Forgiveness is obedience

                     YOU MUST BE READY TO LEAVE THE JUDGEMENT TO GOD           

Shalom! to all of my beloved blog followers!  I hope you all had a blessed week with more good memories to shine as lights at the darker times. And I hope all of you who haven't already done it, will let Jesus/Yeshua come into your life and be the central part of light in your hearts and thoughts, by asking him to come to your lives and be your Lord and Savior. Those of you who already are born again Christians, I hope you have been having more loving moments with Jesus/Yeshua when seeking his face in prayer, Worship, Bible reading and just heart to heart communicating. He wants a close relationship with us all, therefore it is important we take time with him on a daily basis. I have been filled with the holy spirit in daily basis for years while seeking God's face, and had important discussions with Jesus, God the Father and The Holy spirit for years. Sometimes we argue, sometimes we laugh, sometimes we have deep talks, sometimes just sharing our loves with eachother, he is not just God, he is a family member, a coach, teacher, prophet, guide,friend,  matchmaker, deliverer, healer and even my supreme boss. Thats called having a relationship. Which we are all meant to have with our creator. The only way to God the father, is throught Yeshua/Jesus, God the son. And with the guidance and power and presence of God the Holy spirit, that throught Jesus/Yeshua was sent to us as a gift, so we can together be in a relationship with eachother.

This time, I felt God want me to write about the importance of forgiveness.

There is a lot of sad stuff happening in this world, and that means people get hurt by other people on a daily basis. You more sensitive you are, you more wounds you already have unhealed in your heart, the easier it is to get bitter when someone says something to you or does do something to you that makes you sad, which is forgiveness is very important. To harvest unforgiveness in your heart, is walking in disobedience to Gods word,  and making sure you are chained to the pain caused by the other person and the evil spirits have a open door to torment you with the memories, and steal your peace from you.

I speak of personal experience. I have High functioning Autism, and have always been a sensitive person. And I grew up with 3 siblings, two sisters and a younger brother, and a diabetic father who behaved in a unpredictable way when having low blood sugars. I was bullied in school because  I was different, and had a lot of nasty fights with my younger brother at home. My whole life I have lived in a country, where I have felt like an alien, like nobody wanted me anywhere, not in school,not in all churches, and not in workplaces either. If it wasnt for my christian parents, my lovely family in Finland, or interventions from God in different ways, showing prophetic stuff about my future, unforgiveness would have led to my suicide. I used to hate the people who bullied me in school, my brother, even myself. But since age 13 when God lead me to a bible school, where I met other christians, he has helped me throught tough times. And one of the first things I heard God clearly say when I was in my late teens i think, and went to the church of my early teens, was to forgive the girl who made my school a hell. Her name was and still is Hanna. She was the main one, the leader of the girl bullies, but later on I also felt Gods will to forgive others, boys and girls that made me wish I was dead before I was even 16.

When I grew in my sprit, and came closer to Jesus, I always felt that when I was angry at someone, it blocked my peace with God and my prayer life, which is why I say aloud every night before bed time, I have forgiven all who offended me. And it made me depressed. Throughtout my childhood my family members heard my complaints about the bullies, and I refused to let them talk to the teachers, because it would make everything worse. But now, when I also read the bible more often, I know how important forgiveness is, why I will keep on forgiving no matter what happens.

You must understand,you can loose your soul if you dont forgive! but you can also get God's help to forgive, the same help he gave me, he let me see the bullies saved and filled with the holy sprit, as new creatons in his inage.God doesn't want anyone go to hell, he wants to save! but we must want to cooperate with him. Give him the judgement. He wont let the offenders get away with it, they either repent and be saved here, after feeling the weight of their sin, or they will be lost. Its their choice. Just like it is yours. If you let Jesus in your heart as Lord and savior, and to forgive your offenders, he will forgive you. He wants us to walk in obedience to his word, so make sure you listen to and read  your Bible. You will fall, and you will go to the cross time to time and get cleansed, but God sees what you want, and your intentions, by his mercy we can all be saved.

Jesus said this in Matthew 6:14-15: For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your Heavenly father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

And it is written in 1th John 1:9: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Unforgiveness is disobedience, and disobedience is sin, which is why I urge you all to be careful so you wont be snared by the snake of bitterness. Just give your burdens to Jesus!  Cry and forgive( gråt och förlåt) is what is important. You dont need to have a relationship with someone who hurts you all the time, but you do need to forgive so Jesus can heal you. Jesus loves you!

Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless/ Tanja


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