God still has the last word, but we are called to pray for our government!

                                                       ITS NOT OVER YET, GOD IS NOT FINISHED     

Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I guess you all have heard the news by now,
that Sweden has gotten a "new government" with the help of the leaders of the Liberal Party and
Center party, Stefan Lövfen once again became our Prime Minister. Which is not good news, because The Social democratic party have been nothing but crooks in their fight to have a hold on the Swedish government and make it a bigger chaos than it already is. Their followers have threatened Swedish Democratic party voters, hidden their election papers with Swedish democratic leaders names on it, bribed voters and scared them , people from problem areas, with calls days before election saying that they should vote for S or something bad will happen. That government has also cast out people with serious diseases making it harder for sick people to be allowed to have money for sick leave, people who are seriously ill and can't work are being forced back on work market. Some have killed themselves because of it and left families without loving fathers, m others, daughters and sons who rather died than got back to work in their pains. Women have been giving birth in cars because of closed maternity wards. Migration chaos and
  the whole Palestinian state jippo, giving millions of our tax payers money to a Palestinian state, where children are trained to become soldiers who murder Israelis. Jews. All of them! And where families of terrorists are given a lot of money so they would be encouraged to keep teaching kids to hate and rob them from their childhood. I can go on and on with the long list of why they should have never been allowed to come back to power again. But I decide to stop this here. And get to the point.

Many people are now frustrated, even fellow Christians, wondering how the did this happen.. why God.... Oh no we are all going to die!  and entered the fear storm that has clouded the minds of many others on this earth after hearing about S coming back to power again. And we must remember as Christians that it is not over yet, it might look like S got away with their crooked
schemes and like God has not heard our prayers for a better government and we are heading for a disaster and 7 years of now Sweden will be muslim. But it is not the truth. God still has a finger in the game. Yes, Sweden will not escape God's judgements calling to repentance, but those judgements he will only send so people would turn away from their wicked ways, and seek his help and will. Its like being a parent to a naughty child who refuses to listen to you, until you put your foot down and say IT IS ENOUGH! the child might show you his/her finger, destroy the apartment, ignore your warnings, or even ignore you totally and what you are saying, until you draw a line and say NO ITS ENOUGH. 

God's judgements are just that. Him drawing the line, because that is the only thing that works. He has sent Sweden dussins of prophets( including me) who have contacted politicians, written blogs, talked in Youtube channels, preached on streets and tweeting tweets with warnings of God's judgements if repentance is not chosen and going back to him is not seen as a choice. But it has not given enough response. Still many Christians pray few minutes a week, refuse to tell others they are Christians because of man fear, watch several hours of TV and sit in front of Facebook instead of spending time with God and other Christians praying for unsaved souls. Many even partake in Pride parades, they have become so much like the world you can't even see who is who, who is Christian and who is not. And that is not how it is suppose to be. God wants a clean bride faithful to him, willing to carry the cross. Not only when it suits his children, but as an every day commitment. Tell God let his will be done and act upon it. Still famous people mock Christians front of cheering audience, and wishing pro lifers had been aborted and crowds laughing at that. Still the crucifixion is mocked when lesbian teater actors hang on the cross laughing with dark eyes filled with despite. Still the arch bishop Antje Jackelen says there are other ways to God not just Jesus. You must understand God doesn't have another choice. This government will
be shaking when the judgements of God are coming, as calls to repentance. I believe war will come, probably even more terror attacks. But God can protect his own and answer prayers in the midst of that.

You see, there is still hope in the darkness. We Christians are called to be lights in the darkness and pray for our government, no matter what we feel about them. We can be the ones sharing love, safety and compassion in times of darkness, so people will know how much Jesus loves them. We are not meant to shake in fear with the rest of the world, since we are not a part of this world. We are children of The King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus/Yeshua the one and only way, truth and the life. We are meant to have a deep relationship with him, seek his face and be filled with his peace so we can share it, and he through us to others. The way I see it, judgements are acts of love too, because without them Sweden would only go deeper and deeper in darkness and godlessness and millions of souls might go to hell, and God doesn't want that. He knows that atheism looses its
beauty when the good days are over and people realize no money in the world can give them supernatural safety, protection or peace in facing death. So whatever happens hereafter, don't blame it on God. He has been so patient with Sweden! and don't give up hope! He is still not finished with Sweden, Europe or with the rest of the world. Millions of more souls he will reach, but he wants us to be his hands and feet, his voice, us who already are in the light. Have him as our boss.
That is the only way we can be in his full will, simply stay by his side and trust him and obey him.
Every time you fill like complain, remember also to pray! for whoever you are complaining against. Prayers are so much more effective than complaints! I am practising this myself.

This is what is written in The Bible About praying for our government:

1th Timothy 2:1-4:

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Saviour, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

And this is also something to think about:  2: Chronicles 7:14: If my people, who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, Then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and heal their land".

You see, God is clear with what his will is. It is up to us to choose if we want to obey him or not. But God blesses the obedient not the disobedient, that he said to me earlier today. If we want God's blessing and protection, the only way we can get it is through accepting Jesus as a saviour and Lord and  repent from disobedience. You can't show God the finger and expect him to bless you.
Only by accepting Jesus in you heart, you can feel the depth of Gods love, and come in to his plan for your life. The plan he has for you, since we are all unique. There is a place in every humans heart that longs for God and it is a place only Jesus can fill. You will know it when you accept him in your life.

Well that is all for tonight, take care and God bless


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