Life is from God, Abortion is from Satan

                            CHILDRENS LIVES MATTER TOO

Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, I hope you have been having a blessed week with good memories to take with you,  to the rest of your lifes journey. Autumn has finally come to Sweden, so I enjoy the cold weather combined with mild sunshine. I look forward to see October with the beautiful colours that come with it. All from our precious creator Yeshua/Jesus, who created this world with his Heavenly father and the Holy Spirit.

I hope as many of you as possible, will give Jesus/Yeshua a chance  to bless your life and guide you to his purpose for it soon, if you haven't done it already, by accepting him in your hearts as Lord and Savior. He has defeated death and no matter how many other people leave you and reject you, he is still there, with your, forever. And he loves you very much, more than anybody else. Just go to him!
Tonight, I felt the Lord tell me to write another prolife blog post. So here it is.
I received Jesus/Yeshua in my heart, about 17 years ago. And I have always felt a special connection with children, and a special love for children, a gift God has told me comes from him, which is why I choose to believe it is true also. And I have talked alot with him about abortion, unborn children, pro choice and pro life issues. And heard the testimonies of other Christians too, like my african american brother Earth Quake Kelley.

And one thing I know for sure, after spending hours in front of God's throne every day for several years, and that is that God hates abortion.
He has a special plan for each child, and therefore Satan, the fallen Angel who only wants to hurt, destroy and kill, has found great joy influencing people with wicked hearts, behind organizations like Planned Parenthood and other left wing organizations who influence young girls and women into thinking abortion is okay, since it is HER body and HER choice. Some of them  are called RFSL and RFSU here in Sweden, where politicians dont even support freedom of concience for prolife midwifes. Because the men and women who lead this country, have turned their backs against Jesus, his word, his will and his values and have worked hard for over 40 years to stop Christianity to have any influences on Swedish society. Especially when speaking about children.
And make no mistake, a country where majority of people support this mass genocide called abortion, will one day or another get into God's curse and his judgements. Not just famines like Corona, but even ockupations from other countries, Sweden I believe is only months from being occupied by Russia. And God will allow some bad stuff happen, to humble nations with its people. As a warning,  that says he does not just let evil stuff happen without consequences. He can and will take part of his protection away from countries where many people proudly say we don't need God, we can do what we want and nothing will ever happen to us. And where Christians choose manfear as their leader, and refusing to do or say anything that could make people upset, including opposing abortion or warning about Islam. Where they don't care about the lost souls around them and they choose netflix instead of reading the bible and seeking Gods face in prayer.

Which is why both Christians and none Christians, have some repenting to do. Non Christians need to turn back to Jesus, humble themselves, get on their knees and ask him to forgive them and receive him in their hearts, so they also can go in to his plan for their lives, and Christians need to repent from being cowards and flee being the salt of the earth, and not care about lost souls because it brings them no comfort.
Satan hates children, and he knows which women to target with thoughts of abortion, because he knows which children have a divine calling over their lives. Who can win thousands if not millions of souls to Jesus, and speed the return of Jesus and Satans judgement.

I heard a prophecy from one of the prophets in Sid Roths I'ts supernatural, and he said that all children being made and born from now on are chosen. That means they will become Christians and Jesus will use them to save souls and lives. Which is why the right thing to do is to oppose the murder of the unborn, called abortion. We need them! we need soldiers in the army, men need wifes, children not yet sent here on earth  need mothers and fathers, and churches need leaders and helpers. And people need best friends and co workers. It breaks Jesus heart when unborn children are murdered, because they are treasures, unique ones with special callings.
Jesus can thought forgive from all sins, and heal from all trauma and wounds, if you have done one or more abortions, he can help you. But you must confess it as a sin and ask him to cleanse you and forgive you. 

I will end with a quote from the Bible. 
Jeremiah 1:4-5: The word of the Lord came to me saying: Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born I set you apart and appointed you a prophet to the nations.

Planned parenthood by the way, wanted to get rid of black people and other minority group people, why they started the organization. We ought to remember that too, and the fact that they keep late term abortion babies alive so they can be tortured to death and so the evil people in high positions can drink their blood. Trust me, Planned Parenthood is influenced by Satan himself and they do a lot of evil stuff they don't speak loudly about. They have an Agenda! and it is a wicked agenda. Now that you know, I hope you never will think the thought of supporting them. God sees all of us, and will hold us accountable for what we did on earth. You choose who your Lord is and will be in eternity, Jesus/Yeshua or Satan. Its up to you!
Take care and God bless/ Tanja


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