The easter bunny is no match for Jesus!

The Easter bunny can never save your soul

Shalom to all my beloved blog followers. I hope this week God has blessed you in many ways & I hope you who haven't received Jesus/Yeshua as your Lord and Saviour yet, will some day soon do it so your eternity will be in a place so divine, holy and beautiful you can't even imagine it. And that you can before that live in relationship with him so he can guide you to his special plan for your life, he certainly does have one for you! there is a reason he sent you here and you are reading this blog! Your life has a point and a higher purpose, and Jesus is the only one who can lead you to there.

Now to todays topic, soon Easter will arrive, and I have always loved Easter. The weather is often beautiful and filled with sunshine, you see yellow flowers everywhere in windows and a lot of decorations to buy together with chocolate eggs from the stores. I don't mind chocolate eggs, Easter decorations, or even those cute rabbits in beautiful colours or to have yellow feathers rapped around branches from trees.

But the most important part of Easter, is what you don't see 
so much in Sweden, in shop windows or grocery stores, and that is stuff related to Jesus, his crucifixion and his resurrection. Without it though, without Jesus coming to us as a saviour, carrying our sins on the cross and resurrection from the death 3 days later, our souls would be lost. When Jesus said it is finished, the thick curtain separating God's most holy altar and humans broke, as to way to show that now you can go directly to God the father, because of Jesus. And only through Jesus. And that is a wonderful beautiful fascinating and happy thing, to be able to call God the father the heavenly father and everyday be able to seek his face, because Jesus has opened the door. No Easter bunny in the world can or ever will be able to save your soul. some atheists mock us Christians and say believing in Jesus is like believing in the Easter bunny, but it is not true. This I don't give the Easter bunny credit for:  and this is only one example, I give Jesus the glory for humanitarian organizations like dreamcenter in L.A, Salvation Army, Open doors and Love & Hope/Love Nepal. And David Wilkerson and his work, his books, and Derek Prince and his work and Books, and C.S Lewis Narnia movies, Billy Graham etc. His mercy was and still is the reason souls are being saved through his blessed vessels like the ones I just mentioned.

It is finished ! John 18:28-30. Jesus last words on the cross

After this, Jesus, knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, said, “I thirst!”  Now a vessel full of sour wine was sitting there; and they filled a sponge with sour wine, put it on hyssop, and put it to His mouth.  So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.
What Jesus did to save your soul, was enough for you to be able to come to him. Hanging on the cross with pierced hands and feet he was thinking of you! you ought to remember that! This is all for tonight, take care & God bless


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