Jesus can set you free even from sexual bondage


                         PUBLICLY ACCEPTED AND CALLED LOVE

Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been blessed with many good
memories, to take with you to the journey of life. And I hope your August will be a happy month. If you haven't done it already, I hope you will accept Jesus/Yeshua as your savior and Lord in your heart this new month, so you can have a fresh start with your creator, Lord, savior and friend that you where meant to be in a relationship with, why all people have a hole in their heart that only can be filled with Jesus/Yeshua. That is the void people feel who get depressed and try to fill it with sexual encounters, shopping, drinking, smoking and using drugs. But it won't work, since Jesus is the one who is meant to fill it. So let him come to your life! he has a special plan for you and can set you free from all bondage that troubles you. No matter what kind. But repentence is important, if you carry bitterness against someone, be willing to forgive the ones who hurt you, if you gossip and lie, you need to stop gossiping and lying. If you live in sexual sin, you must be willing to leave that life. But God can help you, and guide you closer and closer to him, if you give him the chance to do so.

Since it is Pride month, I thought I would use the little freedom of speech we Christians still have, to write about something that might be hard to hear, but is the truth. And that is that Jesus can set you free from homosexual bondage, not ONLY homosexual bondage, but also all kind of bondage to sexual sin that keeps you from living a pure and holy life. Some people who are straight struggle with fear to marry or with pornography, Jesus can break those chains too. By his grace.

I don't hate gay people, for the same reason I don't hate other straight people, they are all humans created in God's image, loved by Jesus and can all be redeemed and delivered by his grace. So you must not receive this as hate speech.
But I have heard testimonies from people, like Dennis Jernigan and Richard Oostrum, who actually used to be gay, but who met Jesus powerfully because of other loving Christians willing to tell them the truth that they where never meant to be gay and Jesus could set them free., and they where delivered.
There are forces in our world, trying to silence us who speak the truth. I am a member of a social platform called where they removed all my pro life quotes I found on google, where there where texts about the value of human life, because it was offensive and against their rules, despite the facts I had no visitors of my profile therefore nobody but the ones who run stayfriends could possibly see them. Those quotes I wanted to use so people who haven't known me for years would get a picture of where I stand today.

So therefore I am using the time I got to speak the truth and write the truth. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, and the only way to the father and his children ought to always stand for the truth. And use the little time we still have to say it.

Dennis Jernigan, who's testimony you can read about in his own webpage, is now happily married with a woman and they have 10 kids.
you can also read about other peoples testimonies on youtube.

I believe to 90% of the cases, God has a wife for all men and a husband to all women.
It its his system of creaton, and the dark forces in the spiritual realm wan't to do everything to break it.  This is already written in genesis:
Genesis 2: 21-24: So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept he took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man.
Then the man said: This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh, she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of man.
Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

You see, there is a reason why same sex couples need someone from the opposite sex to have a baby, two women need sperm from a man, two men need a surrogate woman who carries the child biologically connected to one of the men, if not twins where one belongs to man 1 and one to man 2 which also I have heard happens.
Either way men always need women, and women always need men if they want a child naturally concieved. Even in adoption, the child has once been made when a man and a woman became one.
Because that is God's order of creaton.

He never stopped us from loving, love is not the issue here. I can love people from both genders like my brothers and sisters created in God's image. But the thing is that love is used to cover sexual bondage, so it will look better. But underneath the love sign is a person who is under demonic influence, who often struggles with mental health issues like depression, and drink or eat too much to feel better or use drugs and any means possible to get rid of depression and anxiety, but not the one who really helps, and that is Jesus. And that requires willing to repent, to accept that sin is sin even when its masked as love, and be willing to leave that sin and receive Jesus help to do so. Sin is always a sin, and a person can never really be free if they don't turn to Jesus who has the keys in his hands covered by his precious blood that can open the gates to the jail of sin people are in who have not yet left it.

I have had my struggles with different sins, and I am not saying I am perfect, I still fall from time to time, but I no longer live in sin, sin is no longer my Lord. Jesus is. What has really helped me prayer, personal prayer, and visiting other Christians mostly from evangelical movement and prophetic meetings and allow them to pray for me. If I never asked for help, I would not be where I am today. We Christians need a spiritual home, where we can pray together, share bible verses together and get prayed for and receive words of wisdom and prophetic words that can build us up.
And I am happy I found my spiritual home in Herrens Vingård( Lords wineyard)

I will end with a famous quote from Jesus himself,  where he said what I have written about, that he is the one who can set people free.
Luke 4: 18-19: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim the good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty, those who are opressed, to proclaim the year of the Lords favor.

Jesus wants to set you free because he loves you, and knows that he can with his power transform all people to his original plan. He is God, he can do everything. When you encounter the Love of Jesus you just know just know just know, that his love is more powerful than any human beings love.

Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless, Jesus loves you! 


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