The Spirit of Jezebel and the Pro Choice movement
Shalom, to all my beloved blog followers.
I wasn't sure what to blog about today, until
just now, when I felt Jesus wanted me to
warn about the spirit of Jezebel.
I have listened to Sid Roths Supernatural
today, and I heard Dr Michael Brown
speak about that nasty spirit, that has in many
ways influenced the society we see today.
He said that there is a connection with the
Spirit of Jezebel, and the pro Choice movement we see today, where leftist feminists both male and female, get more and more hostile and aggressive towards people not sharing their opinions and do what they can to silent us.
Me being a part of a Pro Life Movement here in Sweden called MRO, or in English it would be shortened to HRU( Human rights for the unborn) know all about hostile pro choice feminists, and have heard at least twice from some of them that they wish I had been aborted,
my friend Mats should have been aborted and
that the fact that we stand there is proof that
there are too few abortions done.
Some just scream, spit and trample on the ground like 6 year olds, and some others ask us to go to hell.
In US some pro lifers have even been physically
attacked. The Spirit of Jezebel, in the Bible
was infulencing a queen, that supported and
practiced with her friends and supporters,
murders of innocent children, sacrificed to
But thats not all that spirit does, it also is
causing women to hate men, gender confuseness, breaking up marriages and with them breaking the hearts of the children who get in the middle.
Often it seeks to influence women, in leading
positions, so her spirit can influence more people to her agenda.
Her agenda is directly from Satan, and that
is to destroy as many lives as possible.
And it is also connected to the worshipping of different female Gods and other false
Gods, that lead away from Jesus. You can read more about it from this link:
I can see how clearly it is impacting our younger genereations, even here in Sweden, when hostile young girls as young as 14- 15 come in flocks and get all hysterical, when facing us pro lifers who show the nasty face of abortion there in public on the streets. Calling us womens rights attackers and other even uglier names I will not repeat.
And we Christians, who have the spiritual armors given by Jesus Christ, the power in his blood, need to start praying against this nasty Spirit. She also does everything she can to silence the prophets, who stand in God's side. On Jesus side now that we are in the new covenant. So it is not a easy spirit to fight. It takes boldness, full armor of Christ, full obedience to Christ, and the use of spiritual weapons of his word to fight her, and the will to carry the cross. To be willing to allow people unfriend you, stop following you on twitter, even leaving your church, when standing against this nasty spirit and her agenda. It /she loves to use fear to silence you! so don't back! stand up in Jesus name and let Jesus and The Holy Spirit guide you to fight her on the right way. Don't bind and loose right and left without any praying or meditating on your knees first, ask The Holy spirit what he wants and ask him to guide you.
Abortion the way I see it and God sees it, who have called me to be a voice to the unborn, is murder, to kill someone innocent that can't protect him/herself only because she or he wasn't planned, is nothing but murder. But if you have done it, you can be forgiven by turning to Jesus, admit it as a sin and apologize to him, afterwards you can even go to prayer counceling and ask them to pray with you so you can get free from the evil spirit of death and murder that most certainly have entered your life when you did your abortion. Jesus can heal your heart and set you free from the darkness that has come into your life after what you have done.
Here are some Bible quotes I thought I would share with you, before saying goodbye. Here you can clearly see what God thinks about shedding of innocent blood.
Psalm 106: 37-41
And here you can see what Jesus says about children. MATTHEW 18:10:
"See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.
Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless
Shalom, to all my beloved blog followers.
I wasn't sure what to blog about today, until
just now, when I felt Jesus wanted me to
warn about the spirit of Jezebel.
I have listened to Sid Roths Supernatural
today, and I heard Dr Michael Brown
speak about that nasty spirit, that has in many
ways influenced the society we see today.
He said that there is a connection with the
Spirit of Jezebel, and the pro Choice movement we see today, where leftist feminists both male and female, get more and more hostile and aggressive towards people not sharing their opinions and do what they can to silent us.

my friend Mats should have been aborted and
that the fact that we stand there is proof that
there are too few abortions done.
Some just scream, spit and trample on the ground like 6 year olds, and some others ask us to go to hell.
In US some pro lifers have even been physically
attacked. The Spirit of Jezebel, in the Bible
was infulencing a queen, that supported and
practiced with her friends and supporters,
murders of innocent children, sacrificed to
But thats not all that spirit does, it also is
causing women to hate men, gender confuseness, breaking up marriages and with them breaking the hearts of the children who get in the middle.
Often it seeks to influence women, in leading
positions, so her spirit can influence more people to her agenda.
Her agenda is directly from Satan, and that
is to destroy as many lives as possible.
And it is also connected to the worshipping of different female Gods and other false
Gods, that lead away from Jesus. You can read more about it from this link:
I can see how clearly it is impacting our younger genereations, even here in Sweden, when hostile young girls as young as 14- 15 come in flocks and get all hysterical, when facing us pro lifers who show the nasty face of abortion there in public on the streets. Calling us womens rights attackers and other even uglier names I will not repeat.
And we Christians, who have the spiritual armors given by Jesus Christ, the power in his blood, need to start praying against this nasty Spirit. She also does everything she can to silence the prophets, who stand in God's side. On Jesus side now that we are in the new covenant. So it is not a easy spirit to fight. It takes boldness, full armor of Christ, full obedience to Christ, and the use of spiritual weapons of his word to fight her, and the will to carry the cross. To be willing to allow people unfriend you, stop following you on twitter, even leaving your church, when standing against this nasty spirit and her agenda. It /she loves to use fear to silence you! so don't back! stand up in Jesus name and let Jesus and The Holy Spirit guide you to fight her on the right way. Don't bind and loose right and left without any praying or meditating on your knees first, ask The Holy spirit what he wants and ask him to guide you.
Abortion the way I see it and God sees it, who have called me to be a voice to the unborn, is murder, to kill someone innocent that can't protect him/herself only because she or he wasn't planned, is nothing but murder. But if you have done it, you can be forgiven by turning to Jesus, admit it as a sin and apologize to him, afterwards you can even go to prayer counceling and ask them to pray with you so you can get free from the evil spirit of death and murder that most certainly have entered your life when you did your abortion. Jesus can heal your heart and set you free from the darkness that has come into your life after what you have done.
Here are some Bible quotes I thought I would share with you, before saying goodbye. Here you can clearly see what God thinks about shedding of innocent blood.
Psalm 106: 37-41
Psalm 106:37-41:
They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons, they poured out innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the Idols of Canaan,and the land was polluted with blood. Thus they became unclean by their acts, and played the whore in their deeds.Then the anger of the Lord was kindled against his people, and he abhorred his inheritance, he gave them into the hand of the nations, so that those who hated them, ruled over them."
And here you can see what Jesus says about children. MATTHEW 18:10:
"See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.
Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless
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