We must watch out for spiritual deceptions that have reached the church

                                    THE BIBLE- ONLY PROTECTION FROM DECEPTION                             

Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been blessed, and that you found ways to keep yourself warm at this dark time before Christmas when sunlight only comes for a quick visit. I hope you will have a blessed Christmas 4 weeks and 2 days from now. And I hope that you who have not already chosen Jesus as your Lord and Savior, will do that soon,so he can spread his spiritual light and warmth in your heart, where there is an empty room waiting for him. If you already are a Christian, I hope you have been studying the Bible, and spent time in prayer and been seeking the face and will of Jesus, so your spirit has grown more strong and sensitive. You absolutely need spiritual sensitivity this day and age, and you will need it even more in the future. If you don't have it, there is a chance you might be deceived. So I urge you to never spend hours in front of the TV watching series, and only few minutes in front of the Bible, because that doesn't feed your relationship with Jesus and will make it harder to face what is going to come, not just persecutions bu talso  to see clearly what is happening already, that means wrong doctrines have arrived to the churches.
There are some of them that I will point out today, that have bothered me in my spirit, when I have heard and seen people, even my Christian brethren involved in them. If God wan'ts me to, I can continue another time writing about some others, or he will choose to use someone else to do that. Its up to him.

1.The practice of Yoga.  I know it is a popular exercise these days, and I know some of you Yoga fans will get angry when you read this, and call me a judgemental extremist who spread fear instead of peace.But frankly it is what God thinks that is nr 1 for me. The truth will always be offensive to all who don't want to accept it or live after it.  And spiritually, I have felt God really warn me about Yoga. I spend at least 14 hours a week in prayer, tongue speaking Jesus face seeking prayer, and that mixed with Bible studies, so I have reason to trust my spiritual sensitivity in this matter.Jesus is filling me with his spirit, all I do is seek his face. It's like jumping in a bath tub that God has prepared for me everyday in the spirit, where I get to seek his face, thank him and keep on listening to him. One of the reasons God has warned me of Yoga, I believe it is because its hinduistic roots. Hinduism is a false doctrine, amongs others, and should not be invited in a Christian person life or home. Because it is a gate to the realm of evil spirits. If you don't believe me, then read the book the death of a Guru: 

I have read it myself, and it vividly describes the spiritual darkness behind Hinduism and Yoga.
And this is also said in the Bible:

ACTS 20: 28-30: Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood. I know after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them.

ROMANS 12:2:  Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- his good pleasing and perfect will.

And of course it is also in the Exodus as one of the first commandments.
Exodus 20:3- 5:  Thou shalt not have other God's before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them, for I the Lord Thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.

If you already have been involved in Yoga, you can be forgiven and set free from all demonic influence that has come with it. But you have to confess it verbally to Jesus as a sin, that you apologize for, and repent from it. And most certainly you need to go to prophetic Christian meetings or other Christian prayer meetings and ask them to pray for you so you can get delivered from the evil spirits connected to yoga. Make sure the prayer team knows you have been involved in yoga. And get rid of everything in your house that has to do with yoga. All books, all dvd:s, all yoga mats, everything. Then your house will be spiritually cleansed.

2. The replacement theology
When I asked God what else bothered him, of false teachings that has reached the Church, that I should write about today. I just now heard him say "The replacement Theology".

Replacement theology, is a false doctrine, that teaches amongs other things that Israel no longer can be saved, and that the Christian gentile Church has replaced Israel in God's promises. And that all promises God gave Israel, now are given to Christian gentiles. It also willingly speak about how many sins Israel has made, that the jews where behind the crucifiction of Christ, and has lost their chances for eternal salvation because they rejected Christ and even "killed Jesus". But there are some things those teachers who teach replacement theology has forgotten. And one of them is that it was the Roman soldiers who crucified Jesus, it was a gentile Pontius Pilate, who agreed to Jesus being crucified. And most of all, it was Jesus who already before his death, said he was to die for the salvation of the souls of all humans. And that he was sent to this world as a Savior. 
And that throught all old testament history, it was the gentiles who lured Israelites to idol worship.So to say Israel is forever outside God's mercy, but only gentiles can be saved, is not okay and it grieves God. And God himself has called himself the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the might one of Israel in the Bible several times. Why would God have all this mercy ONLY for gentiles, and forever turn his back against a nation, that he sent his only son to come from, and that has given us almost the entire Bible?

Take heed to these Bible verses:

(Jesus words) JOHN 10:17-18: The reason the Father loves Me is that I lay down my life in order to take it up again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of My own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my Father.

ISAIAH 59: 20: " The Redeemer will come to Zion, to those in Jacob who turn from transgression, declares the Lord.

I do not wants you to be ignorant of this mystery brothers, so that you will not be conceited. A hardening in part, has come to Israel, until the full number of the Gentiles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: "The Deliverer will come from Zion; He will remove godlessness from Jacob.And this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins".

2 SAMUEL 7: 23-24: And what one nation on the earth is like your people Israel,  whom God went to redeem for Himself as a people and to make a name for Himself, and to do a great thing for you and awesome things for Your land,  before your people whom you have redeemed for yourself from Egypt, from nations and their God's? For you have established for Yourself Your people Israel as Your own people forever, and You , O LORD, have become their God".

I hope The Word of God now has spoken to you, so you realize how incorrect the replacement theology is. And lets not forget that God spoke to Abraham and said I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you, and he was speaking about Abrahams offsprings, later on called the Nation of Israel. Not ever has God taken back his word. He still loves Israel, messianic Churches in Israel has grown rapidly and jews meet Jesus/Yeshua as their Messiah on a daily basis. And he wants us all jews home, and will bring us back home. And he will return to Jerusalem. Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless


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