all.. what a scandal! what will his wife say?
Or: did you hear what Mr **''* said to me? he said Trump is a good president!! I don't think it is Christian to share your political views to others, what if she or he gets offended? and so on. But this is not how it should look like in a congregation among Christians. Lord doesn't like gossiping or bitterness. That he head made clear with me and I am still practicing of saying things only that I could say if the other person was there with me, when speaking about issues with others.

Anyway this is what the prophetic woman said, I will share what she experienced. Her name is Aili Heinonen and she is around her 60ties and comes from a mixed background, her mother was Finnish and her father Jewish.
When Aili Heinonen years back, got an heart attack, she experienced a NDE.( Near death experience). She saw the gate to heaven, and an angel 80 meters tall outside the pearl gate to heaven. She even saw how many Christians on earth walked in the darkness, and pushed each other , fought another and fought struggled to be first everywhere they went, like they where competing with each other, (I get the picture of the guys on a American football field). 
She even hear cries from the darkness, and she just stood there in chock, she had asked Jesus see the chosen ones. She and Jesus stood beside each other watching what was happening. And she said more than once: Jesus those people can't be the chosen ones! but Jesus said, yes they are! but they have one problem, they do not know the deepness of his love, if they did then they would learn to forgive one another. This is what Jesus wanted me to share. The holy spirit gets deeply offended and heartbroken when seeing gossips, schemes and bitterness and Conspiracies. And that there is room for repentance in the matter of this issue. Shall we educate pastors until they are 100 years? Shall we discuss who has the right or the wrong teaching until we are 100? Jesus wants people to be out in the field,  and use their gifts of mercy he has given them. And be active and practical Christians who serve him.
And Aili also shared how God had several times brought her husband back, even thought he had suffered 5 heart attacks, and one of the times when she and others had been praying for her husband after he got one of his heart attacks, her husband just returned to "awake" state and asked: what is for dinner tonight? after being in a coma for hours, his heart had been stopped for more than an hour too. And she just knew he had returned and everything would be fine.

About the need to forgive you can read in the Bible in. Matthew 6:14-15( Jesus spoke after teaching the disciples our father who art in heaven prayer): For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father also will forgive you"But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins".

Remember the parabel of the Unmerciful servant!! There will always be excuses, and trust me I know forgiveness is not easy. But if you don't forgive, it is called disobedience and disobedience like in many other ways, block your relationship with God and opens the door to the enemy and his evil spirits to ruin your life. When you leave the judgement to God he will make sure the person who harmed you will regret what he or she did! he really loves you. You will have to learn to crucify the fleshy pride and forgive, for the sake of your own peace and relationship with Jesus.
About gossiping you can read in James 4:11. I leave that as your homework!
Thats all for tonight! take care & God bless


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