Why I don't support Agenda 2030

Good evening my beloved blog followers! I hope your week has been blessed with good memories,
and I hope your weekend will be blessed with even more good memories, with your loved ones. I hope you have decided to follow Jesus/Yeshua  most of all, since he loves you very much and has a special plan for you! or that you as a Christian have spent time taking care of your relationship with him. He deserves to be the nr 1 in your life, just like in mine. And to worship him in peace filled with his spirit, is a wonderful experience and exercise for the future eternity you will spend with him, and reading his word is
a perfect way to remind yourself who he is and what his will is. 

Today I will write a little about what is widely spread through many social media channels, like twitter, Facebook and Instagram, but hardly mentioned in the big newspapers with many readers. And that is Agenda 2030. The plan EU has for Europe, and which sadly is hoorayed by
our current Prime minister Stefan Lövfèn, who loves the idea to make Sweden a country with no national borders, a global country without its own unique nationality.

Because that is what happens if you remove all borders and let thousands upon thousands of refugees to your country, if the majority of the refugees belong to the Islamic faith, it will not take that long before a country like ours, gets influenced strongly from it, it can even become a muslim sharia land, like Turkey. Turkey once was Christian, but now look what has happened! I doubt I could go there and sing Jesus loves you on the market without being arrested and put to jail.

Islam is a threat ( not just a religion but a political institution) and it should not be taken lightly, especially if the number of muslims become a majority. Then the democracy is nothing but a sweet memory.
Look, I don't mind people coming here from different nations, to work, to cooperate with us and to  be a blessing to our country. I don't hate anyone, God knows I am from a mixed background myself. 
But since I know from history, even by looking at how England looks like, and France, and Germany or like I mentioned just now, Turkey.  All countries who used to be Christian, it doesn't take long until I realize the threat mass muslim migration becomes when far to many of those people come here, with large families, to have even dussins of more babies, when many Swedes only have one or two kids and over 1 million have died because of abortion since 70:ies.
Suburbs like Rinkeby, Alby, Vällingby, Bredäng and Kista, are filled with people who have not wanted to learn Swedish or to be a important part of our society, working and learning to speak Swedish properly. And there are a lot of shootings, rapes, robberies and drug dealers out there. Now more than ever.

Of course there are friendly muslims who do want to be a part of Swedish society, who work their butts of so people can see that they really are trying to be a part of Sweden. Muslims who don't want sharia laws or see the end of democracy, they might even have come to Sweden so they would have more freedoms than in their own countries. But I see a rising number of fanatic muslims, women with burqas, men dressed in Salafist outfits with Salafist hats and long beards, and black angry eyes who look at me with hatred,despite or arrogance when I come without a head covering, with my cross around my neck or perhaps even my David star. The eyes really are the window of the soul! 
I even see little girls at 3-5 years old with head coverings. Sometimes even toddler girls, when looking at Somalis.

And I know many of them are victims of FGM and travel with their parents to Africa at school breaks only to get mutilated and have their future enjoyment of sexual life destroyed. And our government are they speaking loudly against it? if you ask me, not loud enough. This country needs a lot of prayers, and the sleeping church and Christians to wake up and stand up for Christ, stand up for Sweden and its national pride and Christian values and traditions and stop believing the naive lie that a borderless Europe &  Agenda 2030 plan will make Sweden a wonderful big laalaa land with prosperity happiness and peace. I trust Trumps judgement when he decided to back off.

And that my friend, gives me a spiritual red alert lamp! and the last thing Sweden needs, even the secular muslims who fight hard to blend in and want peace and democracy, is a country with no borders at all. Can you spell chaos? if the healthcare is crashing already, how will it look like if even more people come here, thousands if not hundreds of thousands even later on millions come to Europe and demand to be treated like royalties? The police are outnumbered, our defence is small and healthcare is crashing. NOW! before Stefan Lövfén signs  the migration agreement 10/12 2018 in only three days. Hundreds of Swedes have demonstrated against the agreement in city already, and I bet tomorrow there will be even more.  But it looks like politicians here and now, have stopped to listening to its people.

I can only hope and pray, that they will turn back to Jesus one day and obey his command to honour your father and mother, that includes your own fatherland and motherland where generations of parents used to pray with their children, and send them to schools with biblical ground and teachings, and who couldn't imagine a world our children might have to face in a near future, a world where there is no national pride in europé, and no respect for our forefathers or our Christian roots. Sweden never used to be like this, if you don't believe me then read one or two or even three or more of Astrid Lindgrens books. Some of my favourites are Brothers Lionheart, Mio in the land of far away, Madicken and Barnen på Bullerbyn.

I heard God personally say: I gave you the borders for a reson! and that I believe, since God is a God of order not chaos. He is the one who defined who should live where and when, and why. He doesn't want the world to become a borderless chaos mass. Yes he loves all people, he wants all people to come to him and become saved in Jesus name, but not like that! Not in the way it is happening now. Its UN's and EU's way. The same UN and EU who continue to judge and harass Israels every move to protect themselves. Israel, the land God gave to the Jewish nation, to the Israeli nation. The land that has been divided several times, without his permission or blessing.
They even send money to Palestinian terrorists, for example Hamas,who support and practice terrorism against ALL Jews. And want all Jews to be murdered. ALL! including women and children.
In his words God is clear that whoever touches Israel, touches the apple of his eye. And whoever curses Israel will be cursed themselves.
In Genesis 12:3 Lord said to Abraham: I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse, and all peoples of the earth will be blessed through you"

You can also read in Zechariah 2:8-9: For this is what the LORD Almighty says, After the Glorious One has sent me against the nations that have plundered you, for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye . I will surely raise my hand against them so that their slaves will plunder them. Then you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent me".
About boundaries of nations you can read in Acts 17:26: And he(God) made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation.

The Lord our God, is the might one of Israel. He never have or will take his words back, especially because of political correctness. And I will never let anyone erase the cross in my heart, that testify about the love of Jesus as the only way truth and the life. To go against God's will with intervening with the borders he put in place, is in my eyes nothing but yet another attempt to rebel against his will and plan. The government should think about the diseases people come with to Europe. From countries where not everyone afford vaccines. 
As fellow Christians, I suggest you stand up for Jesus, his word and will, pray with me for all people, not at least our government so they would realize the long distance results of the decisions they make here and now. More importantly, that they come to Jesus while they still have time on earth to do it!
Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless


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