International Womens day- What about the millions of girls who never got the chance to become women?


Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I suppose you already know that I am
a pro life advocate, a voice for the unborn children who don't have a voice that can be heard with physical
ears. Today I have been partaking in a pro life town meeting in Stockholm, with our "leader" Mats Selander and some of the others who are like me a part of MRO. In English it would be translated HRU( Human rights for unborn). And it so happened to be International Womens day. Often hijacked by leftist feminists who look at us pro lifers like we would be the face of evil itself. That our opinions are endangering "women`s rights".
But in my opinion, it is the opposite that is true. For me to kill a innocent baby, unable to protect himself or herself that is the face of evil. And it breaks God's heart too. If you go to youtube you can hear dussins of songs that women who have done abortions have made after meeting Jesus and realizing that going through an abortion was murder in his eyes. And despite the fact they have been forgiven and Jesus has started if not even completed the work in their inner healing that can come first when you in front of him admitted that you have done that sin and confessed it as such, despite that fact,they will live the rest of their earthly lives wondering what their children would have been.Longing to see them in heaven. And their songs have been sort of like therapy for them. This is one that moved me:

Now to the topic of this evening, little girls, this time I write about little girls because it is International Womens day, but another time I will write about the boys.
Abortion has not been excluding the murder of innocent little girls, only because they are girls, in fact in countries like China and India, them being girls have even made them targets to large scale mass abortions, because girls have been seen less valuable and profitable than boys. In china because of the horrific one child police that was just recently removed. Now there are millions of bachelor men who can't find wives, and some even kidnap other mens wives in desperation.
Some other go to Malaysia to "buy" themselves wives from poorer families.

I have been working in different preschools, and I will always be moved from a memory of a little beautiful girl from India who said to me" I love you miss Tanja"!!<3  she was 2 and a half years old and already knew what love was and it touched my heart. I responded of course saying to her" I love you too" and kissed and hugged her. How could anyone not love such a sweet little angel?
It just breaks my heart that at the same time, another little girl from India was slaughtered in her mothers womb only because she was a girl. I wonder who she would have become?
The same with the millions of others from allover the world, who's wives would they have been? who's beloved sisters would they have been? who's beloved aunts? who's beloved cousins? who's precious daughters and granddaughters? where they talented singers that would have won millions of souls to Jesus? where there prophets among them? Would one of them been a good surgeon that could have saved someones lives? now so many have to wait so long time for operations in Sweden that even people have died while waiting. What about shrinks and therapists and social workers? or even scientists who would have find cures for diseases?

Who's best friends would they have been? could they have stopped other young girls or boys from killing themselves? could they have made this world a better place? with warm loving hearts and soft hugs? how many of them would have been teachers, midwives, or politicians?  or good writers perhaps, or bold journalists. Or even suitable preschool teachers I have seen when I worked in quite many during my lifetime? or caring bosses who would have been blessings to their employees and put a smile to their faces?
Its like this world really misses them, this world misses a huge part of itself when people that are meant to be born to it are murdered. So often when I read the news I hear about the large number of workers missing from different parts of our society, like military, healthcare and schools. And yet the word abortion connected to it has been treated like the elephant in the room. We all know the elephant is there, but its being ignored.
Those girls who where aborted, where unique!! in so many ways! unique gifts, unique facial traits, unique voices and unique fingerprints. And they never got to come to this world to fulfill their destiny! they had dreams too and they wanted to live! If you don't believe me listen to the song" You named me no one" from youtube that came directly from heaven.

You see God has a purpose for each child. There have been times when he has been able to save children from abortion with supernatural visions. Since it is International Womens day you can check this song out, what happened in this music video has happened IRL and it moved me when I first saw it today:

None of those videos would even exist if God supported abortion industry and their cruel ways of depriving mothers from motherhood and little girls from even coming to this world so they can become mothers themselves. Defending it  because of "Womens rights" the same organizations also fight pro life organizations who want to save lives and help poorer women to keep their babies or even find good adoptive parents to their babies if they can't be kept by their biological families. All because abortions are giving organizations like Planned Parenthood money. For me abortionists are no different than assassins you see in gangster movies that are payed to kill other people. Both get payed for killing, only the ones the so called doctors kill are innocent and have done nothing to deserve it. A baby is the most innocent little human there ever will be. That should be common sense for all who have looked in the eyes of an newborn infant who just opened his or hers eyes or gave his or hers first smile to their mom or dad.
You don't know who you kill during an abortion. But if you have done it you can be forgiven and healed by the blood of Jesus if you turn to him and confess it as a sin and ask Jesus to come to your lives.
Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless! I by the way still hope you have been having a blessed week and have spend time with Jesus as your Lord and Savior or are about to receive him as one, whoever you are who read this, Jesus loves you and wants to save you fill you with his love and send you! 
/ Tanja

I end this blog post with Bible quotes:
Jeremiah 1:5:" Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you where born, I set you apart. I appointed you as a prophet to the nations".

 Mark 10:13-16

People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them."

            Proverbs 6:16-19

 There are six things that the Lord hates,
    seven that are an abomination to him:
 haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
    and hands that shed innocent blood,

a heart that devises wicked plans,

    feet that make haste to run to evil,
 a false witness who breathes out lies,
    and one who sows discord among brothers.

And of course this one. John 1:9:
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.


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