To accept Yeshua/Jesus in my heart was a personal choice


Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, I hope your week has been blessed with more happy memories to take with you to the journey of life, and that the following week will be blessed also. You who are Christians/Messianic jews, I hope you have spent time seeking Jesus/Yeshuas face in prayer, and reading and or listening to his word, and got filled with the holy spirit, taking care of your relationship with him. Jesus/Yeshua wants to be your Lord also, not only your savior. I must warn you against the false teachings, where the pastors/priests/bishops/prophets say you can be your own Lord, and live as you please, because you are saved by grace. Thats not Biblical, because when you say you want to follow Jesus/Yeshua he expects you to honour your commitment by always be willing to do what he wants, listen to what he says, and stop doing what he wants you to stop doing. Because he loves you, and you can really never be what he planned you to be, if you have one foot left in the world, and the other one in his Kingdom. 

The world praises yoga and other spiritual adultery mixing of faiths, Jesus doesn't want you to be a part of that. Yoga is connected to Hinduism, and Hinduism is a gate to evil spirits so many Hindus fear and try to please, so obviously from the Kingdom of Darkness.

The world screams abortion is okay, because it is womans choice to HER body..and that the unborn child is only a fetus or a clump of cells. But the Lord says it is murder to kill children, already at prophet Jeremiahs time children where sacrificed to Baal, and that broke God's heart. Shedding innocent blood is strongly against Gods will. The ones who have been involved in it, has to go to Christ and ask him to forgive them, after confessing it as a sin. Only throught the blood of Jesus, can the filth of sin be washed away. And he can heal the wounds connected to the trauma of abortion experienced by women and young girls. But the sin must be confessed as a sin without excuses. 

The world says its okay to have sex out of wedlock, and to have as many partners you like, if it "makes you happy" but God intended marriage to be a holy covenant between a man and a woman, and sex is intended to be within marriage. Only a married couple can have their relationship blessed by God. If the couple really are willing to serve Jesus within it and walk in obedience.

You might ask, how do I know all this? the answer is, because since the age of 19, I have been a follower of Jesus Christ, in hebrew Called Yeshua Hamaschiach. I must admit I didn't know enough at that age, to really understand everything God was going to ask of me as a part of the packade, but Jesus was knocking loudly in to the door of my heart, in a intense way really longing to get in, so I confessed him as my Lord and got baptised in my bath tub. And despite the trials and persecutions, being seen as an alien in a majority atheistic world, and being under regular spiritual attacks from the enemy since even before I decided to follow Jesus, I have not regretted it. I am now 17 years in Christ, and still growing.

When we become Christians/Messianic jews, a new journey begins. A process of growing in  your relationship with your creator and Lord starts, how much you grow in how long time, depends how much you walk in obedience and how much time you spend with God, and how long it takes for you to get delivered from evil spirits you have let in before Jesus/Yeshua came in to your heart. I was born in a Christian home, but my ancestors had let in all kinds of spirits to influence future generations, including me, why I already in the womb where under demonic influence.  And since I was bullied in school, and nobody knew I had Asperger, I used to be a bitter person who hated a lot. And saw far to many horror movies at far to young age, with friends, without my parents knowing it. So it has been taken me years to get rid of different layers of fear, rejection and other stuff I will not share, connected to a life outside God's will.

Nobody is perfect immediately, it is a process, like being born, the young Christians do mistakes the old don't do and the other way around. I am happy we are saved by grace, because I was no more perfect than others and in desperate need of it. I still am. And Always will be.

Its also a journey where you slowly but steadily surrender your will totally to God's will. From time to time your own self shows up and says But I want this!! and God will say the opposite: But I want that! and I am your Lord! and you need to put Gods' will first and submit. He knows what is best in the end.

In Sweden there are prejudices against Christian and children born to Christian homes, they automatically think that all kids who grow up in Christian homes become Christians because their parents are Christians. But that is not biblical, to be saved you have to make your own personal choice to follow Jesus, have your personal relationship with Jesus, pray your personal prayers, and have personal talks with him. 

Througt the years I have seen prophetic visions and dreams of Jesus and his angels, felt the power of the holy spirit when others prayed for me in different churches, and heard God speak to me, encouraging, correcting, teaching, healing ad scolding. But still all in love. I have heard numerous testimonies of other people in series like Sid Roths Its supernatural, and felt Gods presence in beautiful music by musicians like Terry McAlmon and Michael W Smith. I found the most blessed church to be a part of, called Herrens Vingård and enjoyed God's presence in Israel prayer nights.

Therefore, I just know, I will never go back to the old me, and I pray that whoever you are who read this, will not run away when you hear about Jesus, he has a special plan for all of you and is the only way truth and the life. And he payed the price of your sins on the cross so you can be saved and be in a loving relationship with your God and savior, creater of your soul.

I will end with something I felt God wanted me to share. And it is from Matthew 11:28-30, where Jesus said: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless/ Tanja


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