
Visar inlägg från mars, 2019

The easter bunny is no match for Jesus!

The Easter bunny can never save your soul Shalom to all my beloved blog followers. I hope this week God has blessed you in many ways & I hope you who haven't received Jesus/Yeshua as your Lord and Saviour yet, will some day soon do it so your eternity will be in a place so divine, holy and beautiful you can't even imagine it. And that you can before that live in relationship with him so he can guide you to his special plan for your life, he certainly does have one for you! there is a reason he sent you here and you are reading this blog! Your life has a point and a higher purpose, and Jesus is the only one who can lead you to there . Now to todays topic, soon Easter will arrive, and I have always loved Easter. The weather is often beautiful and filled with sunshine, you see yellow flowers everywhere in windows and a lot of decorations to buy together with chocolate eggs from the stores. I don't mind chocolate eggs, Easter decorations, or even those cute rab

International Womens day- What about the millions of girls who never got the chance to become women?

            UNBORN GIRLS ARE GIFTS TOO Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I suppose you already know that I am a pro life advocate, a voice for the unborn children who don't have a voice that can be heard with physical ears. Today I have been partaking in a pro life town meeting in Stockholm, with our "leader" Mats Selander and some of the others who are like me a part of MRO. In English it would be translated HRU( Human rights for unborn). And it so happened to be International Womens day. Often hijacked by leftist feminists who look at us pro lifers like we would be the face of evil itself. That our opinions are endangering "women`s rights". But in my opinion, it is the opposite that is true. For me to kill a innocent baby, unable to protect himself or herself that is the face of evil. And it breaks God's heart too. If you go to youtube you can hear dussins of songs that women who have done abortions have made after meeting Jesu