
Visar inlägg från februari, 2019

Thoughts about being 35- And God's hand in it all

                                              MY PERSONAL STORY OF BEING 35                        Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope you are all well, and that your week has been blessed with memories that will bring you joy and laughter, to the rest of your earthly journey. I hope you have become closer to accept Jesus in your life as a saviour and Lord, or if you have done it already I hope you had blessed moments spending time with him this week too. He is the only one who can bring you to his perfect plan for your life. It will not be easy all the time, especially when you walk through the fire and others oppose you for being a Christian/Messianic Jew, but it will be worth it because he is always with you. Today I felt God's will was to testify a little about my life and what he has done in it. Today was my 35th birthday, and my 35 years on this earth has been a heck of a ride. I have survived diseases that could have killed me twice before my 5th b

Jesus loved and still loves women

                                          JESUS SEES WOMEN AND GIRLS AS PRECIOUS                                             Shalom! to all my precious blog followers! I hope your week has been blessed and that you will have even more blessed memories of this weekend. I hope you have come closer to accepting Jesus in your hearts as a saviour, or that if you have done it already that you have spent time together with him letting him fill you with his love and guide you with his word, and listening to what he speaks and walking in his will. It is a commitment you make when you choose to follow Jesus, not just something you do once then you forget all about him. He is more precious than that, the price he payed for your sins where heavier than you think. And because he valued you, he took your sins upon him on the cross, so you can be forever in his heart and his kingdom. You are precious in his eyes. It breaks his heart when women say they want him as Lord but then they spend

It is time for a Christian revolution! And to stop playing hide and seek with unbelievers..

                                        JESUS REVOLUTION-THE ONLY SOLUTION                       Shalom to all my beloved blog followers.  I am happy to see that over 20 people have been watching my blog this far, I suppose it will take a while before it gets as big as my previous one with all those login problems. I hope you have been blessed from what you have seen this far, and what I am going to write will somehow be helpful and useful to you too. I must confess that when I opened my blog, to write a new post, because of my tiredness I totally didn't know what to write about at first. But then I remembered, what I have heard people say about Christianity today. Including my little sister, who's atheist boyfriend didn't even know there where any Christians left in Sweden today just a few years ago. I might wonder what it says about Christianity these days. My sister says many Christians seem to be hiding. I assume it is because they don't want to be r