The Devil is behind the abortion industry- We Christians need to fight back!

CHOOSE LIFE & LIGHT THAT OVERCOMES THE DARK Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been jolly and blessed with more good memories to the journey of life that you are taking, now that we are 9 days from Christmas and all. And I hope you who have not yet received Jesus/Yeshua in your heart as a Lord and Savior, will do that soon, then your Christmas will be blessed with his beautiful peacefull presence in a new way, when you just know he is the reason for the season and he is the one you have longed for all the years without him. If you are a Christian, I hope you have grown spiritually in your prayer room seeking his face, and felt his guidance while you read his word. It is important to take care of your relationship and practice listening to him and keep on obeying him. He should be accepted as a Lord, not just a Savior. Anyone can accept him as a Savior, but to accept...