Its either this world or Jesus, you can't choose both!

Shalom! to all of you, my dear blog followers. I hope your week has been a blessed one, with good memories to take with you to the journey of life.I am happy you found my blog in the middle of all other blogs in the blog djungle, and I hope it will be a blessing to you.

I have prayed for the victims of what happened in Beirut recently, and will keep on doing so. I pray these people meet the face and love of Jesus in the middle of that darkness and receive him in their heart as savior even in the last minute. And I pray as many of possible will survive and meet Jesus afterwards so they can go to the plan he has for them. And for all the other things God has prayed throught me, I trust it has helped them. Jesus sees what is hidden in the darkness, and he meets people on a daily basis. Just write revival in Africa, Iran, China or Israel on youtube then you will see what is happening, even in Iran.
Today I felt God wanted me to write about our hearts, and that we are responsible for who we will receive as Lord in our hearts.
You see, there is a narrow way and there is a wide way. The wide way is when you reject the mercy and grace of Jesus/Yeshua, and choose someone else or something else to put your trust, hope and faith in, and that is what is called "the world choice". It might be simple on earth, you get many likes on instagram and facebook, nobody calls you religious /christian extremist, homophobe, peace disturber, fascist, islamophobe, bigot or anything else non friendly. Where you go and say exactly the rights things, masses might cheer and smile with you where you dance at the Pride parades and making the exact right moves and being in the exact right places saying the exact right words, so you can fit in this world and seen as someone admirable.
The wide way is the easy way, and it might be the most luxurous life it can be on earth, but once you leave it and stand face to face with Jesus, who's mercy and Lordhood you rejected, I am afraid you will regret for an entire eternity for choosing the wide way and the world.
Because ALL people will one day or another, leave this world and everything and everyone in it, and stand face to face with Jesus.
The narrow way, the right way, will not be popular on this earth. The people of this world will persecute you, you might loose some of your friends and family members because they think you are "too extreme" , you might loose your job, your reputation and your life. But you will never loose your soul! and you will find new friends in the middle of persecution, you will se supernatural stuff, feel the love of Jesus in the middle of everything and he can use you to save souls instead of applauding for their sin.
I have heard the speech of Crown Princess Victoria, Swedens future queen, where she showered the LGBTQ movement with smooth and wonderful words. About accepting "who they are". A perfect example of the political correctness disease spread in Sweden more widely than the corona, and its spiritually dangerous.
And it grieved me, not because she necessarely intented to do anything that is wrong, but because she didn't tell them the truth. I have always seen the Royal family in Sweden in one way as christians, but it looks like that is not what all of them are in practice. The truth is, that gay people( and many others in pride parades) are bound by sin, and only Jesus can set them free. The only way they and anyone can be who they are meant to be, is if they have put their lives in Jesus hands and given him their hearts. Like Dennis Jernigan and Richard Oostrum, both used to be gays until they met Jesus and real professing christians who prayed for and with them, and both are happily married to women. When you as a future queen of Sweden, choose to give in to the LGBTQ community not daring to say a word against them or where they need to go to be saved, just saying what the world wants you to say, its an ouch to Jesus heart. And he watches your every step! I will keep on praying for the Royal family, but I know Sweden is under God's judgement and I don't even believe Sweden will be called Sweden when this year ends. Already in the Bible God let countries where people in majority lost their moral compass, be taken over by other foregin countries, as a way to humble them.
Shortly written, if you put your heart in this world, you will loose your soul when you leave it, but if you put your heart in Jesus, no matter what happens on earth, you will spend eternity with him and while you are on earth you will win more souls in Jesus name! And you will be eternally rewarded.
Jesus said in Matthew 6:24: Noone can serve two masters, either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money".
Jesus also said in Matthew 7:13: Enter throught the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter throught it. But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few will find it.
He also said in Luke 6: 26:
Woe to you, when everyone speaks well of you, for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets.
And in Luke 6: 22-23, Jesus said: Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil because of the Son of Man. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. For that is how their ancestors treated the prophets.¨
By the grace and boldness in Jesus name, you can be an overcomer and get all the strenght boldness faith and supernatural love you need to be in Gods plan both on this earth and in eternity. He really loves you! please remember that! and that he is a holy God who stands for truth and justice.
Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless
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