Stand up and fight! In Jesus name!

                               WE ARE AT WAR, FIGHT! DON'T COMPLAIN!                    

Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been blessed and that you will have a wonderful weekend. In Sweden it has been very hot, but I quite enjoyed it because it gives me chance to fill up my Vitamin D supplies, something I can never do at winter time. Luckily I also have strong skin that doesn't burn that easy, at least not my face. arms and legs. 
I give credit to God for giving me the right genes from my middle eastern both jewish and gentile ancestors, and of course from them and other ancestors who came from Brazil, Cuba , Spain, and Syrian arab republic, Israel, Egypt and Native Americans. Many of the people from these nations have little darker skin and can handle sun and heat better than pink europeans.
I of course hope you who already are Christians, have spent time in your prayer room with Jesus, read his word and practiced your spiritual hearing. And if you still haven't chosen Jesus as your Lord and savior, I hope you will soon, he loves you and has a plan for you, not one single tear have you dropped without him seeing it, not a wound have come to your heart he cannot heal, and not a sin he cannot forgive. Just give him the chance! He is waiting for you!
Now to todays topic, and it is about complaining. Before I start, I must confess I am not perfect, I do on a regular basis complain myself, when I see something horrible at the news, read about something horrible that chocks me, I write about my emotions and let others see them. But luckily, it is not all I do. I have been called to be a prayer warrior, and on a daily basis I pray, and God knows I see results! Here are some results I can testify about: My aunt survived a heart operation, that could have killed her and not that many what I know survive it.  America is waking up and many see the good sides of American President and realize the leftist gossips have been wrong, Trump has given over a million dollars to a pro life organisation that saves unborn lives, Canada is going to have a conservative prime minister and sack Justin, and pedophile networks have been exposed and children helped away from there. And there are Christian revivals allover the world including Iran and China. I hope you now can see, how prayer works! And be inspired to pray more, in Jesus name.

But it disturbs me that when I see a youtube clip, for example about Hillary and Bill Clintons wrongdoings, The Islamization of Europe or how other public figures make public bloopers, 99% of the comments under are immature insults, or depressive "give up" messages like: Sweden is lost, England is lost, Germany is lost, France is lost.. as some of the most typical ones ,  mostly when looking at the attack on conscience, democratic rights, free speach and everything concerning Christianity and or critics against Islam. And everything involving Islamization.

I feel like one in 5000 when I finally say something most Christians should take for granted, that if you wan't to see a change, pray! No Europe is not lost, it is battleling several nasty viruses in different names, there are bad cells attacking the good cells, just like in a sick person. But those viruses can be fought, in Jesus name. Jesus name and his blood and standing up for him and praying, gives medicin and fuel to the good cells. If you look at this world as a sick person, and you are living in it, and have the power to be a part of that sickness of part of that cure, don't cast the towel! be a part of that cure. When Jesus returns the whole world will be renewed and a perfect place to live, but until then there is a battle, and it is about the eternal souls of entire humanity.Don't ever say a country is lost! just be a part of the Jesus army in prayer, and you will see that we can still fight Satan.  Don't be a wuss who only complains, do something!

I end with some Bible quotes:  Chronicles 7: 14: If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven,and I will forgive their sin and heal their land"

1th John 5. 14: This is the confidence we have in approaching God, that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us!

Now we have come to the finale! have a blessed weekend in Jesus name, take  care & Shalom/ Tanja


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