Jesus wants all of the churches return to preach his word, only his word!


Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope you all have stayed healthy in the middle of the Corona virus chaos, and I hope you will stay healthy for the rest of this weekend and years to come. If you haven't already chosen Jesus/Yeshua as your Lord and Savior, I hope you will do that soon, with him you can live fearless and have a deeper purpose in your life, together with the God who created it. He has a special plan for all of us, and I pray you will meet him soon so you will be joining our family. For those who like me already have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, I hope you have been filled with the holy spirit and had many precious moments in taking care of your relationship with Jesus, the father and the holy spirit. And I hope you will keep on growing spiritually and in faith so you can face everything without fear, since Jesus is with you like he always will be with me.

Now I will continue to todays topic, I visited a Nordic prayer conference last week in Solnahallen, and I heard a man speak about what Jesus has told him bothered him, when he looked at todays churches, and now I will continue with the second one I took notes of, in the serie of 3. This is number 2. The last week I wrote about the message to the church of Ephesus, and that was  part/number 1. Next week I will write about the last one, and it is part/number 3 and involves Israel.
But this is the second thing that the brother in Christ mentioned, and Christ used him to speak loudly about in front of us about 200 people who dared to join and where let in to the stadium that evening. Some of that I wrote down I felt God speak to me, and some of was throught my brother in Christ but the message was from Christ himself.


Preach my word again! don't preach accordning to your own ideas and thoughts which satisfy the flesh and dishonour my holy name!

I know what God means, when he said that throught his servant. You see, the parts of Bible where Jesus is presented as a holy God, who also is a judge and not just a savior, has never been so unpopular before than it is today. In many churches you only hear beautiful songs about his love, and his word is used out of context so it can be adjusted to the world we live in. Not at least in the Swedish churchs, who's leader Antje Jackelén has publicly and shamelessly said that there are other ways to God not just Jesus. I can't find an english article about this, but I know there is a Swedish one.

I suppose you english speakers  can use google translate, anyway in this article she says Muhammed is not a false prophet and that there are other ways to God not just Jesus.
And that is not Biblical, since Jesus said himself in John 14:6:  I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except throught me"

And there is the issue of gay marriages and abortion. In the Bible, it has been written in the word that a marriage is suppose to be between a man and a woman. 

Already in Genesis this is what is written, after God created the woman from the rib of Adam.
Genesis 2:24: For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife where naked and were not ashamed.

And of course the words of Jesus himself after he came to earth, when he was discussing marriage and divorce with other people who asked about it.

Jesus words in Matthew 19:4-6: Jesus answered: Have you not read that in the beginning the Creator made them male and female? and said" For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together let man not separate..

As for the issue of Abortion, another hot potato many church leaders don't want to discuss or even dare to criticize, there are words in the Bible which oppose abortion, that means killing unborn children. 

One of the most famous ones, is when God spoke to the prophet Jeremiah about his calling.
Jeremiah 1:5-7 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you where born I set you apart. I appointed you as a prophet to the nations" Alas, Sovereign Lord, I said, I do  not know how to speak,I am too young. But the LORD said to me: Do not say, I am too young. You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you",

My question is, how many prophets have been killed in their mothers wombs this far? by their own mothers and so called doctors in abortion clinics? I dare not even to think too much about it because I know that even if only ONE was killed, that ONE could have been used by the grace and power of Jesus to win hundreds of thousands souls to Jesus. Like Reinhard Bonnke, Billy Graham, Kathryn Kuhlman and other servants of Jesus that he already has used to reach others. God doesn't see the unborn children as "clump of cells" or "fetuses" those are just ungodly ways for trying to sugar coat the entire issue and make sure nobody think it is wrong, when the unborn no longer are called humans.

There is one more Bible verse that shows what God thinks about this issue and the issue of other sins. Proverbs 6:16 -19: These six things doth the lord hate, yea seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

As a born again Christian, I also have felt Jesus speak to me about this issue personally several times, he has called me to be a voice for the unborn, and that I proudly am. He sees it as a murder and it needs to be confessed and repented of. All Christians who has done it, must kneel in front of Jesus in prayer and confess it as a sin and renounce it and apologize for it to Jesus and ask him to forgive them and cleanse them. And most certainly the spirit of death and murder must be driven out from each and every woman/girl who has gone throught an abortion. The last one can only happen if Jesus is her Lord and she has confessed it as a sin and apologized for it. And the people who have pushed the women and girls to do the abortion, and the abortionists themselves who perform them, must repent and turn to Jesus to and ask for forgiveness. Jesus sees everyone and everything. He is ready to forgive and heal if you just go to him. He can heal you from the trauma connected to abortion too, and deliver you from the spirit of fear and shame that most certainly hade come to each and every womans life who ever gone throught an abortion. For delivarence it is good to seek a minister from an evangelical or baptist church who has experience from spiritual warfare.

It is important that we who are meant to be the salt of the earth and light in the darkness, are also carriers of truth. Even when it costs us something. Especially if we area in leading position because what we say in that position affects other people in larger masses, and it is their job to walk in the truth by the truth and speak nothing but the truth, by obeying Jesus who is the truth and TEACH the truth. Because otherwise people will be led astray and trust me you don't want to meet Jesus one day knowing that even ONE person has gone astray because of what you said in Jesus name. Not an good idea. Because Jesus sees and hears everything and excepts us to be willing to serve him. To take care of your personal  relationship with Jesus is also important, read and listen to his word, speak to him, practice to listen to him and obey him..

So speak the truth folks! and remember that cowards where the first ones who where sent to the lake of fire in The book of revelations. Jesus can set you free from ALL fear, even manfear that is a bigger virus than Corona these thays. So no more excuses, go to Jesus, obey Jesus and let him use you!

thats all for tonight, take care & God bless


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