Planned Parenthood is nothing but planned genocide! Jesus is the author of life


Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope you are healthy physically, spiritually and emotionally today, this lovely Sunday evening. God has protected me, so I feel healthier now than I have for months. We just celebrated Midsummer in Sweden, and I visited my older sister with her family, together with my younger sister and celebrated Midsummer, it was lovely and I look forward to next time. My two nephews age 5 and 4 are two blessings from my Lord Jesus/Yeshua and I will always be greatful for them. 

They are so different, but still so adorable. The elder has a soft and compassionate heart, and he is spiritually sensitive, he can feel when someone is not a good balanced person and when a person has good heart and good intentions. We are very close and I thought he was so sweet when he despite him being so tall, he came to me where I sat watching a cartoon with the boys and crawled up to my arms seeking for closeness. It wasnt easy but we managed to fix this magical moment just for a while. He always runs towards me with joy in his face when he sees me and says: AUNT TANJA!!! when he sees me after being separated for a shorter or longer time because they no longer liv in this messy suburb where God has placed me.
He has these beautiful blue eyes and he really loves hugs. And he loves everything that tastes sweet, he is a licorice fan just like his aunt Tanja haha. He is also a smart kid who already knows how to read.

The younger one is the goof ball, he can run faster than a squirrel, and he has a great sense of humour and he really makes us all laugh a lot. He is picky with foods,only likes some certain foods and didn't like sweets until recently when he found out how lovely icecream tastes.  He has a beautiful singing voice and loves boats. Yes they fight, yes I am tired after a day with them, but it is worth it! because they are blessings, unique gifts that nobody can ever replace. Just like all children. He also runs with joy in his face when he sees someone he loves, like me, my parents or my younger sister. But he is not a hugging type of person when we leave, he is just waving and saying goodbye. The older one is a hug bear.

I could not imagine a world without them. And since God wanted me to write a pro life message today, I thought to share about my life would be a good start.
You see,  there are millions of people out there, who miss all this. Mothers who decided to abort their children, with our without the consent or pressure from the father.
But it also affects the other people,like the childrens other family members, like their aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers,cousins, the friends they would have gotten to know if they where here, the teachers they would have impressed, the laughters they would have laughed. Christmas eves, birthdays, prayers while kneeling to the bed. Wifes and husbands they would have married, gifts that God gave them they could have used and souls Jesus could have used them to save.  In equally many platforms as individuals. But nobody gave them a chance and they where sent back to heaven.

 Abortion is not just something that non Christians do, they are people even who call themselves Christians who had done "secret" abortions. But they are not secret for the eyes of Jesus. And need to be confessed as a sin, so they can be cleansed and forgiven. Not just the moms, all partakers who have pushed the mom to abortion too, including the ones who work in Planned Parenthood who make money from killing unborn children.

The name Planned parenthood is a wrong name, they should be called Planned Genocide. Because millions of unborn children have been killed in those abortion clinics. Children God had a plan for. And their blood cries out to Jesus in heaven on a daily basis, not only because of Planned Parenthood of course, but because of other people in other places who think they should be killed.
But still in heaven they learn how to forgive, I have heard the stories of people who had heavenly visitations. Like earthquake Kelley here you should all listen to this:

Personally God has put in my heart, like Abby Johnsons, to be a voice of the unborn. And I WILL NEVER be ashamed for it. People have been trying to shame me and say I should be ashamed for being a woman and a pro life, but it probably is their own shame they are trying to impose on me. It will never work. Because If God is with me, who can be against me?
If I was a lukewarm coward, who never stood up for anything, especially if it cause persecutions, and in words and actions would tell the world that I was no different from them, and they could scare me to say and act just like them, not living as God will hold me accauntable for anything after my passing.. yeah that would be embarrassing. Because Jesus was never politically correct. He told the truth even when it made others angry and offended. And we are called to walk in his footsteps. And by his grace and his strenght we can and will walk the narrow way.
This is what Jesus says in his words:

Matthew 7: 13-14: The narrow and wide gate: Enter throught the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter throught it.
But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life and only few find it.

And in Matthew 16: 24:  Then Jesus told his disciplies : If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross and follow me.

And let us not forget  what Jesus said in Matthew 18: 10:  See that you don't look down on any of these little ones. For I tell you their Angels in heaven, always see the face of my Father in heaven.

So make sure you are in Jesus will with your life, so he can wellcome you to heaven when it is your turn to leave this world. He has a special plan for all of  you, I pray you who are unsaved and read this will some day soon receive Jesus as a Lord and Savior, and confess him as such in words and in actions. He loves you all! and you who are already Christians, I hope you will be ready for the trials that will come, the narrow way will not be easy, but Jesus has defeated death, remember that ! and he can give you what you need to keep fighting.

Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless/ Tanja


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