There are only two choices. Jesus or Satan. Which one will you choose?

THERE WILL ALWAYS ONLY BE TWO CHOICES Shalom! to all of you, precious people who happen to be willing to read my blog this friday evening.I hope that your week has been great and blessed with more good memories to take with you to future generations to talk about, and I wish you all a blessed weekend in God's grace. I hope and pray of course that all of you who still in spirituall darkness and have not received Yeshua/Jesus in your heart, will do that soon, so you can begin a new life with hem as a Lord and a Savior, but also a friend, councelor, healer, advicer, helper and a brother, together with the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. And you who already have made the choice, have been taking care of your relationship with him, so you will keep on growing spiritually as a Christian by the power of the Holy spirit in Jesus name and our heavenly fathers name. He has a...