
Visar inlägg från september, 2020

Jesus is not to blame for the darkness caused by Satan

                               GOD IS LIGHT, SATAN IS DARKNESS, PERIOD Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, I don't know who you are, or why you decided to read this blog post, but I do know Yeshua(hebrew name for Jesus) loves you. And that he has a special plan for you. And he wants you to enter in to his plan to your life, throught him and his ultimate plan of redemption. By accepting him in to your heart as a Lord and Savior, and walking in spiritual relationship with him, heart to heart, God with human, person to person, loving father to child, Lord to servant. In obedience, trust, laughter and tears, in life and after this earthly life into eternity. God himself became a man so he could carry your sins on his shoulders, while hanging on the cross. So you could be forgiven and have your sins cleansed and enter into a relationship with God, the one who sent you here at first place. If you already are a Christian, like I am, I also hope you will keep on growing in your relat

Remember to keep your eyes on Jesus and eternity

                                                                  IT WILL BE A BUMBY ROAD- LOOK THROUGHT THE GLASSES OF ETERNITY Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been a happy one, and that you will have a wonderfull blessed weekend in the grace and peace of Gods mighty hand. I hope you who are not already in Jesus/Yeshuas family, one day soon will decide to join him, because he is the only salvation there is for our eternal souls. And unless you have a personal relationship with Jesus/Yeshua and he has personally told you that you will live a selected amount of years still on this earth( like I have) you don't know when your time is up. Which is why it is important to start thinking, where will you spend eternity? what will you say to God when you one day stand in front of his throne? in this dangerous world, anything could happen, and with Jesus you can feel his peace even when facing death, since he has overcome it. It is a relationship with your cre

Forgiveness is obedience

                        YOU MUST BE READY TO LEAVE THE JUDGEMENT TO GOD            Shalom! to all of my beloved blog followers!  I hope you all had a blessed week with more good memories to shine as lights at the darker times. And I hope all of you who haven't already done it, will let Jesus/Yeshua come into your life and be the central part of light in your hearts and thoughts, by asking him to come to your lives and be your Lord and Savior. Those of you who already are born again Christians, I hope you have been having more loving moments with Jesus/Yeshua when seeking his face in prayer, Worship, Bible reading and just heart to heart communicating. He wants a close relationship with us all, therefore it is important we take time with him on a daily basis. I have been filled with the holy spirit in daily basis for years while seeking God's face, and had important discussions with Jesus, God the Father and The Holy spirit for years. Sometimes we argue, sometimes we laugh, some