All humans are created in to the image of God

WE ARE HUMANS FROM THE START Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been blessed with happy memories, to take with you to the future. And I hope you will some day soon receive Jesus in your heart, so he can be your Lord and Savior in that future, now and forever. He has defeated death, both physical and spiritual and has a special plan for you. If you already are a Christian, I hope you have had time to seek Jesus face an be filled with his spirit, so you have grown in spiritual sensitivity and strenght. It is a scary world we live in, Jesus can be our peace no matter what storm the enemy throws at your path. Today I have been manifesting against abortion in Stockholm City, together with my beloved friend Mats Selander, who is one of the main founders of MRO( människorätt för ofödda) in English it would be HRU( Human rights for the unborn) and since it was only us two there, we where verbally attacked with flocks of young...