
Visar inlägg från maj, 2020

It is important to trust Jesus, for he is wiser than us

                      ONLY JESUS CAN SEE EVERYTHING- TRUST HIM Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope you are all well, healthy and strong physically and emotionally, despite whats going on in this world. I know it can be hard to stand strong in the middle of this fear ocean because of Corona virus, but whatever you do, don't give up! Jesus hears you, loves you and he can give you the strenght and peace and comfort you need. Just let him do it, invite him to your lives as a Savior and Lord by praying the sinners prayer, then try to find a church where you feel at home, you can always pray him to guide you, so you will have a fellowship. Jesus wants us to have a spiritual home where he can use us, and use others to pray for us too, we are never meant to be lone rangers. I believe there are many good churches, like Lutheran, Baptist and Evangelical churches to choose from. I don't trust the Catholic church, even thought I know there are good hearted Christi

In the eyes of Jesus mass abortion is genocide

                           JESUS NEVER SEES A FETUS- BUT A BABY Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, I hope you are well and that you have been having a wonderful week, and that your weekend will be under God's grace and protection, like the rest of your lives. Which is why I hope those of you who haven't done it already, will receive the grace of Jesus/Yeshua by accepting him in your hearts as a Lord and a Savior, while you still can. Because one day, will be your very last day on earth, then suddenly your soul leaves your body and you stand in front of Christ. And unless you have the gift of prophecy and God has told you when it is your time to go, you don't know the exact date. Jesus/Yeshua really loves you, and so much wants you to join his kingdom and family so he can guide you to his precious plan for your life, why you are here reading this in the first place. All humans are created in the image of God, even thought some of them are