We are still serving the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob my Christian brethren!



Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, this warm summer Friday night. I hope that you are all healthy and strong, physically and spiritually, and that you will have a blessed weekend, under the protection of Yeshuas mighty blood and his Angels.

Before I continue with todays topic, about the spiritual dangers of Antisemitic teachings, I wan't to make some things clear to all of you.

I am now 36 years old, received Jesus/Yeshua in my heart at age 19, that means I am 17 years in the Spirit. 

And throught these years I have been reading the Bible, being prayed for in the church, and listened to several good sermons where the word of God was taught, throught his servants David Wilkerson, Derek Prince, Graham Powell, Linda Bergling, Joyce Meyer and many more.

And for the past 7 years, I have spent hours having Bible study reflections and learned to listen what God has to say to me personally, and he has taught me a lot. I also spend at least 14 hours in prayer every week, speaking in tongues. People might wonder, why is she bragging? to that I say, I am not. I simply wan't to make it clear, that I have not been led astray. I am not perfect, I have done my share of mistakes during the years. But I do have faith in God, and that he has made me spiritually sensitive enough to know when I am on a bad path. During these years God has spoken to me, he has filled me with his spirit, he has done the job, I have only made myself avaible. And letting God form me. Lecture me, laugh with me, comfort me, teach me and correct me. Encouraged me, and blessed me with peace. That is called a personal relationship with Jesus/Yeshua that all born again Christians should have, if they don't already. That is what God wants. To be able to speak to us directly. Throught his words, and throught his spirit in our hearts.

So, one of the things I know for 100% is that God is not finished with Israel. And that he loves Israel a lot. How do I know  this? The answer is, Yeshua has said it to me personally, and he also said to Abraham that who blesses him and his offspring, he will bless, and who curses Abraham and his offspring get his curse. About that I wrote 2 weeks ago if you haven't read that blog post, please do so if you want to know what I mean.

He has said it to me personally by speaking to me, but also he has let me sense his peace and his joy when I have visited Memory nights for Holocaust Victims and Pro Israel rallies, and each and everytime I go to a prayer night with my church group, where we pray for Israel and the Middle east( but even many other countries) They are called Israel prayer evenings. And everytime I get home from those meetings, I have gotten more sensitive spiritually and can sense immeadiately if something is not right at home. Visiting Rachel and Leif( the ones who hold these meetings) is spiritually like taking a warm amazing bath. I feel God's presence so strongly! and they are 100% pro Israel, both even has jewish ancestry in their genes. If you see them in Stockholm City, they most certainly are dancing Israeli dances with clothes having the Star of David symbols. They are like me, born again Christians. Only they are older, like another father or mother to me. I go to them for spiritual advice and they have been a blessing in my life since I met them. 

And even in the Bible, Jesus said he will not return until Israel says: Baruch Ha'ba Beschem Adonai(  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord). In Matthew 23:39.

About Jesus return we can read in Acts 1:9-12: After he has said this, He was taken up before their very eyes and a cloud hid him from their sight. They where looking intently up into the sky as He was going when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them.

- Men of Galilée , they said, why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven. Then they returned to Jerusalem from the Hill called mount of Olives, as Sabbath days walk in the city".
While you are at it, you can read from Zechariah 14 :4-5

I also used to be a part of a Church, where they used to allow Israel prayer meetings for a period of time, until somebody a parent of a child,  complained about seeing the Israel flags, when the church had childrens dance in the room beside the room where we held Israel prayer meetings. The all suddenly my ex church started to back out in fear and came with demands. If we where to continue to pray for Israel in there, the flags where to be taken away, the dancing of Israeli dances to stop and we needed to add less Israel focus in those prayers. Those demands the leaders Rachel and Leif of course could not agree to. And a big fight broke out and they left the church.

I can tell the difference between the spiritual athmosphere in my ex church before they had the fight and after they had the fight. Before we could have the church prayer meetings in there, and afterwards. It was like somebody had put off the light. A couple of years later when I visited my old church I felt no presence of God at all in there. And I was startled and tought: what happened??? then I remembered the Israel issue. And I think it was shortly thereafter I felt God tell me to leave that church. And now I am in a Israel blessing Church called Herrens Vingård, and I have never regretted for joining them. That is the same church Rachel and Leif went to when they left our old church. It is a wonderful church and I just know I am home, they are so loving and caring and happy people. And the presence of The holy spirit is like Wow.

Anyway, Jesus/Yeshua has also warned about false prophets in the last days.

And one of the clearest way to know they are led astray, is if they are hostile to Israel.
Because there is also Satan, the deceiver, who is out there to steal kill and destroy, and he hates Israel with intense hatred. That is why his misssion is to try to destroy Israel, so Yeshua/Jesus would not be able to return and judge him. But like before, he is going to fail. Yes there will be persecutions, wars between nations. But Israel will never be completely destroyed. Jesus will return, and therefore there will be an Israel waiting for him and wellcoming him back.
Satan also wants Christians to be antisemitic, because he knows that if he can make Christians hate Israel, he not even keeps Israel away from receiving Yeshua as their Messiah, but also succeeds to block the blessings of God to come to Christians that follows them blessing Israel.
That is the last thing God wants. He wants to save Israel and he wants his Christian children to bless Israel as an act of obedience to his word, and be willing to share the Gospel with them, in loving caring way, so they know he is their Messiah. You should all know, without Israel, we would have no Bible( all but one of the writers of the New testament where jews), No apostles and no Savior. Jesus was an practicing jew, who taught from the Torah. But he also was and still is the Messiah Israel is waiting for.

You must never forget the Old testament, and what God said in there. When Jesus came, God the father never said: Hey everbody, forget everything I said in the Old testament, all the prophecies, my holiness, my will to bless Israel, let us move on now and forget all about the Old testament!

NO, the same God that is in the Old testament, we do worship and have faith in today. He still is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He still is holy, and he is both savior and a judge. And he has sent his son to save both jews and gentiles.
You can also read Luke 24 about what the Angels say about Jesus being risen. And what Jesus said when he appeared to his disciplies. He came to fullfill the prophecies.

Also in the Old tetament, most of us know the story about Bileam, who was payed to curse Israel, by gentile nations around them who wanted Israel be cursed. God reminded me to take the story about Bileam in my blog tonight, thank you Holy spirit!

This is written in Numbers 23:5-12: The LORD but a word in Balaam's mouth and said: Go back to Balak, and give him this word. So he went back to him and found him standing beside his offering, with all the  Moabite officials. Then Balaam spoke this message:
Balak brought me from Aram, the king of Moab from the eastern countries. Come, he said: curse Jacob for me, come denounce Israel.  How can I curse those whom God has not cursed? How can I denounce those whom the LORD has not denounced? From the rocky peaks I see them, from the heights I view them. I see a people who live apart and do not consider themselves one of the nations.  Who can count the dust of Jacob or number even a fourth of Israel? Let me die the death of the righteous, and may my final end be like theirs!
Balaak said to Balaam: What have you done to me? I brought you to curse my enemies, but you have done nothing but bless them!
He answered: Must I not speak what the LORD puts into my mouth?

You ought to remember those parts of the Bible too folks.

Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless


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