Happy New Year! remember that Jesus is the Lifeguard of your soul!

                                                                      2018-12-28- NEW YEAR BLESSINGS

Shalom! once again to my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been blessed,
with many good memories, with your family celebrating Christmas and all.
And I hope you have come closer to accepting Jesus in your heart as a saviour and that
you will go back to him soon. I believe all people have been created by Jesus and before they where sent to earth, they had interesting chats with him in heaven about what they will be and what plans he has for them. And throughout our journey on earth, we never will feel completely spiritually at peace with our lives, until we return to Jesus and give our hearts to him. One time or another, we all begin to miss Jesus, and that missing can feel different depending on the situations we go through. Commonly we miss him when we loose one of our beloved ones, and feel deep inside our hearts and souls that this should not be the end, a strong will to see our loved ones again in heaven. That we simply cannot stop existing just like that, poof! We feel a longing for someone bigger, smarter and more powerful than us when we face situations where we feel powerless.  And at times that longing might drive people into depression and trying to fix the depression with drugs and alcohol and loose sexual relationships, or perhaps even food or something else addictive, just to find a release to that inner pain, the feeling of emptiness that longs for Jesus.

Let me tell you something, if you are one of those people who have not yet accepted Jesus as Lord and struggle with a lot and feel that something or someone is missing, because nobody really understands you or your emotions, Jesus is who you are missing! He is the only God that has sent you to this earth, followed you since even before conceptions and understands you to 100%. And he wants you to be forever in his saving arms.

Imagine you are at a sinking boat, and despite strong efforts to stop it from sinking, more and more water comes in and slowly the boat starts to sink. Only that the water, is bringing you to eternal separation from all that is good, happy and beautiful. If you drown in that water, your soul forever is trapped underneath the surface and you can't get out. But while you are still at the boat, or perhaps shortly after you struggle for your survival at the water when you have fallen in, a huge cruise appears with a golden cross and a crown around it, on the boat you can read the text clearly Jesus- The only way to Salvation and the driver is nobody else but Jesus himself. And he and his crew, his ambassadors are there in huge numbers, Angels and humans, just to help you out of the sinking boat and bring you safe in an eternal paradise. The Angels and humans together are yelling to you please accept his hand, so he can bring you to safety! And Jesus reaches his hand towards you and he even tosses a lifebuoy, and together with his heavenly father, the holy spirit, he offers to bring you up to eternal safety if you only say yes, you ask him to forgive you for your sins and let him become the Lord of your life.
Jesus is the only Lifeguard that can save your soul, together with his heavenly father and the holy spirit he sent us.

And this world, is like the sinking boat. And on that boat there is also a devil, who is destined to fall in to the water and be trapped underneath the surface in pain and agony forever, and wants you to join him. That is why he does everything to stop you, he says: Don't go to Jesus! you don't want to become a religious fanatic right? what would your family and friends say? they would think you are nuts! or : Don't go to Jesus, you are a muslim, a buddhist/hindu/atheist/nihilist/humanist etc.. and you always have been and always will be, why would you want to change? he is just lying, he really can't save you, besides, you don't even need to be saved! you see this boat is not even sinking! the workers will find away to stop the boat from sinking, you don't have to worry!

Or: If you decide to follow Jesus, your family/friends/co workers /boss will all turn their backs against you! you know this! they might even kill you! is that what you want? to live a life all alone and then die alone only for this Jesus, how can God have a son anyway? does that sound logical?
Or: If you turn to Jesus, you have to do some changes in your life, the fun is gone! you can't do what you want when you want and where you want anymore because he will be your boss, why would you want anyone to tell you what to do? just be your own God, you will be fine!
To gay people he might say things like this: If you accept Jesus as saviour, you have to leave the love of your life! is that what you want? the marriage covenant was founded by God to be between a man and a woman. Why would you want to follow a God that doesn't want you to be who you are, you are gay!!! if you say no to Jesus, you may live as you please, let your pleasure be your guide! and you won't be targeted by other peoples and their gossips nor loose friends and all that. Peace of cake! be who you are! don't let him fool you to leave this beautiful boat and the love of your life. Just stay and have fun! Or another lie: He made you gay! stay that way! there is nothing wrong with that! Just remember to tell him when he comes closer to you that in the end its you who decide how to live with and why, and he needs to accept that.
(Knowing that Jesus is not accepting that kind of agreement)
And to sexual sinning straight people the devil might say: Jesus would want you to marry your girlfriend/boyfriend, why would you want to get married when so many marriages end up in divorce? you don't need a ring to confess your love to your other half! or; you don't have enough money, and there is no reason for you to start saving money for that either, because then you won't afford all the fun family holidays you have planned years ahead. As long as you are happy, stay as you are! he will understand, he won't answer your prayers for a financial miracle either so stop praying for that.

The list goes on and on, and the devil knows everything he says is lies.
Now, This is what Jesus says:
- I Love you, I love you so much I payed a big price for your sins on the cross! I felt every nail, every burden of the sins of the entire humanity, and not just all sins, also all diseases, every heartbreak, every tear, every guilt, shame and poverty. It was horrible, I suffered more than you can imagine, so that you don't have to spend eternity without me. Don't listen to the devil, come to me, stay with me! I miss you, I want to save you, help you, heal you, guide you! I have a special plan for you, yes you might go through tough times while you are still at the boat, your family and friends might turn against you when you are telling them the boat is sinking and I am the only saviour, but it will be worth it! if you pray for them I can save them too, later on!
You might think you where created to be your own Lord, but you where not! I created you, and I sent you, and I want you to receive me so your soul will be saved. Just come! I want what is best for you, and the best for you is not to live without me, on earth or in eternity. Just say yes to me! eternity is a long time for realizing you took the wrong path my precious child.

So I hope, this new year, will choose to listen to the words of Jesus, and let the new year begin with you being reunited with your creator. If you are a Christian already,  I hope you will keep on taking good care of your relationship with Jesus in prayer, worship, reading his word and fellowship with other Christians. And don't let anything take his place in your life. He doesn't expect you to be perfect, you like me will fall from time to time, and then he will ask you to come back to the cross and apologize for falling, and he will forgive you. You become perfect in heaven but the perfect grace of Jesus is what saves your soul.

Now to the finale, I end with the words of Jesus from John 10:11-18

 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it.  The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep.

“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—  just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep.  I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again.  No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.
That is all for tonight, take care, God bless and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!


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