We need to remember Jesus message to the Church in Ephesus

                                  LET YOUR LOVE TO JESUS NEVER GO COLD                 

Shalom! to all of my beloved blog followers! I hope you are all well and that none of you have gotten sick in the Corona virus or experienced anything else that caused you sadness. I myself feel fit as a fiddle,despite the fact that I have been partaking in this wonderful Christian prayer call conferenc in Solna. https://www.sverige714.se/post/solnahallen

I trust and know Jesus has protected me by the power of his blood, and this weekend has been amazing. I only missed yesterdays meeting for personal reasons, family stuff. But I attended on friday evening and this afternoon. The holy spirits presence was wonderful, and the teaching and worship songs where great too. I believe Jesus used our prayers against the darkness back here in Europe. Christian leadrs from Norway, Denmark, United States, Iceland, Finland and Israel also attended. And Åland of course. Like always, this conference met resistence and almost where closed because of the fear of corona virus, but  our prayers worked and it was being held afterall.  But we couldn't have more than 200 people in there per meeting because of rules of attendance regulations connected to the virus. Either way I was happy I attended. And I felt God want me to write about an issue he has with many Churches in the world today. Including Sweden. If you feel targeted in your conscience and your heart then turn back to Jesus and apologize.The first one I heard them speak about today in the conference. The other two I will write about the next coming weekends. It is this time mostly to other Christians, but if you are a non Christian it is okay if you are still interested in reading about what God wants of his children. I hope you who are not yet saved, will receive Jesus in your heart soon, he loves you and has a special plan for you!

1. You have rejected the love you had to me at first
In the book of revelation, Jesus spoke directly to a Church in Ephesus, about an issue that Jesus still sees in our churches today. And it is when we reject the love we had, to Jesus, when we first met him, and let something or someone else replace him.
You can read what Jesus says in Revelation 2: 4-7:Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. Consider how you have fallen! repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place. But you have this in your favor: You hate the practice of the Nicolatians, which I also hate.
Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God."

You see, even today, there are a lot of other people, even things and situations, that draw our attention to them instead of Jesus.
And it is really important that we Christians put Jesus first in our lives, and DO NOT reject seeking his face on a daily basis and taking care of our relationship with him. He walked all the way to the cross, tormented and killed for our sins, so we can be saved and have a loving relationship with him, God united in relationship to humans, once again. He is the only way truth and the life, and the one person who should be put first in our lives.

 How well we take care of our relationship with him now, will be visible in the future when even more stronger trials will come with more intense persecutions against us his children. We can't make it to the end! if we don't take care of our relationship with Jesus and let him form us and fill us with his spirit, so we can be supernaturally bold, delivered from evil spirits and strong in faith enough to stand up in his presence. We are soo depended on his grace! now and forever! and he wants us to spend time with him! speak to him, listen to him, learn to hear his voice, obey him! let him know how much you love him! he really longs to let you feel his love too!
But as it looks like I am afraid in many peoples lives, it is that they go to church on sunday, say Jesus you are my everything in songs, but then go home with no change spending hours in front of TV and computers watching series, and the only time they open their bibles is when they are told to do so once a week in the church. That is far from what Jesus wants. He wants to be our nr 1 priority! to be our Lord not just savior.

 You see, all Christians have one way or another been touched by the holy spirit and chosen to walk with Jesus, all have sang the song I have decided to follow Jesus no turning back, at least us evangelicals here in Sweden. Its meant to really MEAN something. Not just stay as a song then rest of your life you live with yourself as God.

And far too much of their time they do anything but seek Jesus. That is one way to reject the love they had at first. Another way is not to care about what he wants, in one way it is connected to not reading the Bible. The Bible tells us vividly what God likes and dislikes, you don't know God at all if you don't read the bible and receive whats in it.  So open your bible, read, receive and believe! and obey! and be willing to share Jesus with others. Jesus can help you to be free from fear of man. And he can open doors! 
When you have two hours free time, spend at least one of them seeking God, if not both hours! trust me, you will never regret the time you spent seeking Jesus, but you will regret the time you spent doing everything else and wasting the time God gave you.

I end with one last Bible quote, that I really really love and shows how much God the father loves us. Why he deserves to be nr one in our lives.
John 3:16: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless/ Tanja


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