
Visar inlägg från juni, 2020

Don't forget that your soul is eternal- Focus on Jesus while you walk the narrow way

                ONLY FOCUSING ON JESUS CAN SAVE US WHEN THE NWO COMES               Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers! I hope you are all healthy in the middle of this Corona 19 scare, if you are, give glory to Jesus for protecting you, if you are not healthy turn to Jesus and thank him for his healing power, in his precious blood. But always be willing to forgive the people who have offended you before you seek the face of God, and if he reminds you of something you have done wrong, go to him and ask him to forgive and cleanse you. I do that on a regular basis. He is  the only way, truth and the life, and only by focusing on his beautiful face and the love and grace he offers throught his sacrifice on the cross, can we stay strong and bold even when facing death treaths from enemy forces in the future. Because Jesus has defeated death. Your soul is eternal. What you do here on earth, you will be held accountable for when you leave it. That is why we should

Planned Parenthood is nothing but planned genocide! Jesus is the author of life

         JESUS WILL NEVER SUPPORT THE KILLING OF INNOCENT CHILDREN  Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope you are healthy physically, spiritually and emotionally today, this lovely Sunday evening. God has protected me, so I feel healthier now than I have for months. We just celebrated Midsummer in Sweden, and I visited my older sister with her family, together with my younger sister and celebrated Midsummer, it was lovely and I look forward to next time. My two nephews age 5 and 4 are two blessings from my Lord Jesus/Yeshua and I will always be greatful for them.  They are so different, but still so adorable. The elder has a soft and compassionate heart, and he is spiritually sensitive, he can feel when someone is not a good balanced person and when a person has good heart and good intentions. We are very close and I thought he was so sweet when he despite him being so tall, he came to me where I sat watching a cartoon with the boys and crawled up to my arms seeking

Will you be a sheep of a goat? it is up to you!

         JESUS WILL ONE DAY SEPARATE THE SHEEP FROM THE GOATS Shalom! to all my  beloved blog followers. I am writing to you from Stockholm Sweden, the center where the Corona virus has placed its ugly face it seems.But I am allright, and so is my family. Jesus has in his grace kept us alive and I am sure as long as he wants to use us, he will keep on doing so. Right now the only thing we can trust is the protection of the blood of Jesus. Because when you visit grocery stores( which we must) people don't seem to care about distance anymore. The same with public transportations. So each and every survivor of this year, I believe will be the surviving ones only because of some kind of divine protection.  Todays topic, is about a prophecy in the Bible, spoken by Jesus/Yeshua himself. Where he said he will divide the goats from the sheep, in the future when the entire humanity will be held accountable for what choices they made during their lifetime on earth.