Be prepared for the future War, and start praying!

Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers! I hope your week has been blessed with many happy summer memories, and that you have like me enjoyed and been grateful even for the rain. Last years drought in Sweden was nasty and scared people out from their senses and unfortonately( Lord bless their souls and forgive them) it even lead to farmers killing themselves. Some people are too sensitive to fear to be able to have hope for their future when trials come. After all this is a country where vast majority don't even believe there is a God. But since I have been fighting suicide thoughts since early teens, Jesus uses me to pray for the future victims on a regular basis, and I hope they got another chance in the tunnel of light, especially if they had since childhood been startled away from everything concerning Jesus and Christianity I know it is happening, I have been discussing this issue with kids to atheists.
I hope all of you who read this blog today, will spend eternity with me and Jesus. Thats why I hope you will someday soon accept him to your heart as a Savior, or return to him if you used to be Christian but left Jesus because you got sad at him. And that you are willing to forgive all people who hurt you so he can heal the wounds of your heart. Jesus really loves you!
Now to todays topic, it seems like Jesus sometimes reminds me of stuff, I have already written about earlier. This evening was one of them. When I asked and thought about what to write about this evening, I sensed him say write about The war, and preparations. I have sensed before already, that Sweden will face war, and it seems and feels like it will happen quite shortly, within this year or next if you ask me. I have been having dreams about it, and knowing many others even non believers had them too which usually is a sign that it will occur, I believe it is urgent for us to start preparing.

So how do we prepare? nr 1, if you are a Christian: You should pray! pray for the soldiers who will be involved in the war, most certainly Sweden, Norway and Finland against Russia. Pray for their souls, that they will receive Jesus before they die, pray for the souls of their families and pray for all the civilians who will leave this world when the war starts. And of course pray with me for our familys and friends and neigbours. I don't know the exact date or year for the war, nor how many will die or how long the war will last, knowing it is one of God's judgements that call for repentance and that this country is quite prideful, this might take a while. Now it is good time to check out the nearest bomb shelter, non Christian or Christian, unless you like me rather give the place for non believers trusting the protection of the blood of Jesus.
2. Get prepared, with food, water, hygiene products, toilet paper, outside grill etc. Here you can read about what you might need when war starts:
Its good to have food you can cook without electricity. Canned foods. I myself have a jar of peanut butter, but my sister was like: THATS JUNK!! but for me it has always been a blessing when I was hungry and had little time to cook. And don't forget the fluids! No matter what, it is always good to have an emergencies store somewhere. Bandages, alcohol to clean wounds and stuff like that are good. It is better to be prepared, and have something to eat and or drink, than have nothing when bad stuff happen. In worst case you might have to eat the food before it gets spoiled, and renew your preppers store, the best case; yey you are prepared!

3. Be ready to share, there always will be unprepared people who said: I did't know war would start! I spent my last penny to pizza last night! if you afford it, store up enough groceries you can share with the unprepared. Sharing is caring! 4. Make sure you have loose cash! credit cards can't be used while electricity is closed. 5. Make sure you know the way to your relatives and friends houses without cars and busses and trains. Bicycle perhaps? or have gas to the car to travel where they are at. Cellphones might not work for a while and you can forget about Facebook!
And of course, don't panic! just turn to Jesus when everyone else panics, panic doesn't help anyone and it takes away peoples senses and make them take foolish decisions. Don't think you are an exclusion.
I will end with some Bible quotes. God says in : Chronicles 7:14: If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land".
And Jesus says in Matthew 24:7: Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places". As one of the signs that we are going to the end of times before his return.
Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless/ Tanja


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