Gossipping is a sin in front of God


Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope you have had a happy week with many blessed memories to take with you to your future. I also hope you will have a beautiful Christmas 23 days from now, I believe many of you like me are starting to have a Christmas countown soon. I prayed for the victims of recent terror attacks, and I hope their souls found peace in eternity together with Jesus. And I hope their families will find comfort and peace in the love of Jesus.  This week has been busy for me, the highlights have been the time I have spent with Jesus in prayer and with my Christian brethren and other loved ones, and the jolly finding of cheap mittens on black friday. And the deep and fascinating discussions I had with people who where polite and friendly and willing to hear my story, why I am pro life, at a pro life manifestation. I have forgiven the angry mostly female accusers who in the name of pshychology doesn't seem to have found peace in their abortions, or they would not have attacked us so aggressively. If I as a meat eater are sure I made a good decision, why would I attack vegan animal rights activist? only at pro life manifestations thats what we get, fierce attacks! and it is about humans, more precious than animals. Is not the world we live in strange?  But God sent other Christians who supported us, and young teenage girls who where willing to share their point of views and ask me about mine.

I hope of course, like always, that you who are not yet Christian will choose Jesus as your Lord and Savior some day soon, so you will have peace with your creator and a loving relationship with him. He loves you and has special plans for you. He is the reason fo the season after all! and lights up both everyday lives and future special holidays like Christimas for this world and for eternity.
Now to todays topic.Gossipping. When thinking about what I should write about tonight, I felt God say: warn about gossiping! so thats what I plan to tonight before I go to bed.
We all know it is happening, and its happening everywhere. At workplaces, cafeterias, churches, subways, and everywhere you go with your cellphone and with your laptop. It happens in school, it happens at shopping malls, and some people even make money out of it, by writing about different celebs and their fights, break ups, pregnancies and political thoughts.
And it destroys lifes! personally, I don't understand how and why people find time spreading gossip in this time and age? especially as a Christian, when it is very important to spend as much time as possible with God. The only job I got right now, is to work for the Lord, and still I find that time moves far to quickly. Arent there enough books to read? books to write? music to listen too? why do so many people spend so much time spreading gossip.

Gossip is poison, and it can spread like a fire out of your reach, and I have even heard of people in church getting diseases like cancer, and God revealed to them what was said behind their backs. And that they where gossipped against. Words have power! power to save or destroy. And we will all be held accountable for what we have said and about who on this earth. That includes gossip. When our lives are shown in front of God when we leave this earth.

And God warns about it in the Bible.

James 1:26:  Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.
James 4:11: Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister or judges them speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgement on it.
Leviticus 19:16: Do not go about spreading slander among your people. Do not do anything that endangers your neighbours life. I am the LORD.
Proverbs 18:21: The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruits.
Psalm 34:13: keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking lies.

I am not perfect, I had said a things or two, (or two hundred) that God has asked me to repent from and apologize in front of him for. But it is not in my interest or in my nature to spend precious time hours every day or week spreading gossips about others. And I feel spiritual warning about such activity. Why I at least try to be careful nowdays for what I say and about who. I do have a bad temper and when I hear about bad stuff being said and done can get angry and react quickly and be impulsive in my words. But gossipping it is not a lifestyle or an everyday habit. Not now and never.

So I simply with this blog post wanted to do what God asked me to do, warn about the dangers of gossipping. It can get others cursed and sick,it can ruin lives. And it is a waste of time! pray instead for the person that annoys you. I am not talking about confiding heart to heart talks, I mean real gossip that you spread to different people. About stuff you have heard. With bad intentions. That is a sin and it should be repented of! Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless


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