
Visar inlägg från maj, 2019

Jesus is the only one we should worship! not climate activists!

          A CLIMATE ACTIVIST CAN NEVER SAVE YOUR SOUL     Shalom!   to all my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been blessed with a lot of sunshine, with more good memories to take with you to the rest of your life journey. And I hope you have decided to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior to your heart and life in words and in practice, he has a special plan for you, you are not reading this blog post because of an accident, he sent you! and he wants you to be a part of his family, so he can guide you to the plan he has for your life. He loves you very much! if you already are a Christian, I hope you have spent time seeking his face, so you have grown closer to him and gotten more spiritually sensitive. Trust me we all Christians need spiritual sensitivity and discernment these days and for the days to come. And it takes a while, for me several years of reading Bible and praying before I gotten more sensitive to spiritual world, and to hearing the voice of Go

Every child is an unique gift, who will never come again!

      HUMANS SHOULD NEVER BE THROWN AS GARBAGE Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers.I hope your week has been blessed with many good memories,and that you are grateful for them, as gifts everything good you have has God as an origin. I hope those of you who haven't done it yet, will some day soon receive Jesus in your heart and life as a Savior and Lord,so you can come to the special purpose and plan he has for you. Whoever you are, you are not here as an accident.You are unique, and there will never be another human being on this world that is just like you. And you are precious, so precious Jesus payed the full price for your sins on the cross, so you can be in his family now and forever. There is a living, loving, speaking and hearing God and his name is Jesus. Just let him come to you! he has been waiting for you! Now I will move on to this weeks topic. Its about the value of human life. I have heard about the heartbeat pill anti abortion law made in Alabama, a

Wars and rumours of wars- Beginning of the sorrows- Jesus prophcies

THE WORDS OF JESUS ARE BEING FULLFILLED  Shalom! to all of you who read my blog, beloved precious eternal souls, from me living in this little Stockholm suburb I was born and raised in. I hope your week has been blessed with happy memories and that you have  received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour or plan to do that soon. He really has a special plan for your life and you where never meant to live without him in your heart and by your side. I have been having a prayer week, as a Christian soldier, as a way to  fight the danger of Islam and darkness with it. And because I know Jesus loves all those precious souls that honestly have a deep longing for his love. In the same week, I have also been happy for Meghan and Harry for getting the honour of coming parents to this cute little baby boy they chose to call Archie, I will keep praying for them all, I know freemasonry is a occult organization and hope they will leave it some day soon. Freemasonry like Scientology, Islam, buddhism a